The News Thread

To be fair, the mother (or aunt? seems like he has lived with multiple relatives and the media often refers to "the family" broadly) has said that the jogger would tell them that "He was going out for a jog". So there is the possibility that he had cultivated a reputation of a love for jogs in his family, who then mistakenly and genuinely believed him and then repeated that to the media (if being extremely generous to the family). If I were a burglar, declaring myself a jogger would be a great cover for scoping out neighborhoods to burglarize. Agree that his regular (jogging-atypical) clothes and his irregular jogging hours which range from the afternoon to after dark help destroy the narrative though.
ive seen interviews from the mom and dad and im pretty sure both parents know he wasnt no damn jogger. They're just repeating what their lawyer told them to say.
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the first person to get "physical" was aubrey you dimwits. In an open carry state someone can carry a shotgun and it doesnt give you the right to punch him or try to take it away. I think its hilarious that you guys are having trouble processing why a man would get shot when he punches and tries to wrestle away another mans gun. Especially in a situation where no laws had been broken yet.
you're just totally ignoring the impact of seeing two dudes, one walking out of a truck with a handgun exposed, looking to fuck you up. I'm not confused why he got shot, I'm saying the law is bullshit that supposedly supports vigilante justice nor do I think you can just act like batman and then cry self defense when you fuck up

signature rms confusion fusion, lol. i love it.
the old guy had a hand gun ya fucking doofus. he shot (at) him like 3 times in the video

In an open carry state someone can carry a shotgun and it doesnt give you the right to punch him or try to take it awa


open carry or openly pointing a weapon at you?
you're just totally ignoring the impact of seeing two dudes, one walking out of a truck with a handgun exposed, looking to fuck you up.

im not ignoring anything you dunce, ive been in a few situations where dudee have rolled up with guns exposed. Attacking them like youre fucking "batman" is not what you do

open carry or openly pointing a weapon at you?
so yous aee a weapon being pointed at him in that screenshot? :lol:

Open carry stops being “legal” here when you point it at someone in a way that is considered threatening. (Turns to brandishing)

unsure of Georgia law ov corpse.
no one pointed a gun at him until after the fight started. Did any of you guys actually watch the video?
You can see him raise the gun as the jogger approaches him. Meaning, guy with gun sees gentle jogger run directly at him, raises gun to dissuade jogger from running into him, gentle jogger turns right for a moment, then gentle jogger turns back left and begins assaulting guy with gun.

Open carry stops being “legal” here when you point it at someone in a way that is considered threatening. (Turns to brandishing)

unsure of Georgia law ov corpse.

Google is telling me this:

"O.C.G.A. § 16-11-102 Pointing or aiming gun or pistol at another
A person is guilty of a misdemeanor when he intentionally and without legal justification points or aims a gun or pistol at another, whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded."

The whole case is going to hang on whether or not they had the right to perform a citizen's arrest.
im not ignoring anything you dunce, ive been in a few situations where dudee have rolled up with guns exposed. Attacking them like youre fucking "batman" is not what you do

The choice he made here is fucking irrelevant. If it's dumb, doesn't change shit. If its smart, doesn't change shit. The discussion is about the law protecting the father and son because some vigilante bullshit. And you acting like the dudes didn't even think about their gun until Arbery charged them is dishonest and or disillusion.

i dont see him pointing a gun at anyone. Not sure what you guys are looking at. You can even see the dad didnt even reach for his gun until after that dude started punching out his son.

by the time they are to the left of the truck , the dude has the gun out and has begun shooting. When do you think he began pointing it towards Arbery?

The whole case is going to hang on whether or not they had the right to perform a citizen's arrest.

and they're probably going to win because of it. that's why I asked you guys why the fuck you're cool with that garbage law?
I just realized that I had father and son backwards this whole time. Thought the father was the one driving and outside the truck.

In this video (make sure to pick 720p) the son appears to raise his shotgun at around the 7 sec mark, which corresponds to the cell phone recording changing. I'm guessing that the third guy recording ducked down because he was afraid of catching shot down-range. You can also see the jogger raise his left arm briefly around the same time that the shotgun is raised.
The choice he made here is fucking irrelevant. If it's dumb, doesn't change shit. If its smart, doesn't change shit. The discussion is about the law protecting the father and son because some vigilante bullshit. And you acting like the dudes didn't even think about their gun until Arbery charged them is dishonest and or disillusion.
What does "thinking of guns" even mean? Where they not supposed to "think of their guns" when making a citizens arrest? You acting like they automatically had it out to kill the dude is ignorant and mindnumbingly retarded. They even said they asked him to stop and that they wanted to talk. But yeah, fuck that hes a white dude who watches springer so why should we believe him ... instead well believe what the black "joggers" family, lawyers and the sharpton lynch mob have told us. :rolleyes:

by the time they are to the left of the truck, the dude has the gun out and has begun shooting. When do you think he began pointing it towards Arbery?
the dude father int he truck didnt shoot his gun you moron, the son with the shotgun which he had every right to carry was the one who shot him and that happened after he was attacked. Again, why are you always so lost and confused

and they're probably going to win because of it. that's why I asked you guys why the fuck you're cool with that garbage law?
Yes, im perfectly okay with people taking care of their own neighborhoods. And yes they should and will win. If i thought someone was committing a robbery in my neighborhood and wanted to get some answers only to be attacked and have some try and take my gun away then you better believe that he is going to get shot. If you had a gun and i tried to take it from you(regardless of the situation ... which we dont agree on), would you not shoot me? Anyone that say they wouldn't is delusional and belongs nowhere near this diuscussion
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You can't really see the gun directly at the angle, but you can see his elbow straighten out and him adopt a pose consistent with aiming a shotgun.
I just don’t know what you expect a black guy to do when he’s stopped by two white guys with a gun for “questioning” or what the fuck ever.

you say you lived around blacks and Mexicans throughout your life but you don’t act like it when you say that.
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Shit, I have to take it back. After freeze-framing step by step a few times more now I realize I'm not sure if the object I see being raised is the son's arm, the son's gun, or the jogger's left arm. What I was seeing was basically your first example above around 6 seconds then moving to an almost hunting-style posture, but now I'm not sure tbh.