The News Thread

You think he'll let the dems bail him out? I think he might just step down if that's the case. They need to give McConnell the boot, not boehner ... but i dont know if that's possible.

If it comes to it, totally, but I don't think it will come to it. This story isn't really new. The hard-righters were yelling the same thing a couple of years back and all the pundits were speculating that Cantor would get the job. Bad blood between the right of the party and Boehner has existed since the Republicans got the majority in 2010. As far as he's concerned, I would imagine, it's more of the same. Why would he step down and thus accept a humiliating end to his political career?

There are perfectly legitimate arguments against letting in masses of people, that they behave like 'parasites' is not one that the evidence supports.

What evidence? This story blew up, what, a week ago? Give it time.

Ethnocentrists in the United States have forwarded similar arguments about immigrants since the mid-nineteenth century and it has yet to prove accurate.

The difference is that mid-nineteenth century America wasn't a welfare state and didn't have to compete with an international economy. I'm not necessarily anti-immigration btw, ideally I like to imagine that the concept of citizenship will become unnecessary and that a preponderance of hungry foreigners bring down wages and maximize productivity. The short-sighted consumerist middle class as well as leftist unionists wouldn't like that very much though.
so what do you guys think of the european refugee crisis?

It's big news over here. Lots of racists using it as an excuse to be racist as fuck and extreme lefties using it as an excuse to take the moral high ground and heap guilt onto anyone who says anything other than 'We should help all humans no matter what'. I have no idea what the solution is, but the reality is that there are way too many of these people and I'm sure that some of them are 'economic migrants' but there are also a shitload that are legitimately fleeing from war.
What evidence? This story blew up, what, a week ago? Give it time.

Immigration isn't anything new.

Studies in the UK and Europe show that on the whole immigrants put in more than they take out. It's hardly surprising that those willing to travel around the world are more intelligent and enterprising, and most come from societies in which no one expects the sort of 'hand outs' that people born in countries like the UK do.

There's evidence that large scale immigration can be mildly harmful for low skilled native workers but that's about it.

The only rational arguments against mass immigration concern things like integration into the host country and the impact upon the home country of the migrants.

My view on what we should be doing is more in line with this guy's than almost anything else I've heard in the media.
That's rich- the resident troll calling me a troll. pft
I'm not the one drowning every thread in anti-abotion crap.

Every day on the radio there's talk about africans/arabs trying to come to europe. Not a word about the most obvious solution. The Elephant in the living room - The obvious truth being ignored here - is that these people belong in USA.
So, to change the topic: What do all the board members think about the Islamic refugees flocking to European countries? All I have is what certain Facebook groups post and I don't know if anyone has first hand accounts.
Well, I am kinda following this, since I live in one of a few countries that don't want the quotas to go through, and Germany and France are trying to intimidate us - they say we will get less european money if we don't support the quotas. Edit: just now I've read they are not gonna do that, because our legislation does not allow this. Which is kinda obvious, but some people made fools of themselves and really fell down in my eyes.

The order of the day is solidarity. Most western countries are welcoming refugges with open arms. A lot of "smart" people I know are saying that these people are not worse than what the people we raise and we shouldn't be worried. Me, I don't have a huge problem with refugees, but I am concerned that we are setting a precedent.

Most or the refugees (80%-90% according to research) are economical refugees, males that are looking to settle. Now, I can see in a few years time them calling their whole family to Europe. Not to mention the numbers that are crossing the borders. One week ago, 5'000 refugees crossed the Serbian-Hungarian border in 24 hours. Hungarians are building a fence already.

Another thing I don't like is the behaviour of some of the refugees. I think they should act respectfully. Instead, some of them are tired of waiting a few hours for the bus and decide to walk on the motorway.

Oh, and the money. Germans are building houses for the refugees. Simple houses that look like shipping containers. ONE cost 160'000 €. And in some cases the state needs to pay the "rent" for the land they are on. Crazy amount of money is being pumped into the refugees, and we won't see them again.

The big question is - why don't we use the money to solve the problems in countries the refugees are fleeing from? We are either afraid of attacks/war, or some countries do not want to solve the problem for some reason.

So tl;dr - couple hunreds thousands refugees are not gonna destroy the Europe but we can't afford to accept insane amounts of refugees, and they are gonna come if EU is not gonna do something.
FYI: this thread is for miscellaneous topics that don't have their own thread. People are free to start new threads if a topic produces fruitful discussion, and Mike & I will be happy to move posts there.
It isn't even a "liberals" thing. It is a what fucking Muslims have you ever interacted with thing? What do you know about Islam outside of the horror stories that your Fox News feeds you?

The vast majority of Muslims are decent people just trying to get by like anyone else. Singling them out because of their religion (and knowing the reactionary nature of conservatism also their Middle Eastern background too) is fucking silly.
Well if Krig said "religion has no place in the 21st century" i'm sure no one would bat an eye. I think the most interesting aspect of the Syrian conflict is the lack of response for immigrants and disorder from their neighboring countries.
Well if Krig said "religion has no place in the 21st century" i'm sure no one would bat an eye. I think the most interesting aspect of the Syrian conflict is the lack of response for immigrants and disorder from their neighboring countries.

That's the problem. He didn't say "religion." He said "Islam."