The News Thread

You tell em' Carly! Just completely eviscerated planned parenthood and their supporters.

lol Kasich is not one of the best candidates.

And i like what Cruz is saying most of the time, but he just seems so friggin fake .... and who the fuck can take someone with a face like that seriously?
Trump is hilarious, Cruz is pandering, not stupid. At least that is my guess. I'm considering a suspension of my no voting position just to help keep the Trump circus going. He's no worse than any of the other candidates (including both party's candidates) but much more entertaining.
You tell em' Carly! Just completely eviscerated planned parenthood and their supporters.

lol Kasich is not one of the best candidates.

And i like what Cruz is saying most of the time, but he just seems so friggin fake .... and who the fuck can take someone with a face like that seriously?

Kasich is the most realistic candidate to actually contend the democractic vote. He's not against gay marriage and he's not an idiot on the Iran deal. Who is your top candidate
I haven't been following the presidential race too closely, is Trump actually looking like a possibility?
He's been polling high, but most pundits and political commentators don't consider don't believe he'll get the nomination. They're probably right, however I think Trump has the potential to bring a lot of blue collar folks to the polls that don't normally vote and I do not believe the talking heads have taken into consideration.
I haven't been following the presidential race too closely, is Trump actually looking like a possibility?

Well he's leading the polls, but at the same time he has the highest "would never vote for" number amongst republicans. So as more candidates drop out, the worse it's going to get for him.

Last weeks National Review has a great article about his meteoric rise and almost guaranteed downfall titled Trump, By the Numbers . You should check it out.
He sure makes a debate interesting to watch I'll say that.

I think a big reason he's polling well, is he says what a lot of normal people think. He's very non PC, not the "same ol same ol" and frankly, a ton of people will vote for him just based on that.
Successful business people don't always stay in one business forever for whatever reason. You have to fail to succeed.

It's not common for someone considered a successful businessperson currently to have failed ventures in the past.

At least it's not a fucking snake politician this time and the country is already bankrupt so..

I'd like an example of these other successful businessmen that went bankrupt multiple times. Trump inherited daddy's business and spent his life fucking supermodels and playing celebrity.
Kasich is the most realistic candidate to actually contend the democractic vote. He's not against gay marriage and he's not an idiot on the Iran deal. Who is your top candidate

I wasn't going to answer just to make you go on another butt hurt tirade where you think i was ignoring you. ;)

I really don't have one, but i like lot of em, including Kasich. My top three would probably have to be Paul, Bush and Jindal.

And while i agree with a some of their views, i dont really like Rubio and Huckabee. As far as trump goes ... Yea sure, he's entertaining ... but i watch HBO and go to the movies for entertainment, not look for it in my politicians. I honestly dont want to see that man anywhere near a political podium.

Well that's a bit scary.

Not really. As i stated earlier, he really has no chance of winning the primaries with that many republicans saying they would never vote for him. I'm not worried one bit.
It certainly is amusing watching what happens when a candidate who doesn't need anyone else's funding runs. It's healthy in the way that it changes the climate, it must be upsetting a lot of the ultra elite.
The US is long past "bankrupt" in the business world, and there are multiple kinds of bankruptcies, and given the laws, can be shrewd tools. If you're going to attack the Donald, attack him for all the legit stuff.

On an otherwise routine July day, inside a laboratory at Duke University, two rhesus monkeys sat in separate rooms, each watching a computer screen that featured an image of a virtual arm in two-dimensional space. The monkeys' task was to guide the arm from the center of the screen to a target, and when they did so successfully, the researchers rewarded them with sips of juice.

But there was a twist. The monkeys were not provided with joysticks or any other devices that could manipulate the arm. Rather, they were relying on electrodes implanted in portions of their brains that influence movement. The electrodes were able to capture and transmit neural activity through a wired connection to the computers.

Making things even more interesting, the primates shared control over the digital limb. In one experiment, for example, one monkey could direct only horizontal actions, while the other guided just vertical motions. Yet the monkeys began to learn by association that a particular way of thinking resulted in the movement of the limb. After grasping this pattern of cause and effect, they kept up the behavior--joint thinking, essentially--that led the arm to the target and earned them juice.
The US is long past "bankrupt" in the business world, and there are multiple kinds of bankruptcies, and given the laws, can be shrewd tools. If you're going to attack the Donald, attack him for all the legit stuff.

It might be a "shrewd tool", but who pays for his use of that tool?
It might be a "shrewd tool", but who pays for his use of that tool?

The potentiality of non-payment-in-full is one of the reasons for interest rates, which the borrower pays (until they don't, obviously). Not all bankruptcies involve principle writeoffs either.

Debt restructures can involve payment plan changes and/or interest rate adjustments and/or principle writeoffs and/or lendee changes and/or lender changes and/or increased debt iirc.