The News Thread

Apparently the mother is now claiming the night jogger is not her son. A lot of people seem to be taking that as gospel truth. Tattoo seems like it could be a match to me, though there aren't any good-quality photos of his full left arm yet afaik.

looks to me like the same dude from the first construction site video.

That being said i didnt think the guy from the surveillance videos looked like the guy in the pictures, but i was wrong since it clearly matched up with the guy in the shooting video.

And what that lady says means absolutely nothign to me.

edit: And i might be wrong but is he wearing the same khaki shorts in those videos?
The videos all present a much more raggedy looking guy than the public good boy photos being shared around so it's hard to match them up, but comparing the footage of the killing to the surveillance footage they look the same to me. Even wearing the same clothing from what you can see.
I'm inferring based on what evidence we have, you're psychoanalyzing the guy based on the history of racism in America.

We're both psychoanalyzing. Would be great if Arbery were still alive and we could ask him. Too bad...

So did you happen to talk to Aubrey before he went "jogging" that day or are you just echoing what his lawyer and the media are feeding you? And did you miss the post from HBB where there were numerous videos that showed him trespassing .... where the property owners also said they had things stolen? Looks like the only person whos having things put into their mind here is you. Oh and CIG never said he was "trying to kill whities".

posting gifs when you have nothing to refute facts seems to be your go to move lately :lol:

It's my go-to move when unpacking your nonsense gets too exhausting.
Guess all we have is conjecture--and two assailants who shot someone for allegedly trespassing.

What makes it a garbage law?
how many times are you going to ask me to repeat what I've already stated? Why is a state actively encouraging regular citizens to know enough about the law to 1. diagnose a situation as well as a trained professional (law enforcement) and 2. legally justify lethal force in defense of 1.

Where they not supposed to "think of their guns" when making a citizens arrest?
You acting like they automatically had it out to kill the dude is ignorant and mindnumbingly retarded.
I hope you see the contradiction in these two quotes. By "thinking of their guns" when making a citizens arrest, they were clearly using firearms to enforce their citizens arrest, which is exactly my point. Two dudes actively brought, and intended to use their lethal weapons if they deemed necessary. For fucking trespassing.
instead well believe what the black "joggers" family, lawyers and the sharpton lynch mob have told us. :rolleyes:
who gives a fuck what either side has said? The case needs neither side's statement on anything.

If i thought someone was committing a robbery in my neighborhood and wanted to get some answers only to be attacked and have some try and take my gun away then you better believe that he is going to get shot. I

you didn't defend your shitty homeland nor this country, so quit acting like you would do anything, ever. You're a wack mother fucker who is scared to do what's necessary. Which is why you spend all your day talking tough to internet dwellers on a fucking obscure metal board.

If you had a gun and i tried to take it from you(regardless of the situation ... which we dont agree on), would you not shoot me?
Yes, and with this example you will hopefully understand the difference between self preservation and legality.

You're acting as if they rolled up on him from out the fucking shadows lmao.
Where the fuck do you think the truck was you dummy?
how many times are you going to ask me to repeat what I've already stated? Why is a state actively encouraging regular citizens to know enough about the law to 1. diagnose a situation as well as a trained professional (law enforcement) and 2. legally justify lethal force in defense of 1.


I hope you see the contradiction in these two quotes.

who gives a fuck what either side has said? The case needs neither side's statement on anything.

you didn't defend your shitty homeland nor this country, so quit acting like you would do anything, ever. You're a wack mother fucker who is scared to do what's necessary. Which is why you spend all your day talking tough to internet dwellers on a fucking obscure metal board.

Yes, and with this example you will hopefully understand the difference between self preservation and legality.

Where the fuck do you think the truck was you dummy?

Lmao, the amount of misinformation and retardation showcased in every one of those statements is hilarious. Only form you baby, only from you. I hope you never change, i love it.
how many times are you going to ask me to repeat what I've already stated? Why is a state actively encouraging regular citizens to know enough about the law to 1. diagnose a situation as well as a trained professional (law enforcement) and 2. legally justify lethal force in defense of 1.

1. The father is a trained professional (albeit retired)
2. It's far better for a citizen to prioritize their own safety (including that of their property) than worrying about legal retribution for self-defense
I think it would be a bit different; any perp that punches and grabs the gun of a cop is definitely getting shot, and the outrage isn't usually *this* high. If the white guys in the video were cops, and the truck was a police vehicle, and a burglar ran directly at them and tried attacking them, most would just say the jogger was crazy, with a bit of "He was unarmed! Shoulda used tazers first!" outrage from the usual suspects. This lynching narrative is being pushed by idpol communist leftists as well as boot-licking thin-blue-line Republican shills, because individuals exercising their power and rights over their neighborhood scares those in government.

But I agree that the outrage is basically all about race.

lmao Trump just went there.

For those that don't know, Joe Scarborough was once a congressman in Florida, and a young female aide turned up dead with a concussion on the back of her head in his office. The coroner said that she had a heart attack and just hit her head on a table corner, though the coroner had already been caught committing malpractice previously, and when the coroner died several years later it was discovered that his home was packed with all sorts of organs.
I think it would be a bit different; any perp that punches and grabs the gun of a cop is definitely getting shot, and the outrage isn't usually *this* high. If the white guys in the video were cops, and the truck was a police vehicle, and a burglar ran directly at them and tried attacking them, most would just say the jogger was crazy, with a bit of "He was unarmed! Shoulda used tazers first!" outrage from the usual suspects. This lynching narrative is being pushed by idpol communist leftists as well as boot-licking thin-blue-line Republican shills, because individuals exercising their power and rights over their neighborhood scares those in government.

But I agree that the outrage is basically all about race.
my point was that they usually grill any white person that shoots a black man, regardless of the cause. Cop shoots a black man and its the end of the world, especially if the cops white. White man shoot black man, PULL OUT DA PITCHFORKS. Black cops shoots black/white man? psshh who cares. Black person kills white person? Eh whatever. Yea, this whole thing is 100% about race and these spineless lackeys like rms, ein, krow etc who don't(or pretend not to) see it and actually encourage that type of behavior should truly be ashamed of themselves.
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Where the fuck do you think the truck was you dummy?

Not in the fucking shadows. You're going on about the impact of seeing two white dudes with guns in a truck, even though he ran towards them and started physically attacking them. What impact are you trying to refer to you dumbbell? They pulled up the road and waited for him, they were in full view for a good stretch and he didn't even consider turning and running the opposite direction, through some backyards and over fences, no he run straight at them lmfao.