The News Thread

... he was just looking for some 2x4's brah. :lol:


... our "critical thinker"
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... "muh black kid" :lol: there you go pulling the race card again. He died because he tried reaching for and taking another mans gun, not because of what color his skin is. I've already said numerous times that the same would have happened to me or any other person regardless of what color we are. The true racists are the ones who constantly have race on their minds at all times and inject it into every topic like you(who's also proven it in numerous other ways) and whoever that guy is that posted that. All you guys do is promote blind hate and point fingers at others just because of what color their skin is but yet sit there and think you guys are actually the righteous ones when in reality you guys are some of the biggest slime-bags in existence. The amount of ignorance one would have to have to go down that completely fake self-righteous route is TRULY fucking amazing.

YOU GUYZ THINKS A BLACK KID DEZERVEDZ TO DIE. Again, dat critical thinking of yours is just off da charts my man
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If taken to its logical conclusion it would mean no incident could ever be investigated. If they're black and dead, just assume they're innocent and move on (unless the killer is also black in which case sweep it under the rug).

Fucking retarded and anybody sharing low IQ shit like that should be thoroughly embarrassed.
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Don't understand what you mean by "liability of the state". If you believe in a representative democracy, and you believe that citizens vote to fund police *for the purpose of* reducing crime, then it seems reasonable that those who give the state its power (its citizens) would support citizen's arrest protections in order to also reduce crime.
The idea of a representative democracy is that you forego your powers and give responsibility to a small group of individuals. AKA THE FUCKING POLICE

I'm not going to hold your hand through a fucking video dude. Go watch it again. He doesn't get shot in the back.
didn't see his blood shirt before, nevermind
which is why you keep posting videos and trying to defend him by implying that he wasnt the aggressor.
My last reply was implying there was no reason to even shoot the dude. you can't follow a fucking thing. but i didn't see his shirt so disregard

:lol: you dont have to wish my man, if you're ever in Southern California we can definitely meet face to face and see who the bitch really is. All you'll end up being is another scar on my knuckles.
I don't go to your shitty fucking state because it sucks, but I'm glad to see you're so much of a coward you can't even leave one of the worst states in the country too. coward at all levels.

edits, nevermind on the new tangent.