The News Thread

Perhaps it wasn't him that brought it up, but if someone rags on the left for politicizing the tragedy and then proceeds to make baseless claims about the political leanings of the shooter then they are being a hypocrite. I could just be misinterpreting satirical hyperbole though.
He was a career government employee, a weirdo (exhibit A-just look at him), girlfriend from Philippines...seems pretty lefty. If this guy even slightly smelled of conservative the libs would be making all kinds of accusations. Conservatives usually make their values pretty known...with liberals it seems their core values change with current fads. Or he could just be a total nutcase, but its seeming like a disgruntled lib. It'll come out- he probably lost his job/career is my guess
Libs are going to make an anti-gun issue out of this, instead of an outpouring of support for the victims like they do for any country but ours...thus making their theatrical fits about not giving millions in aid to Puerto Rico look foolish...and this time the gun nut happens to not be right winger...see the irony?

is this substantiated by any credible source? If not, everything you've said thus far would be hypocritical as fuck.

This is why I asked what you were talking about @Nate Skalman, because I haven't heard anything remotely resembling confirmation of the shooter's politics.

But even if he is a registered democrat, what does that even fucking matter? Should we accuse all conservatives of being white supremacists because of the actions of Dylan Roof? The behaviors of these individuals aren't indicative of any rational political motivations; they're the twisted and incoherent machinations of extreme ideologies. It's pretty absurd to draw some kind of criticism against liberals purely on the basis that the shooter is a registered democrat (even if he is).
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He was a career government employee, a weirdo (exhibit A-just look at him), girlfriend from Philippines...seems pretty lefty. If this guy even slightly smelled of conservative the libs would be making all kinds of accusations. Conservatives usually make their values pretty known...with liberals it seems their core values change with current fads. Or he could just be a total nutcase, but its seeming like a disgruntled lib. It'll come out- he probably lost his job/career is my guess

I mean it could be very well that he's a lefty, but that can't be gleaned from being a weirdo, government employee, and having a "Philippine girlfriend". I think that much should be obvious to anyone who's worked in the government. If anything the fact that he shot up a country music concert would be the most indicative, but there's not enough merit on its own to say anything definitely. Regardless, the dude is a total nutcase and shouldn't be used as some sort of benchmark for either ideology.

The fact that you guys are so fiercely holding on to this claim as some sort vindication for how the liberal media hams up things is even more disheartening.
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These still have little to do with the liberal medias shift in priority from victims of a hurricane, to victims of a mass shooting...with different standards

This is just a symptom of the media as whole really. The conservative media is just as culpable for doing the same thing (i.e. suggesting the political leanings of a nutcase).
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Yeah the fact that there's nothing solid on his motivations, combined with the fact that he was apparently a very successful man, wealthy and probably quite intelligent (assuming the stuff about his business and poker savvy is true), points to an egomaniac at the end of his best years, going out in a bang. And I'm pretty sure the stuff about him being a registered Dem is false, it's based on some other Stephen Paddock that lived in Florida (wrong middle-initial).

But even if he is a registered democrat, what does that even fucking matter? Should we accuse all conservatives of being white supremacists because of the actions of Dylan Roof? The behaviors of these individuals aren't indicative of any rational political motivations; they're the twisted and incoherent machinations of extreme ideologies. It's pretty absurd to draw some kind of criticism against liberals purely on the basis that the shooter is a registered democrat (even if he is).

I seem to remember you painting broad brushes against anyone on the right at Charlottesville.
This is just a symptom of the media as whole really. The conservative media is just as culpable for doing the same thing (i.e. suggesting the political leanings of a nutcase).
yes but the problem is 95% of the media is liberal. NBC, ABC, CBS etc. So crying that the group that almost has no voice in the media(and the few outlets they do have are attacked and ridiculed everyday, on every show on every channel) makes no sense really.
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yes but the problem is 95% of the media is liberal. NBC, ABC, CBS etc. So crying that the group that almost has no voice in the media(and the few outlets they do have are attacked and ridiculed everyday, on every show on every channel) makes no sense really.

I mean that's a hardly a reliable figure, but I doubt politics are the reason why the media is entirely fucked. A think it has more to do with the fact that the media is completely bottom-line driven and yellow-journalism is the most profitable approach. Politics in the this case are any easy means to that end.
Perhaps it wasn't him that brought it up, but if someone rags on the left for politicizing the tragedy and then proceeds to make baseless claims about the political leanings of the shooter then they are being a hypocrite. I could just be misinterpreting satirical hyperbole though.

I was the one who talked shit to UA for trying to politicize the tragedy when not even a day had passed. Just wanted to clear up Nates name. And im also in the boat that does not really care what his political views where at this point. And from what i know he had no political affiliations.
MMM, yea everyone in attendance was scum, but at least one side wasn't spewing ant-semitic garbage and taking on a lynch-mob posture. Though I guess fighting free speech is just as despicable on a more conceptual level. Idk, shit was weird

So what? The other side was physically assaulting people with home made boo-boo flame throwers and shit jsut because they didnt like what they saw and heard.
Having been there with National Guard, the "right" in Charlottesville were scum. However, I'm sensible enough not to characterize conservatives as a large based of that.

All of them? I mean sure obviously some were, and I'll admit that some of them started shit and that it wasn't only ANTIFA on that front. Counter-protesters had every right to be there and attack the ideas of neo-Nazis, but the Supreme Court (the liberal side at that) was on the side of protecting neo-Nazis marching through Skokie in the 70s and does not endorse the concept of "violent speech" in the way Einherjar and other lefties do.
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So what? The other side was physically assaulting people with home made boo-boo flame throwers and shit jsut because they didnt like what they saw and heard.

Dude, I said they were probably just as despicable for doing that. It's just that they took the far-rights bait. I believe they wanted the left to act a fool and are worse off as result (they attracted a radical pyschopath). Anyways, I don't know if gallivanting around a small-town with tikki torches is the most compelling way of exercising free speech in the first place. I'm p. sure you got your panties in a rustle over talk about the Armenian genocide. I'm sure you'd be willing to do a bid for punching some one who supported that.
All of them? I mean sure obviously some were, and I'll admit that some of them started shit and that it wasn't only ANTIFA on that front. Counter-protesters had every right to be there and attack the ideas of neo-Nazis, but the Supreme Court (the liberal side at that) was on the side of protecting neo-Nazis marching through Skokie in the 70s and does not endorse the concept of "violent speech" in the way Einherjar and other lefties do.

From what I saw, anyone with a half a brain didn't hang around too long. I know zero people from the area that even went downtown. It's a unfortunate that Charlottesville had to be the setting for all that bullshit.
Ein, I think you're being naive if you don't believe the "liberal" media would love this dude to be a Trump supporter. Should it be relevant, whatever party he does support? No but that isnt how this game works...
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