The News Thread

i will not be posting in that thread and any news on abortion will be posted here.

im sorry but this isnt communist russia, you guys arent the ones who decide what's news and what isn't. If so, than please change the name of this thread.

If there's a thread better suited for a particular topic, it should be used. No different than when people asking for recommendations in the main forum get moved to Band Recommendations.
I have watched the videos, TB - not all of them, because I wouldn't waste my time. But I watched the first two and then one more later on (I did not watch the one you just posted, for honesty's sake). I've also read criticism about these videos. Why are they so much more authoritative in your opinion than other sources of purportedly reliable news? Because they adopt a particular stance whose common sense is undeniable? I fail to see the legitimacy in these videos.

Not a single reputable news station has called those videos fake ... instead some of them have tried avoiding the topic as much as they can, while a few left leaning ones have cried about it being edited, but the full ones are out there for everyone to see. Like i said in another post that seems to have been systematically deleted, they dump million of dollars in the democratic party ( ) and imo are one of their biggest weapons. They will defend that abortion factory at all costs and will just keep slinging the same ole "GOP = war on women". Funny thing is how they have all you guys blindly eating the shit right out of their hands. I know the left loves to advertise themselves as some kind of champions of womens rights, but they are far from it. That's one of their favorite fronts they put up and they sure know how to use it as a sharp edged sword. And how exactly do you fail to see the legitimacy in those videos? Because all that statement tells me is that you're either in clear denial, or did not watch said videos.

You should really check out some of the other videos too, including the one i posted yesterday and the one from a few weeks back with the chick from StemExpress.
Just as a heads up - if you're in favor of defunding them due to abortions and some absolute non-story about fetal tissue sales, you know that is fucking stupid on account of them not even receiving federal funding for abortions?

all you do is remove access to sexual and reproductive health services from people who need them

will no longer discuss it here - bring it over to the appropriate thread if necessary.
Spoken like a true liberal marionette. You mean they SAY they dont use any of the funding for abortions, right? Do you seriously believe that? Everyone knows they dump just about everything into killing unborn children. What the fuck do you think they're doing with the tens of millions of dollars that they are receiving? Buying mammogram machines(not a single one in any of their "clinics")?

Oh and i dont give a flying fuck where you decide to discuss this, as it is news and this is the news thread.
The facts simply are not on your side here.

If there's a thread better suited for a particular topic, it should be used. No different than when people asking for recommendations in the main forum get moved to Band Recommendations.

It's actually very different. It would be the equivalent of moving rec's out of a Recommendations Thread just because you don't like em.

Also, that other thread was clearly made in spite of me when the rabid pro-abortion guys here didnt want me to post in this thread anymore just because we don't share the same views.

The facts

Facts? :lol: Someone who is defending planned parenthood is trying to talk to me about facts? oh wow :lol:
Not a single reputable news station has called those videos fake ... instead some of them have tried avoiding the topic as much as they can, while a few left leaning ones have cried about it being edited, but the full ones are out there for everyone to see.

Yes, but the full videos actually refute the information as it is presented in the edited ones. Not only is this troublesome for legal reasons (deceptively altered evidence is worthless in a court of law), but it calls into question the veracity of the videos entirely. In one specific instance, the full videos revealed conversation purportedly about the sex of fetal tissue to be taken entirely out of context and reconstructed.

I don't understand why you're resistant to this evidence that the videos have been doctored. The New York Times, as well as other reputable sources, have covered this.

And how exactly do you fail to see the legitimacy in those videos? Because all that statement tells me is that you're either in clear denial, or did not watch said videos.

You seem to be suggesting that had I watched these videos - really watched them - and been of sound mind, then I would be effectively convinced of their authenticity. Why do you think this? Should I be experiencing some kind of emotional response with regard to the buying and selling of fetal tissue? Or is there some more, we might say, rational reason for my supposed clarity? What is it about these videos that is so convincing?

On a purely emotional level, I just don't have that much sympathy for unborn fetal tissue; so I wouldn't have an emotional response anyway. Now let's look at it from a legal perspective; Planned Parenthood has been accused of acting illegally. This is significant, but in any reasonable and legitimate trial the evidence has to be approved and deemed accurate (or at least unaltered so as to leave it as accurate as possible). In this specific case, studies have shown that the evidence was tampered with and that the original recordings effectively refute some of the information on the doctored versions.

So now I would ask: how can you expect me to take these videos seriously?
Facts? :lol: Someone who is defending planned parenthood is trying to talk to me about facts? oh wow :lol:

Can't that go both ways though, someone who is anti-abortion trying to talk to others about "facts"?

I'm neutral on this discussion you all have going on - but I'm not so out of touch on the subject to know that we all pull "news" or "facts" sometimes that fits our arguments. And, there are a gabillion sites out there that I choose not to visit because of the way they edit/put forth their "news" - sometimes blatantly slanted, sometimes slyly done.

I would say the same thing about politics and religion as well. Those subjects are ones you're going to be hard pressed to sway anyone away from their current beliefs, you know?

So that said, you can't be posting video after video, and then offer no context for why you're posting the video. At the same time, it gets really old if that's all you're posting and you clog up a thread with the same subject.

Again, nothing against you, your beliefs, your reason for posting it, etc. - just giving you my neutral feedback.
Yes, but the full videos actually refute the information as it is presented in the edited ones.

the original recordings effectively refute some of the information on the doctored versions.

Yeah, you clearly have not watched any of those full videos. I've seen every minute of every video and those statements are just not true. Maybe if you watched them for yourself you would stop eating whatever shit it is the left is feeding you. Like i said, the dems will do ANYTHING to keep one of their heaviest blades sharpened. And most of you guys will keep buying into the same ole bullshit they've been feeding you guys ... as mort once again proved. "BUT ITS A WAR ON WOMENZ!!" :lol: how many mammogram machines does PP have, mort?
I watched a TYT clip from last night and the host claimed PP gives referrals for women to get a mammogram done. So in essence PP is helping uninsured(poor) women get mammogram's by referall but not by their own hands. The host also claimed that they do breast exams but probably aren't as qualified as whatever a Booby-technician is called. Do you dispute these claims?

I just watched your latest video and I really don't know what it adds to any of the previous ones. Do you think there's some backsliding between PP-Abortion doctors and the research companies where PP is systemically ensuring poor people keep getting pregnant and thus they (PP) can keep making $ off these women?

Mort's chart is kind of silly anyways, at least in the financial discussion. It is services provided but not funding towards those services and I do not think I have seen a chart break down that way. I know that PP is funded over a billion dollars and it's about a 50/50 split between fundraising and federal handouts. Can't imagine abortions cost that much in relation to everything else they provide though.
Planned Parenthood doesn't provide mammograms at their clinics, but they do provide referrals, transportation to places that will give them, and helps provide low income patients with ways to pay for medical services such as them.

Your coup de grâce is a little bit weak there, pal, if you think somehow that PP not having mammography machines means they don't help women and are just an abortion factory.


@RMS, federal funding is not allowed to pay for abortion services. what the federal government is giving them is irrelevant in the discussion of abortion.
Yeah, you clearly have not watched any of those full videos. I've seen every minute of every video and those statements are just not true. Maybe if you watched them for yourself you would stop eating whatever shit it is the left is feeding you. Like i said, the dems will do ANYTHING to keep one of their heaviest blades sharpened.

You're right, I didn't watch the full videos. I read the transcripts; or rather, I read as much as was made available online by CMP. In several locations the interviewee contradicts the claims made by CMP. She even admits that Planned Parenthood sets itself up as a target for criticism due to the nature of their actions. Nowhere does she admit that Planned Parenthood accepts money for fetal tissue. All she admits to is charging for shipping. Which, as I've said, is expensive - it's like shipping an organ for transplant.
Can't that go both ways though, someone who is anti-abortion trying to talk to others about "facts"?

Well i try to base my posts in this thread off of facts, not opinions. PP chopped up and sold unborn babies. fact. PP has ZERO mammogram machines. fact. They're in the lefts pocket. Fact.

So that said, you can't be posting video after video, and then offer no context for why you're posting the video. At the same time, it gets really old if that's all you're posting and you clog up a thread with the same subject.

Offering no context as to why im posting said videos? What? Im posting those videos on the DAYS that they are released, even before some of the news sites have them posted. I'm posting them in response to some of the people here who keep consonantly being proven wrong but are in clear denial. And i RARELY post videos without any context ... this all goes a few days back when i posted a few memes after being accused of being a troll, by a troll. Outside of that, i have never clogged up this thread. I'm getting sick and tired coming out as the bad guy here just because a couple rabid posters dont agree with me.
Not one person on this board agrees with you on this topic. You get ALL of your 'facts' from conservative sources and haven't posted anything legitimate to support your arguments. I'm starting to think you're just a huge troll or something, seriously
Yeah, stand up for the rights of those unborn babies. defund those evil leftists. fuck women. who cares if they don't get necessary medical services. i hate them anyways.
Nowhere does she admit that Planned Parenthood accepts money for fetal tissue. All she admits to is charging for shipping.

Dude, did you not watch the first 20 second of that video from yesterday? Anyway, what you're saying has been proven wrong in just about every one of those videos, not just that one.

"a company that wants to give our organization money for the tissue is okay, I think that's a valid exchange and that that's okay"

fuck women.

oh dear gods :rolleyes: truly the definition of a left wing marionette. What do you tell the hundreds of thousands of women who are against funding PP? What about the millions of women who are anti-abortion? Are they also in on the "war against women"? :lol:

I'm not even going to bother with mathias, that guys about as dense as a piece of cardboard.
that they have no right to deprive their fellow women from essential services due to their personal morals

so yes

they are
Dude, did you not watch the first 20 second of that video from yesterday? Anyway, what you're saying has been proven wrong in just about every one of those videos, not just that one.

"a company that wants to give our organization money for the tissue is okay, I think that's a valid exchange and that that's okay"

Where's the prompt, TB??? Where's the question? What was she asked? Why don't they want their viewers to hear their questions?

Could it be because they asked her: "In a hypothetical situation, provided it wasn't illegal, do you think it would be ethically justified to sell fetal tissue?"

You have to be aware of how these quotes are released.