The News Thread

The fact that you need to say "The fact that you need me to explain this says everything about you" says everything about you. You can't stand the possibility that the world might not be what you think it is, so you have to cast those who disagree with you as insane. It's an effective self-preservation strategy.
im not calling you insane sweetheart, just pointing out how inflated your head is and how stupid you(a know-it-all) usually sound when commenting on things you dont understand or seem to know jack shit about. But yeah, this is what usually happens when i crush you with logic and you dont have anything legitimate to respond with. I wonder how much longer it'll take before you snap and start calling me a bitch again :lol:
crush you with logic

Now that's funny.

I wonder how much longer it'll take before you snap and start calling me a bitch again :lol:

I just don’t see how any of that was justified from the information given.

Yeah it's almost like the story was revealed with maximally-favorable context towards the jogger.

You're giving the two dudes the power to identify a criminal, assess whether or not it's a felony and use lethal force to hold a supposed criminal. And then if the criminal resists, giving legal power to justify lethal self defense. To a fucking random idiotn on the street!

One of the guys was on the police force previously, wasn't he? Also, the law explicitly says it's illegal to use lethal force during a citizen's arrest. They only used it when the jogger started assaulting people.

Ignoring blatant daylight trespassing is a great way for your neighbourhood to go to shit.

This is the most important factor of all. Self-policing neighborhoods are a massive danger to governments whose power comes through mob-rule anarcho-tyranny, because they justify their existence through the presence of shitty neighborhoods.
One of the guys was on the police force previously, wasn't he? Also, the law explicitly says it's illegal to use lethal force during a citizen's arrest. They only used it when the jogger started assaulting people.

Yes the old man was ex police but the law doesn't only apply to former law enforcement.

Didn't the old man have a gun brandished when he came out the truck? Which is why the son went in the back got his shotgun?
Nothing was stolen from the construction site, as reported by the homeowner. Additionally, the homeowner was ninety miles away when the video was taken, which explicitly contradicts what local police told Arbery's mother.

This video is mostly a red herring. It establishes nothing other than that an as-yet-unidentified person was roaming an abandoned construction site, but has been used strategically to vilify Arbery. As far as the altercation between Arbery and the perpetrators goes, it's a man attempting to defend himself against armed assailants.

What we have is a situation in which two armed men who weren't law enforcement accosted an unarmed man who, as far as we know, committed no crime; and the unarmed man happened to fight back--likely because he feared for his life.
as-yet-unidentified person

gsdg.jpg fdg.jpg

Not saying it's not a possibility they're two different people but I think you're being optimistic here.

Nothing was stolen from the construction site, as reported by the homeowner.

Why do you think he calmly walked inside the house, was inside for a few minutes, and then suddenly ran full speed down the road? Does it have anything to do with maybe he noticed the guy across the road calling 911 on him? Seems disingenuous to me to refer to someone being caught trespassing (and potentially about to commit a crime) as having stolen nothing and having committed no crimes.

He was only chased in a truck to begin with because he fled down the street (not jogging, even though most articles are framing it that way bizarrely).

abandoned construction site

Abandoned? I thought it was an active construction site. You're saying it was abandoned?

As far as the altercation between Arbery and the perpetrators goes, it's a man attempting to defend himself against armed assailants.

The first gunshot wound was to Arbery's hand wasn't it? Doesn't it follow then that the order of physical interaction between the men goes; he reaches for a gun, gets shot through the hand, struggle ensues wherein he punches the man and tries to disarm him (visible in video), he gets shot twice.

That would then mean that the shooter was defending himself, not the other way around, no?
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Your self defense argument is the same as moral relativism for shitty cultural practices. The person with the gun engaged in a physical altercation, so it becomes self defense for him when it's convient?
Why do you think he calmly walked inside the house, was inside for a few minutes, and then suddenly ran full speed down the road? Does it have anything to do with maybe he noticed the guy across the road calling 911 on him? Seems disingenuous to me to refer to someone being caught trespassing (and potentially about to commit a crime) as having stolen nothing and having committed no crimes.

Or maybe he realized his heart rate was going down and he wanted to boost it. Or maybe he was afraid he was going to be late for something. Or maybe he just liked flipping from resting position to full sprint.

You're choosing the narrative you want, and telling yourself it couldn't be otherwise. But it could be a lot of things.

He was only chased in a truck to begin with because he fled down the street (not jogging, even though most articles are framing it that way bizarrely).

That's what he told people he was doing before he left. Doesn't seem bizarre to me.

Abandoned? I thought it was an active construction site. You're saying it was abandoned?

There wasn't anyone there at the time. That's what I meant.

The first gunshot wound was to Arbery's hand wasn't it? Doesn't it follow then that the order of physical interaction between the men goes; he reaches for a gun, gets shot through the hand, struggle ensues wherein he punches the man and tries to disarm him (visible in video), he gets shot twice.

That would then mean that the shooter was defending himself, not the other way around, no?

You're choosing when self-defense begins, and acting like rationality only goes one direction here. Maybe he already felt his life was in danger and so reached out to try and disarm his assailant. Maybe he had no intention of using the firearm on them; maybe he just wanted to get the gun away from them.

Point is, you're fictionalizing a story. There could be multiple explanations for why Arbery was acting this way that don't involve criminal behavior/intent (aside from the very minor infraction of trespassing on a construction site).
The law says that the jogger didn't need to steal anything, he only needed to enter the home with intent to steal in order to qualify as second-degree felony burglary. If they can demonstrate 1) he left after seeing the neighbor on the phone (which would probably be captured on camera), and 2) he had previously stolen something from a construction site (which seems to be alleged), then it would be pretty unreasonable to force the locals to assume he was there with purely innocuous intentions. But who knows, maybe they'll reexamine the clothing he was wearing and discover that he had electrical blueprints sewn into the hem.
yet-unidentified person
does this again prove that you're a sheep? yea, i think it does.

Or maybe he realized his heart rate was going down and he wanted to boost it. Or maybe he was afraid he was going to be late for something. Or maybe he just liked flipping from resting position to full sprint.
You're choosing the narrative you want, and telling yourself it couldn't be otherwise.

it's a man attempting to defend himself against armed assailants.
oh yeah by attacking a man and trying to take away his gun :rolleyes:. Like i said, stick to your usual armchair debates, not ones that are clearly foreign to you. You sound like a retarded fool.

Your self defense argument is the same as moral relativism for shitty cultural practices. The person with the gun engaged in a physical altercation, so it becomes self defense for him when it's convient?
the first person to get "physical" was aubrey you dimwits. In an open carry state someone can carry a shotgun and it doesnt give you the right to punch him or try to take it away. I think its hilarious that you guys are having trouble processing why a man would get shot when he punches and tries to wrestle away another mans gun. Especially in a situation where no laws had been broken yet.

All this is is the media trying to trial and lynch another white man and act as if this is something that normally happens when in reality there are far less black people in this country but far more white people who are killed by blacks. For example the black dude that shot the two elderly couple is barely going to get any news time because you know, its just wypeepo and who cares when that shit happens everyday to anyone who isnt a minority. But a black guy tries to punchout and take away a white mans gun and gets shot and all of a sudden it's the end of the world and you shills want to throw gas on the fire without even knowing the details just because the media keeps telling you to do so. you guys are truly the lowest of the low. truly despicable pieces of shits.

So you didn't even watch the vid?
signature rms confusion fusion, lol. i love it.
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37 seconds in. New footage of him loitering around at night in the same property going back to fucking OCTOBER, and reports from the owner that he had a number of things stolen over the months including fishing gear from the boat.

The modern day media is a far-left anti-white hate industry (and that includes all the "conservative" hacks like Shapiro, Saagar, etc). If it wasn't for the ample evidence that the owner himself had to obtain and provide, these guys just trying to defend their neighborhood would be fucked. This is why recording rights are frequently even more important than gun rights, because you can't defend yourself against a leftist media lynch mob with guns (unless you're willing to take one for the team).

In any just world, human garbage like Talcum X would get the Tom Metzger treatment and be sued into perpetual bankruptcy for their advocacy of violence against these men.
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To be fair, the mother (or aunt? seems like he has lived with multiple relatives and the media often refers to "the family" broadly) has said that the jogger would tell them that "He was going out for a jog". So there is the possibility that he had cultivated a reputation of a love for jogs in his family, who then mistakenly and genuinely believed him and then repeated that to the media (if being extremely generous to the family). If I were a burglar, declaring myself a jogger would be a great cover for scoping out neighborhoods to burglarize. Agree that his regular (jogging-atypical) clothes and his irregular jogging hours which range from the afternoon to after dark help destroy the narrative though.
does this again prove that you're a sheep? yea, i think it does.



oh yeah by attacking a man and trying to take away his gun :rolleyes:. Like i said, stick to your usual armchair debates, not ones that are clearly foreign to you. You sound like a retarded fool.

me TB, make big smart, no need thought, world simple. me genius.

That's what you sound like.
says the guy who thinks hes some sort of "critical thinker" while buying into everything the media feeds him like "he was just a jogger" or pretending that that it wasnt him in the surveillance videos. Bahahahha. So much criticalz thinkingz displayed there, lmfao. And then you top it off by dropping gems like "he was trying to get his heart rate up", "he was flipping from resting position to full sprint", etc :lol:
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