The News Thread

God damn Ozz you are on the same Conservative facebook bullshit that my ex-Army brethren are on. Petition has 500 supporters, let's not waste our breath eh?
I googled it and didn't look at the link. I looked at a few others and the subject matter is the same.

In fact, it may have happened in the past and it's only getting more press because of the refugee thing.


Funny you say that though because I'm friends with a military guy who went to college with me and he did post something like that earlier.
Probably because they made an abortion thread for your stupid crap that you have no interest in discussing yet keep bringing up like something is changing DEAR GOD TB WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO US
Well, I am kinda following this, since I live in one of a few countries that don't want the quotas to go through, and Germany and France are trying to intimidate us - they say we will get less european money if we don't support the quotas. Edit: just now I've read they are not gonna do that, because our legislation does not allow this. Which is kinda obvious, but some people made fools of themselves and really fell down in my eyes.

The order of the day is solidarity. Most western countries are welcoming refugges with open arms. A lot of "smart" people I know are saying that these people are not worse than what the people we raise and we shouldn't be worried. Me, I don't have a huge problem with refugees, but I am concerned that we are setting a precedent.

Most or the refugees (80%-90% according to research) are economical refugees, males that are looking to settle. Now, I can see in a few years time them calling their whole family to Europe. Not to mention the numbers that are crossing the borders. One week ago, 5'000 refugees crossed the Serbian-Hungarian border in 24 hours. Hungarians are building a fence already.

Another thing I don't like is the behaviour of some of the refugees. I think they should act respectfully. Instead, some of them are tired of waiting a few hours for the bus and decide to walk on the motorway.

Oh, and the money. Germans are building houses for the refugees. Simple houses that look like shipping containers. ONE cost 160'000 €. And in some cases the state needs to pay the "rent" for the land they are on. Crazy amount of money is being pumped into the refugees, and we won't see them again.

The big question is - why don't we use the money to solve the problems in countries the refugees are fleeing from? We are either afraid of attacks/war, or some countries do not want to solve the problem for some reason.

So tl;dr - couple hunreds thousands refugees are not gonna destroy the Europe but we can't afford to accept insane amounts of refugees, and they are gonna come if EU is not gonna do something.
your country, along with other eastern europeans, are doing the right thing. keep those rats out and your bloodline pure. i know where i will be spending my future vacations and tourist money when the west becomes a shithole.

hey Ozz, what are the most influential anti-refugee facebook pages? i would like to join.
Same thing that's wrong with Christian zealots denying marriage licenses to gay couples because of "religious freedom."

It's funny how it's "Republicans"...until it's Democrats and then it's "Christians". Not saying you do this btw but just a general social media trend I have observed.
Center for Medical Progress releases 10th video...
i know it's kind of hard since a lot of you guys are in clear denial here, but it's still the fucking news. Reality hurts sometimes, deal with with it.

Tenth video, huh?

another useless liberal perspective said:
One clear way that talk radio and conservative cable do affect politics: repetition. Which they're really, really good at. If a story, allegation, or factoid gets sufficiently hammered on in the conservative media, over and over and day after day, it is almost inevitable that the mainstream press will pick it up, if only because it eventually becomes real news that the conservative media is making such heavy weather of the item. In many cases, the "Conservative commentators are charging that..." part then just drops off the item (if only because it's unsexy jot-and-tittle clutter compared to the charge itself), and the story takes on a life of its own.

^That, for the record, actually is pertinent to the concept of "news."

It's funny how it's "Republicans"...until it's Democrats and then it's "Christians". Not saying you do this btw but just a general social media trend I have observed.

Sorry, I don't follow.
Center for Medical Progress releases 10th video...
i know it's kind of hard since a lot of you guys are in clear denial here, but it's still the fucking news. Reality hurts sometimes, deal with with it.

Probably because they made an abortion thread for your stupid crap that you have no interest in discussing yet keep bringing up like something is changing DEAR GOD TB WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO US

Abortion stuff goes in the abortion thread. No more exceptions and anything will be moved pertaining to abortion to that thread.

EDIT: I did say a few pages back that videos were okay in the thread.
^That, for the record, actually is pertinent to the concept of "news."

Pretty much. The headlines for at least the last 5+ years have been the same:


"George Soros is bankrolling an invasion of Hispanics and Muslims to steal jobs, impose Sharia Law, and hide Obama's Muslim Birth Certificate!!!"


"Koch Family spending trillions to kill minorities, women, and non-race-cis-het-white-male-identifying-"humans" and take your constitutional right to party!!!!"

Sorry, I don't follow.

If Kim Davis were a Republican, the panoply of openly progressive news media outlets would be leading off with her political affiliation. Instead, they channel their inner Palin and claim any mention of it is an example of "gotcha media".
i will not be posting in that thread and any news on abortion will be posted here.

im sorry but this isnt communist russia, you guys arent the ones who decide what's news and what isn't. If so, than please change the name of this thread.
I have watched the videos, TB - not all of them, because I wouldn't waste my time. But I watched the first two and then one more later on (I did not watch the one you just posted, for honesty's sake). I've also read criticism about these videos. Why are they so much more authoritative in your opinion than other sources of purportedly reliable news? Because they adopt a particular stance whose common sense is undeniable? I fail to see the legitimacy in these videos.