The News Thread

It's a shame they didn't kill more of your family. Just think, you'd be as rich as those fucking Jews you hate so much.
so Armenia is in a desert, right? :lol: fucking stupid idiot. I mean, does a day go by here where you dont prove just how much of a moron you really are?

And i dont hate jews, you inbred faggot. I hate zionists.

Armenia isn't a desert, but it's the rightful clay of the Turks who should have deposited your subhuman mongrel asses as far East as life can stand. Then the survivors can bow, kiss the feet of their superior Turkish masters, and say thanks for making them into a stronger and more successful race.
Less than the amount that gushed out of your great-grandfather's wife's.

She was drowned.

And i bet i can make your face gush blood heavier than your asshole does. Shit i wouldn't even hit you with a closed fist. One backhand and you would be out cold, you scrawny hook nosed balding faggot. I think you're just mad that your parents gifted you with such shit genetics.
She was drowned.

And i bet i can make your face gush blood heavier than your asshole does. Shit i wouldn't even hit you with a closed fist. One backhand and you would be out cold, you scrawny hook nosed balding faggot. I think you're just mad that your parents gifted you with such shit genetics.

I'm sure you could. With a million weaklings culled by a nation of roaches, you're obviously of superior Armenian stock. I come from a privileged Anglo background and have had no such selective pressures in my bloodline.