The new Leviathan & Xasthur...

Im not sure If you would enjoy the new Leviathan Spaffe. Its different from 10th level, but its more chaotic and faster at times as well. "Telepathic" is great but Xasthur's latest is even better I think. This is fucking crazy: 5, maybe 6 Xasthur releases in one year. So far this year from Xasthur Ive gotten- "A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors" CD, Tape, and T-Shirt, " Suicide in Dark Serenity" MLP and CD, " Telepathic with the Deceased" CD and 3x LP, "To Violate the Obvious" CD. Still to come is the Vinyl for Violate and a split with Leviathan and maybe another Full length. Malefic is going to give himself a heart attack.
BTW All who have yet to order Xasthur's latest- "To Violate the Obvious" it is now available through the man himself in the U.S. While your at it you can buy the CD release of Suicide in Dark Serenity. Email Malefic at:
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Im not sure If you would enjoy the new Leviathan Spaffe. Its different from 10th level, but its more chaotic and faster at times as well. "Telepathic" is great but Xasthur's latest is even better I think. This is fucking crazy: 5, maybe 6 Xasthur releases in one year. So far this year from Xasthur Ive gotten- "A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors" CD, Tape, and T-Shirt, " Suicide in Dark Serenity" MLP and CD, " Telepathic with the Deceased" CD and 3x LP, "To Violate the Obvious" CD. Still to come is the Vinyl for Violate and a split with Leviathan and maybe another Full length. Malefic is going to give himself a heart attack.

hehe that is not sane (yes both malefic and you ;))

perhaps i'll pick it up if some swedish distro gets it a decent price, and if i can dig up some mp3 clip somwhere
I caught this documentary at work last night, featuring Xasthur, Leviathan, and Striborg. Vunts all come off as genuine, which is all one could hope for. Striborg is somewhat of a goofball, but I'm sure he was roped and prodded to parade around in a cave with a cape on from the VICE crew. Malefic is socially adroit as hell, but seems like an honest enough soul. He lives in the next town over from me, should I go knock on every house with the address of "302" and invite him out for a beer? Wrest is the most interesting of the lot, but obviously suffers from some sort of childhood issue.

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Did you watch all three parts?

I saw them a few months back. I started watching as I thought it'd be good for a laugh but it ended up being more interesting than I would have imagined.

I still don't care about Xasthur.
I really enjoy The Funeral of Being by Xasthur.

I've had The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide by Leviathan for years and still don't have a solid opinion of it.

I fucking love Black One by Sunn O))), they were both a part of that.
Did you watch all three parts?

I saw them a few months back. I started watching as I thought it'd be good for a laugh but it ended up being more interesting than I would have imagined.

I still don't care about Xasthur.

Xasthur and Leviathan are two bands I NEVER gave a fooq aboot. Actually giving both of their discographies a gaze after seeing this documentary. The Tenth Level of SubCunnlingus was pretty good, albeit a little tiresome towards the end. Ironically, I never gave either vunts a chance based on interviews I read in zines back in the day. Malefic's whole "Boo hoo I hate everyone, please slit your wrists" schtick made my eyes roll, dude came off as someone who shouldve dropped $600 at Spearmint Rhino rather than on a bass geetar. After seeing this documentary, I gained new found respect for the socially maladroit lad. He could have easily been one of these outcasts who took his angst and ire out on the world in a spat of random mass violence, but instead channeled his energy elsewhere.

I too was going in expecting a lot of face palming, but was pleasantly surprised.
The latest is pretty damn killer.
