The News Thread


So, I can take this moment to say: maybe they shouldn't have approached him with guns in the first place.

you say you lived around blacks and Mexicans throughout your life but you don’t act like it when you say that.
so i dont act like it by saying someone would shoot a black guy, a mexican guy, me or anyone else for trying to punch them out and disarm them? Lulz. You dont think this mentality actually comes from someone who has grown up around a hostile environment and been in situations like this? :lol: Me and just about every other person(especially minorities) you ask out here that has lived in the hood will tell you the same thing. The last thing i need is a fat fuck acid dropping white dude who has never even been in said situations or even had any give and take with anyone form the hood to tell me anything. Come to any gang banging neighborhood here and ask them if they would surprised that a guy would get shot for trying to attack some dudes(regardless of race) with a gun and see if you wont get laughed right out. And by the way most mexicans out here would have shot that guy without any questions asked for trespassing in their neighborhoods. but yeah, a country bumpkin like yourself obviously knew this amirite?

what you expect a black guy to do when he’s stopped by two white
Says it all. This proves that youre pretty much just pushing the race baiting shit that you've been fed your whole life. You dont think these guys would have approached a white dude who they thought was burglarizing their neighborhood in he same fashion? BUT ITS A WHITE VS BLACK THANG is all i hear from you faggots who always seem to have race on your mind. Try going out more instead of just chewing on shrooms in the backwoods. You might see not everything has to do with ethnicity and race.

plus youre a flip flopping faggot when it comes to when you think its okay for force to be used or whatnot. zero respect for spinless people like you
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"Says it all." "This proves..." "Obviously..."

You don't actually have anything to say, so you resort to "Clearly you're the piece of shit I always knew you were." Woof.
So, I can take this moment to say: maybe they shouldn't have approached him with guns in the first place.

... dat critical thiknigz doe :rofl:

but they did. Someone carrying a gun(which they're legally allowed to do) gives you the right to assault them? And even worse try to take their gun away? Yeah, next time a cop rolls up on me with a gun i guess i should just start punching him out. Or you know what, that even sounds like a good idea if its some gangster whos illegally carrying and trying to rob me at gunpoint. You guys are literally separated from reality. I dOnT KnOw BlAcKs WhIcH iS wHy iM iMpLyInG tHaT yOu DoNt tRy tO aSsAuLt aNd dIsArM sOmEoNe. Yeah, this whole conversation shows how some of you have never been outside of your little gated communities or backwood forests.

Where you at Lebron??


Or maybe he realized his heart rate was going down and he wanted to boost it. Or maybe he was afraid he was going to be late for something. Or maybe he just liked flipping from resting position to full sprint.

You're choosing the narrative you want, and telling yourself it couldn't be otherwise. But it could be a lot of things.

Could it be otherwise? Sure. A young guy trespassing could just be curious about construction and could have gone from walking to full speed running while wearing baggy khakis and a bandanna around his neck and this could be considered "going jogging." Just reeks of a fitness nerd's usual regime. I know you hate common sense but jesus christ.

That's what he told people he was doing before he left. Doesn't seem bizarre to me.

I'll take the video evidence over what he told his family. If I were going out looking for stuff to steal I wouldn't say "okay mum, going out stealing." That's assuming he even actually told anybody this and it isn't just a lie made up by the family so their dead loved one doesn't go to his grave perceived negatively by the world. "He woz a good boy" is a pretty common sentiment following one of these cases.

But hey, take his word over video evidence, you're definitely not engaging in narrative bias like you just accused me of.

There wasn't anyone there at the time. That's what I meant.

You should know what abandoned means. Is your home abandoned every time you leave it for work? Theft and vandalism of construction sites costs thousands of dollars per year, yet people think at best it's perfectly fine to trespass to take a look (a common thing apparently going by Twitter and Youtube reactions to this) or at worst it's okay to trespass as long as nothing was stolen.

This property isn't even comparable to some mall funded by a corporation and the local government, this is a house under construction where the owner felt it necessary to come out of pocket to set up security cameras. Gee I wonder why.

You're choosing when self-defense begins, and acting like rationality only goes one direction here. Maybe he already felt his life was in danger and so reached out to try and disarm his assailant. Maybe he had no intention of using the firearm on them; maybe he just wanted to get the gun away from them.

Point is, you're fictionalizing a story. There could be multiple explanations for why Arbery was acting this way that don't involve criminal behavior/intent (aside from the very minor infraction of trespassing on a construction site).

You see it as a minor infraction of trespassing, I see it as him being caught in the process of potentially stealing from it. It's not like he strolled around the site and then left as he arrived, he fucking FLED dummy.

And the only people fictionalizing the story are the ones saying he was an innocent jogger murdered for being black in a white hood. None of the details support this framing. Also I understand they rolled up with guns first, I'm talking about the beginning of actual physical interaction. As Tech already said, they were well within their rights to openly carry firearms, ya boy wasn't within his rights to try and disarm them.

you're just totally ignoring the impact of seeing two dudes, one walking out of a truck with a handgun exposed, looking to fuck you up. I'm not confused why he got shot, I'm saying the law is bullshit that supposedly supports vigilante justice nor do I think you can just act like batman and then cry self defense when you fuck up

You're acting as if they rolled up on him from out the fucking shadows lmao.

I just don’t know what you expect a black guy to do when he’s stopped by two white guys with a gun for “questioning” or what the fuck ever.

you say you lived around blacks and Mexicans throughout your life but you don’t act like it when you say that.

I know what I'd expect a guy caught trespassing and had 911 called on him would do as he flees down the road full speed only to be confronted by two armed citizens aware of trespassing in the area. Do anything he can to not get caught, especially because he had priors.

You're acting like this is Mississippi Burning.

So, I can take this moment to say: maybe they shouldn't have approached him with guns in the first place.


Yeah they should have tried to arrest a potential criminal a lot younger than them disarmed in a state that gives them full rights to be openly armed for their own safety. I know this is a oft repeated meme but you really do seem like a sheltered halfwit.
i have a bunch of friends who work construction jobs and they would absolutely beat the living shit out of someone if they caught them trying to steal from their worksite.

That being said i think this post deserves to be bumped up. I also like how the "but he waz just a jogga" crew didn't even bother responding to it.

37 seconds in. New footage of him loitering around at night in the same property going back to fucking OCTOBER, and reports from the owner that he had a number of things stolen over the months including fishing gear from the boat.

The modern day media is a far-left anti-white hate industry (and that includes all the "conservative" hacks like Shapiro, Saagar, etc). If it wasn't for the ample evidence that the owner himself had to obtain and provide, these guys just trying to defend their neighborhood would be fucked. This is why recording rights are frequently even more important than gun rights, because you can't defend yourself against a leftist media lynch mob with guns (unless you're willing to take one for the team).

In any just world, human garbage like Talcum X would get the Tom Metzger treatment and be sued into perpetual bankruptcy for their advocacy of violence against these men.

Kinda surprised how many previous Sanders supporters now admit that he is just a weak, spineless candidate, I thought most of them were too deep into the koolaid to ever admit it. It took Yang filing a lawsuit to get Sanders back on the NY ballot, Sanders himself couldn't even be bothered. No refunds
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View attachment 24739

Could it be otherwise? Sure. A young guy trespassing could just be curious about construction and could have gone from walking to full speed running while wearing baggy khakis and a bandanna around his neck and this could be considered "going jogging." Just reeks of a fitness nerd's usual regime. I know you hate common sense but jesus christ.

I'll take the video evidence over what he told his family. If I were going out looking for stuff to steal I wouldn't say "okay mum, going out stealing." That's assuming he even actually told anybody this and it isn't just a lie made up by the family so their dead loved one doesn't go to his grave perceived negatively by the world. "He woz a good boy" is a pretty common sentiment following one of these cases.

But hey, take his word over video evidence, you're definitely not engaging in narrative bias like you just accused me of.

You should know what abandoned means. Is your home abandoned every time you leave it for work? Theft and vandalism of construction sites costs thousands of dollars per year, yet people think at best it's perfectly fine to trespass to take a look (a common thing apparently going by Twitter and Youtube reactions to this) or at worst it's okay to trespass as long as nothing was stolen.

This property isn't even comparable to some mall funded by a corporation and the local government, this is a house under construction where the owner felt it necessary to come out of pocket to set up security cameras. Gee I wonder why.

You see it as a minor infraction of trespassing, I see it as him being caught in the process of potentially stealing from it. It's not like he strolled around the site and then left as he arrived, he fucking FLED dummy.

And the only people fictionalizing the story are the ones saying he was an innocent jogger murdered for being black in a white hood. None of the details support this framing. Also I understand they rolled up with guns first, I'm talking about the beginning of actual physical interaction. As Tech already said, they were well within their rights to openly carry firearms, ya boy wasn't within his rights to try and disarm them.

You're acting as if they rolled up on him from out the fucking shadows lmao.

I know what I'd expect a guy caught trespassing and had 911 called on him would do as he flees down the road full speed only to be confronted by two armed citizens aware of trespassing in the area. Do anything he can to not get caught, especially because he had priors.

You're acting like this is Mississippi Burning.

Yeah they should have tried to arrest a potential criminal a lot younger than them disarmed in a state that gives them full rights to be openly armed for their own safety. I know this is a oft repeated meme but you really do seem like a sheltered halfwit.

Waaaaaaaaaay too much bullshit here to reply to.

I'm definitely engaging in narrative bias, but I never resorted to calling you names.

It's easy to see Arbery's behavior and think it makes him look suspicious, but the truth is that black people have a lot of reasons to react to situations like this one very differently than white people do. It's funny how "rationality" is often defined along color lines.

And I know, I know. That makes me a racist! :rolleyes:

It's easy to see Arbery's behavior and think it makes him look suspicious, but the truth is that black people have a lot of reasons to react to situations like this one very differently than white people do. It's funny how "rationality" is often defined along color lines.

Love the way you put all these thoughts into this guy's head because you think it was racially motivated. Do you think Roots was replaying over in his head as he fled a construction site he was trespassing on, before he started punching an armed man? What the fuck are you on about dude?

Anyway if you're just going to dismiss my entire post as "bullshit" then this is pointless.
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but the truth is that black people have a lot of reasons to react to situations like this one very differently than white people do.
oh yeah especially when taking into consideration that black people kill far more white people than the other way around. :rolleyes:

the only reason race is a topic here is because of people like you. Like i said, you are a garbage human being and your mindset is venomous.
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Love the way you put all these thoughts into this guy's head because you think it was racially motivated. Do you think Roots was replaying over in his head as he fled a construction site he was trespassing on, before he started punching an armed man? What the fuck are you on about dude?

Anyway if you're just going to dismiss my entire post as "bullshit" then this is pointless.

You're putting thoughts into his head too--that he wanted to steal something, that he wanted to kill whities, that he wasn't just out for a jog. Stop acting like you're being objective.

oh yeah especially when taking into consideration that black people kill far more white people than the other way around. :rolleyes:

You're putting thoughts into his head too--that he wanted to steal something, that he wanted to kill whities, that he wasn't just out for a jog. Stop acting like you're being objective.

So did you happen to talk to Aubrey before he went "jogging" that day or are you just echoing what his lawyer and the media are feeding you? And did you miss the post from HBB where there were numerous videos that showed him trespassing .... where the property owners also said they had things stolen? Looks like the only person whos having things put into their mind here is you. Oh and CIG never said he was "trying to kill whities".

posting gifs when you have nothing to refute facts seems to be your go to move lately :lol:
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