The News Thread

Honestly though, i think he just might go away if we all stop responding to him.

And you wonder why he's going to be back here spamming the same articles and complaining about guns that look dangerous without understanding a thing or two about how firearms actually work? He is the average liberal pleb. He belongs on the jimmy kimmel show, not here.
Furthermore, the main reason they wanted everyone to have free access to guns back then was because they were afraid the British would come back for more after losing the War of Independence. Absolutely not fucking applicable anymore, and this horseshit 2nd Amendment costs thousands and thousands of lives a year.

Even though the current popular rhetoric is that Donald Trump is a fascist?

You're missing the point. Rifles they used in the 18th century weren't automatic behemoths capable of firing hundreds of rounds a second, therefore the danger of mass shootings by random lunatics or terrorists was far less.

As @HamburgerBoy stated previously, handguns take way more human lives in America. This is why you're a fear-monger, you use the scariest situations like mass shootings to push your agenda when, if you actually cared, you'd be waging an intellectual war against handgun ownership.

And you wonder why he's going to be back here spamming the same articles and complaining about guns that look dangerous without understanding a thing or two about how firearms actually work? He is the average liberal pleb. He belongs on the jimmy kimmel show, not here.

He's a typical corporatist-progressive Democrat imo but anyway you're correct, I'm hoping to coax him into some kind of reasonable discussion without his constant strawmanning, ad hominem and robotic posting.

I'll give up pretty fucking soon probably.
Try visiting a gun-free utopia, and you'll see that people DON'T FUCKING NEED handguns or rifles to be part of their daily lives at all, unless it's part of their job, like hunting (which I support if properly license and regulated). Hobbies don't take preference over societal safety.
Try visiting a gun-free utopia, and you'll see that people DON'T FUCKING NEED handguns or rifles to be part of their daily lives at all, unless it's part of their job, like hunting (which I support if properly license and regulated). Hobbies don't take preference over societal safety.

I live in Australia which has low gun violence rates and I own two firearms personally. I own them specifically because in the past I have had my home broken into and I plan to never be in such a defenseless position ever again. No such thing as a crime free utopia.

yes, i agree. But he's clearly one of those uneducated plebs that i told you about. "IT'S BIG, BLACK AND SCAAWWWYYY"

He just wants a police state by any means necessary. Typical Clintonoid piece of shit.
Given how UA looks down on manual labourers, this comment makes even more sense now:
Pistols make up the overwhelming majority of guns used to commit murders. People focus on rifles because they're big, scary, and more likely to be used against upper-middle class white people in headlines-grabbing mass shootings. Only a racist classist scumbag would propose banning rifles before handguns.

If free healthcare is a right, does that also mean free guns should be a thing?
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yes, the big and scary part is nothing new. It's what we've been saying for years. Which leads me back to my "they dont understand a thing or two about how firearms work" statement.

I bet if he were sitting here i can show him pictures of hunting rifles that he would probably call "FULLY AUTOMATIC MACHINE GUNS"
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Okay so I think I just stumbled upon why ISIS was brought up in relation to this Las Vegas mass shooter.
Apparently hours after the massacre, ISIS claimed responsibility, so my bad to anybody who already knew this. I was confused as to why ISIS was being brought up.

One article by FOX said:
Authorities have said Paddock has no links to international terrorist groups, despite ISIS claiming him as “a soldier” who converted to Islam months ago, The Associated Press reported.

Don't know how accurate that is. Also, apparently this guy was a multi-millionaire in real estate and the same week he committed the massacre, he put $100,000 into someone's account in the Philippines.

I can already see this one will be conspiracy fodder for some time.
The fact that you can turn your semi-auto into a full-auto with a simple, legal mod is pretty absurd.

The leaked pics of the room are pretty crazy. He still had shitloads of unused magazines stacked and ready.
Bump stocks dramatically reduce accuracy (as does even full auto otherwise). Of course, when 32 floors up firing into a packed crowd, accuracy doesn't really matter.
Yeah most people who haven't shot a fully automatic weapon will most likely put it down after their first squeeze. That motherfucker clearly knew what he was doing.

Is that what he used? I'm not very familiar with bump stocks, I know what they do obviously but beyond that.
Yeah i think they found a few in his room, don't really know the details though.
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...shooter was a left handed nut job proving the NRA's underlying message that it's just liberals who shouldn't own firearms. If you identify yourself as a liberal you should be permanently banned from owning firearms lol. steer clear of constitution talk with UA...he's a proven dipshit who's been so factually butt-fucking wrong that I'm sure he hasn't graduated high school. He already has a gun violence thread to spew yahoo statistics and misquote the constitution. Ps I went shooting this last weekend- sighted in my new .308 Saiga, I might like it better than my Springfield...?
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I got a bumpstock's the most erratic gun I own. Highly fun. Highly inaccurate- you can't get a decent grouping with nearly any bump stock...I'm surprised Ozz hasn't given the rundown on this...