The News Thread

Yeah didn't he issue threats to people that voted for Trump and Clinton on his Facebook and rant about the military/prison-industrial complex?

Anyway, fucked up what happened but he'll rot in jail.

Edit: Funny thing, I had watched a video of a "free speech" rally which had a lot of libertarians and alt-right types and I remember a guy yelling about killing Jews and blacks and everyone else saying "this guy's not with us."

Turns out it was this cunt.
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There's an image floating around where he supposedly explicitly admitted to yelling racial slurs to make Trump supporters look bad at a protest, but I haven't seen it verified so it could be /pol/ bullshit for all I know
He was actually an atheist and Berniebro fwiw

I haven't read this, and can't seem to verify either.

But admittedly, I haven't read that he's a Christian either. I was mostly punning on his last name. That said, Nazism has a historically conflicted relationship with Christianity, usually advocating Christian values while not officially endorsing it. The vast majority of people in Germany in the 1930s were Christian, so it makes sense that Nazism as a political and cultural force viewed itself as amenable to Christianity, if it wanted ze support of ze Guhman people.

For my part, I view Nazism (historically speaking) as a Christian-friendly political system, and one that promoted Christian antipathy toward Jews.
The guy was a crazy edgelord so it's not like you can expect political coherence, he was also a neo-pagan and a metal fan, yet another act of senseless violence perpetrated by garbage NSBM
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I haven't read this, and can't seem to verify either.

But admittedly, I haven't read that he's a Christian either. I was mostly punning on his last name. That said, Nazism has a historically conflicted relationship with Christianity, usually advocating Christian values while not officially endorsing it. The vast majority of people in Germany in the 1930s were Christian, so it makes sense that Nazism as a political and cultural force viewed itself as amenable with Christianity, if it wanted ze support of ze Guhman people.

For my part, I view Nazism (historically speaking) as a Christian-friendly political system, and one that promoted Christian antipathy toward Jews.

He wasn't a Nazi though and I haven't seen anything where he claimed to be. He was a self-identified libertarian socialist nihilist (probably some other stuff as well). His stated motive in the protest where he gave Nazi salutes was to promote "true" freedom of speech.
He wasn't a Nazi though and I haven't seen anything where he claimed to be. He was a self-identified libertarian socialist nihilist (probably some other stuff as well). His stated motive in the protest where he gave Nazi salutes was to promote "true" freedom of speech.

I don't really care whether he claimed to be or not. If being allowed to sieg heil constitutes free speech, and he had no problem giving that salute, then I'm calling him a Nazi (or neo Nazi, whatever). If identity is obligatory and not selective (which is basically my entire beef with identity politics), then that means it doesn't matter whether he identifies as Nazi or not. What matters the role he performs.

If he has no problem with the salute, and even gives it, then he's a Nazi--or at the very least, a Nazi sympathizer. And in this case I can't say that there looks to be much difference.

"Libertarian socialist" he was a fucking confused twat in that case.

I believe Christian is actually his first name.

This archives a few of his posts:

No, his name was Jeremy Joseph Christian.
I like how the poor women who were being racially stereotyped just fucked off and didn't think that maybe the police might like to speak to them about the guys who got stabbed to protect their honour.
I don't really care whether he claimed to be or not. If being allowed to sieg heil constitutes free speech, and he had no problem giving that salute, then I'm calling him a Nazi (or neo Nazi, whatever). If identity is obligatory and not selective (which is basically my entire beef with identity politics), then that means it doesn't matter whether he identifies as Nazi or not. What matters the role he performs.

If he has no problem with the salute, and even gives it, then he's a Nazi--or at the very least, a Nazi sympathizer. And in this case I can't say that there looks to be much difference.

He did it in the context of both Trump supporters and ANTIFA yelling at him, with police guiding him away. He also explicitly claimed to not be a racist in his online postings. Further, he threatened to kill anyone that touched him including cops during the April protest, and in the stabbing the victims were not Muslim but in fact white guys intervening; from the evidence it seems more plausible that he was some kind of extreme troll's rights proponent and perhaps tried the self-defense/NAP argument if one of them touched him. There's literally no evidence of him actually supporting racist views except perhaps anti-Semitic ones (which were always in an anti-Zionist context).
He did it in the context of both Trump supporters and ANTIFA yelling at him, with police guiding him away. He also explicitly claimed to not be a racist in his online postings. Further, he threatened to kill anyone that touched him including cops during the April protest, and in the stabbing the victims were not Muslim but in fact white guys intervening; from the evidence it seems more plausible that he was some kind of extreme troll's rights proponent and perhaps tried the self-defense/NAP argument if one of them touched him. There's literally no evidence of him actually supporting racist views except perhaps anti-Semitic ones (which were always in an anti-Zionist context).

Eh, I'm sorry but the fact that he was directing his comments on the train toward Muslims based on appearance, and making assumptions as to their legal status... he was racist. That's the only plausible explanation that I see. Racists almost always claim to not be racist. I'll admit that he may not have been Christian though, or be identifiable as Christian in any significant way.

I mean, if a sieg heil is all it takes to label one a Nazi...

Ah, but here's the rub! Identity politics tells us there can be no such thing as a black Nazi. Obligatory identity (as opposed to selective) throws a wrench in a lot of the categories defined by identity politics.
No such thing as a black Nazi, but most assuredly there are black, brown and yellow Nazi sympathizers. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a commonly shared document among radical Islamists for example.

Anti-Semitism brings together the most unlikely of peoples.

But anyway I'm inclined to agree with @Einherjar86 here, he definitely seems to be a racist, especially stylistically of the more extreme elements within the alt-right. His Facebook rants are basically identical to tons of debates I've personally had with self-identifying alt-rightists.
Eh, I'm sorry but the fact that he was directing his comments on the train toward Muslims based on appearance, and making assumptions as to their legal status... he was racist. That's the only plausible explanation that I see. Racists almost always claim to not be racist. I'll admit that he may not have been Christian though, or be identifiable as Christian in any significant way.

Or he's an ideological troll.

Are you saying that perhaps he verbally ranted at two young Muslim women, who then left as the white guys perhaps accosted him in defence of the young women and then he stabbed them in self-defense?

If I were a betting man, that's where I'd put my money. Not saying it would be a legitimate self-defense case, of course. He's basically a militant version of the Fred Phelps clan, only instead of filing lawsuits against anyone that touches him, he kills them. He actively yelled at the Trump people in April and accused them of being the real racists, and said how he was the only person at the entire event that stood up for true freedom of speech. He probably sees himself as some kind of martyr for free expression.
No such thing as a black Nazi, but most assuredly there are black, brown and yellow Nazi sympathizers. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a commonly shared document among radical Islamists for example.

Anti-Semitism brings together the most unlikely of peoples.

But anyway I'm inclined to agree with @Einherjar86 here, he definitely seems to be a racist, especially stylistically of the more extreme elements within the alt-right. His Facebook rants are basically identical to tons of debates I've personally had with self-identifying alt-rightists.

Even if he is a racist, I'm saying that wasn't the primary motive but a means to an end. Obviously the Muslims weren't Jewish, the white guys stabbed probably weren't Jewish, etc. Saying racist things is the single easiest way to piss people off.
Calling him a troll diminishes the more likely reality that there are far more actual racist ideologues than ideological trolls out there, and that the behaviors of the ideological trolls are enabling the behaviors of actual ideologues. That's where I'd put my money.

But then, we're all speculating, and odds are that speculation is all we'll have in this case. Still, I think passionate ideologue is the most likely scenario.

Furthermore, I honestly don't see much difference between ideologues and ideological trolls of the J.J. Christian variety.