The News Thread

From what I saw, anyone with a half a brain didn't hang around too long. I know zero people from the area that even went downtown. It's a unfortunate that Charlottesville had to be the setting for all that bullshit.

It doesn't matter if the people that remained the following morning were low-IQ Kekistanis and Stormfronters, there is still plenty of footage showing that some of them (probably a majority) were there legally until the town rescinded their permit to protest (something which the ACLU is representing them over).

... every right to attack in which way? Physically assault others because they don't agree with them?

Learn to finish reading sentences before arguing against them.
Anyways, I don't know if gallivanting around a small-town with tikki torches is the most compelling way of exercising free speech in the first place. I'm p. sure you got your panties in a rustle over talk about the Armenian genocide. I'm sure you'd be willing to do a bid for punching some one who supported that.

Bitch i dont wear panties. Dont mistake me for one of the other guys here ;)

And what kind of a retarded comparison is that. I would punch someone if they did what? Walked around town saying they don't like Armenians? You clearly have no idea what i was mad about if that's what your implying. If you sit here and make fun of my people for getting slaughtered then i will knock your fucking block off, but that is not the same thing as saying FUCK ARMENIANS or FUCK JEWS.
Bitch i dont wear panties. Dont mistake me for one of the other guys here

And what kind of a retarded comparison is that. I would punch someone if they did what? Walked around town saying they don't like Armenians? You clearly have no idea what i was mad about if that's what your implying. If you sit here and make fun of my people for getting slaughtered then i will knock your fucking block off, but that is not the same thing as saying FUCK ARMENIANS or FUCK JEWS.

mmmm.... but clearly they would do that if it weren't outside the refuge of constitutional free speeches. I don't think they simply "don't like jews". I don't think you'd have this opinion if there were a group parading around with a militant posture saying the "don't like Armenians".
Bitch i dont wear panties. Dont mistake me for one of the other guys here ;)

And what kind of a retarded comparison is that. I would punch someone if they did what? Walked around town saying they don't like Armenians? You clearly have no idea what i was mad about if that's what your implying. If you sit here and make fun of my people for getting slaughtered then i will knock your fucking block off, but that is not the same thing as saying FUCK ARMENIANS or FUCK JEWS.

Neo-Nazis have the right to protest at Holocaust centers/museums. Would you not SMASH a Turk that protested at an Armenian genocide museum?
mmmm.... but clearly they would do that if it weren't outside the refuge of constitutional free speeches. I don't think they simply "don't like jews". I don't think you'd have this opinion if there were a group parading around with a militant posture saying the "don't like Armenians".

Dude i grew up in California, there were and still are a lot of groups that said "they dont like Armenians". I don't go around "smashing" them. But if you were someone like HBB and made fun of those people dying(not like he would ever have the balls to do that in any Armenians face) then yes, i will stomp you the fuck out.
Dude i grew up in California, there were and still are a lot of groups that said "they dont like Armenians". I don't go around "smashing" them. But if you were someone like HBB and made fun of those people dying(not like he would ever have the balls to do that in any Armenians face) then yes, i will stomp you the fuck out.

Do you respect the right of an Armenian genocide denier to express their opinion?

100% you did, you lying sack of shit. And like i said before, the speed in which you edit your posts is truly amazing.

Coming from some internet tough-guy that pretends to be hard at every moment. You're a barely-literate rantaholic. You misread my post and now can't admit it. If I did edit it, and as you've commented before, you've previously mentioned when I ninja-edit posts (usually elaborating on a point), so why didn't you this time? Answer: because I didn't edit shit, you went into rage mode like the dog-fight-breeder roidraging convicted criminal you are, and misread my post.
Coming from some internet tough-guy that pretends to be hard at every moment. You're a barely-literate rantaholic. You misread my post and now can't admit it. If I did edit it, and as you've commented before, you've previously mentioned when I ninja-edit posts (usually elaborating on a point), so why didn't you this time? Answer: because I didn't edit shit, you went into rage mode like the dog-fight-breeder roidraging convicted criminal you are, and misread my post.
:lol: you are more than welcome to come and find out just how tough i am, since you're not all that far away. Do you want to take me up on that offer?

Oh and the rage because i caught you in another one of your post-response edits. Lmfao!
I seem to remember you painting broad brushes against anyone on the right at Charlottesville.

My general sentiment about Charlottesville is that if a person of right-wing sentiment was there who didn't approve of white supremacism, then he or she should have promptly left the rally or begun counter-protesting.

If you're comfortable walking alongside white supremacists, then I'm doubtful of your values.

With regard to Dylan Roof, all I've ever done is ask why he doesn't count as a terrorist.

Ein, I think you're being naive if you don't believe the "liberal" media would love this dude to be a Trump supporter. Should it be relevant, whatever party he does support? No but that isnt how this game works...

I wasn't defending the media in my post. I was criticizing what I took to be the same myopia and ideological grandstanding coming from the opposing side. I think you'd also be naive to not believe that the conservative media would love the shooter to be a liberal. It's a great one-liner when we can chalk the other side's problems up to the actions of a fucking asshole, but it proves absolutely nothing.
Funny because you've carried yourself as an expert on breeding fighter dogs in the past.

I don't pretend to be a tough guy. I also don't pretend to not have a double standard when you frequently make racist and anti-Semitic comments, as well as trivializing the Holocaust (saying it was a good thing for the Jews), when what I said to allegedly offend you back in 2015 ("Sometimes people need a good genocide"; something you didn't even attack at the time btw) was to no effect any different.
My general sentiment about Charlottesville is that if a person of right-wing sentiment was there who didn't approve of white supremacism, then he or she should have promptly left the rally or begun counter-protesting.

If you're comfortable walking alongside white supremacists, then I'm doubtful of your values.

With regard to Dylan Roof, all I've ever done is ask why he doesn't count as a terrorist.

And if he or she didn't leave or join counter-protesters? You labeled the neutral militia types there as walking alongside white supremacists, even though many of them explicitly avoided the epicenters of violence and only watched and/or helped victims from the sidelines.

I do consider Roof to be a terrorist fwiw (I think it was rms that disagreed).

Another edit? :lol::lol: you're pathetic as fuck

Oh shit you caught me adding "flat", that totally changed my whole argument.