The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

^ Yes, totally uneXpected, I'm actually rather sad, he was so young :waah: .

Strange that he killed himself (right?), I guess he was lonely, poor boy :waah: .
thank you for your kind words of help. but what gave you the idea that i am fat? :p of all the bad stuff, that is the only one where i win...

This particular comment was not specifically aimed at you. And it's not all thin and fat (black and white) you know. Both extremes are annoying.

If the matter of your own weight is to be brought up, I have no evidence to back up any argument except one or two pictures posted about on the forum, from which I would say you look just fine. By "fine" I mean that you seem to be neither obese or skeletal but rather healthy, in lack of a better word or a french-english dictionary at my side.

You probably already heard all this anyways and I doubt anything I say will change something except maybe bringing some small level of comforting or simply perpetuating the stereotype that people my age are still kids and don't know what they're talking about...
I bet one day RampageSword will find a girl, but she will leave him because after she asked him if she looks fat he said she looks healthy. :lol:
You probably already heard all this anyways and I doubt anything I say will change something except maybe bringing some small level of comforting or simply perpetuating the stereotype that people my age are still kids and don't know what they're talking about...


i do not think you talk like a little kid. as if i could say that, by the way. :lol:

every point you made was right, imo. the one thing you did miss is that being so-and-so does not imply one wants to be with a so-and-so guy/girl. i would not like to be with a guy i think of as less than 100 per cent TOP - even if other folks think him so-and-so, he has to be the best in my eyes. but i would lie if i said that what other folks think does not shape my own idea, on some level. i know i want a guy who looks good on my arm. i know this is stuff one tends to say about a girl, but you know, hard to say it with tiny ones. :)

So-and-so women also have more time to think (and worry about how they look) and thus improve their thinking capacities. So-and-so guys know how to appreciate that just as much, or even more, than a 36/24/36 body, which rarely comes with good thinking capacities.
So, a so-and-so guy would pick a so-and-so thinking girl over a 36/24/36 (thinking or not) girl, if he had the choice. Denial or hypocrisy?

Girls who are so-and-so don't have it that bad either. Why? Because of so-and-so guys. As you say, we have more time to think. The more we think, the more we value thinking.
I call that compromise.
You cannot believe how grateful I am for not being a so-and-so boy but an excellent looking genius.

ouch! i meant 'small'. a small kid. :)

Siren said:
So, a so-and-so guy would pick a so-and-so thinking girl over a 36/24/36 (thinking or not) girl, if he had the choice. Denial or hypocrisy?

you know, when a guy picks a woman, it's never her looks, it's never her brain, it's the fact that she is real hard-core (not only in the porn sense). and knows when to say "stay" and "go". think of our song!
Thank you very much for your praise, but I am pretty sure that you do not think any different of yourself.

I thought he was being sarcastic. Nonetheless, I'm sure its more like this:

Plintus -->:danceboy:
Matse --> :err:
Us --> :notworthy

Ok, that was just an excuse to use smilies I would never use in any other circumstance.

@Siren: I was planning on refuting what you wrote about a so-so guy's preference, but you're pretty much right. I don't think an average guy would consider any other aspects if a bombshell wanted to be with him. Its trouser biology. I'd prefer it to be otherwise, but I have little faith in the scope of consideration of an average guy when he is presented with anything desirable.
I bet one day RampageSword will find a girl, but she will leave him because after she asked him if she looks fat he said she looks healthy. :lol:

No, I would just say she's fat.

the one thing you did miss is that being so-and-so does not imply one wants to be with a so-and-so guy/girl. i would not like to be with a guy i think of as less than 100 per cent TOP

I wouldn't enjoy being with a girl I find so-and-so either. I was a bit vague on that point, I guess. Indeed, I will not intentionally seek average-looking women and avoid bombshells just because I consider myself so-and-so. What I meant is if I ever consider someone for a relationship, I will be looking for intellect as much as for good looks. So-and-so is also very relative. A woman that some might find very average or even not that great might look hotter than hell in my eyes simply because of her personality or character, I know this from experience. My appreciation of a woman's looks will take giant leaps, positive or negative, once I get to know her personality. But that's just me.

So, a so-and-so guy would pick a so-and-so thinking girl over a 36/24/36 (thinking or not) girl, if he had the choice. Denial or hypocrisy?
I call that compromise.

I know what you mean and I won't deny that our reproductive instincts always take over but our reproductive instincts don't push us to find a fit, good-looking, blonde, about 5'7", around 100 pounds, knows-all-position woman to copulate with. Our reproductive instincts push us to find a woman to copulate with.

Whether it becomes hypocrisy or denial is all a question of how our intellect, bombarded since age 5 with society's idea of "hot", influences our choice in women.
A woman that some might find very average or even not that great might look hotter than hell in my eyes simply because of her personality or character, I know this from experience.

i wish there would be more guys like you. but you never said i look hot. so you lie. :p
@siren: carla edit - just found the best line ever in one of her songs.

"T'es le Laurel de mon Hardy"

if i had to go by that, i could fall in love with a lot of people i know. :lol:
i wish there would be more guys like you. but you never said i look hot. so you lie. :p

I never say that kind of stuff on Internet. Internet isn't very good at fully demonstrating someone's character and thus it would be against my principles to insinuate that you are hot or ugly.

I can, however, say what you are apparently not. You are not a bombshell. You are not a disfigured living blob of flesh. You are not fat. You are not anorexic. You are not simple minded. You are not stupid. You are not black. You are not a toaster. There are many other things that you are not but I'll stop the list here.

For me to be able to say or at least express what I think someone is, I have to actually meet in person.