The News Thread

Their goal is to piss enough people off world wide that eventually the hammer is brought down on them from all sides and Muslims are basically wiped clean from the earth. I'm not entirely sure I'm joking about this...

I mean, that might be what it's coming to. This shit can't continue.
Confirmed that the attackers were communicating in French. So much for that "refugees are gonna ruin the west" nonsense.

Holy fuck you're stupid.

I don't think many/anyone is saying it's the newly arrived Syrian refugees behind this, btw. Give them time.
maybe they were refugees from a previous wave. maybe they were children of refugees who grew up in france but were sick of their pathetic lives and wanted a bigger slice of pie.

the syrian refugees can easily become future terrorists, even if they are not terrorists yet. the hardcore terrorists have many avenues to reach out to them through social media and cause them to act. and they will be easy to convince because they will be tired of their shitty existence and just want to blow europeans up.
Id argue China in the South China Sea

Land disputes and territorial politics have been going on for years between China and Japan, though I agree that's likely the largest reason, but I seem to remember this all really beginning to happen after those Japanese citizens in some other country were killed and decapitated by Islamists.
As if other religions do this shit.

Putting incidents like this solely down to the religion of those that carry them out is daft anyway.

No countries passed any such bills after Charlie Hebdo so I doubt anything will change after this either.

The current UK government are pushing really hard for this, even though it's ridiculous and it's been criticized by nearly everyone with a brain. Events like this get the general public (i.e. a load of uninformed morons) riled up. I think they're going to push much harder in the coming weeks whilst many people are more receptive.

Isn't their goal to destroy the west and then re-establish the caliphate?

I don't like Spain (or maybe we should call it al-Andalus) anyway. They can have it.

The concrete goal of this attack is probably to scare France into ceasing their bombings of IS in Syria. I wouldn't be surprised if similar attacks happen in other partaking countries in the near future.

Their goal is to piss enough people off world wide that eventually the hammer is brought down on them from all sides and Muslims are basically wiped clean from the earth. I'm not entirely sure I'm joking about this...

The latter is closer to what some of the 'true believers' of the leadership seem to want; to drag the West into an apocalyptic conflict in the ME. I think a lot of them (the more Al-Qaeda like types) want to see the West dragged into a messy Vietnam/Iraq like conflict with 'boots on the ground' though.

Hopefully it only increases the bombing.

But it's not super effective and it leads to many more civilian casualties which means more refugees and more pissed off people.
It's daft if you actually want to make any kind of progress.

Though most of those that are shouting shit like that just seem to be using this whole thing as an excuse to berate 'liberals' or 'lefties'.

Kinda odd that they're generally so praising of 'the Kurds' (who are, of course, one great homogeneous group).
Both typical conservatives and leftists want to use episodes of mass violence to push agendas. So far none of the agendas look effective (gun control, bombing the ME, open borders, etc)
It scares me that so many people think a military response is the correct action. People don't know their past, so they don't learn from it. Western interference in Afghanistan and Iraq helped create the power vacuums in which Al Queda and ISIS ascended. Why do people think it will work out better this time?

And it's common sense to see that bombings from the West, with their massive number of civilian casualities, just give more youth a good reason to join terrorist organizations. If we condone acts that clearly kill civilians in their countries, we don't really have a justification for calling their acts barborous. They're just doing them same thing with a smaller military arsenal.
Well to expect France to not make a military effort is silly. They are exactly like us in their stances towards muslims, except I would say they are more prejudiced.

We aren't doing the same things. If you look at it at face value, civilian killings, then maybe, but that's misleading imo.

IS people embed themselves within their populace for protection, then when civilians get killed they blame it on those who bombed. I imagine there wasn't any intent from yesterday's killings to take out higher echelon people.
Let's be honest, it's not like ISIS is a huge organization and if NATO and EU would send decent number of ground units there, there would be no ISIS. We already support and supply countries that are at war with ISIS but it's clearly not enough. But politicians rather act like huge humanists and liberals and prioritize Syrians' safety over they own country.

It's ironic that democratic efforts will only lead to less democracy and more regulations and monitoring.
We aren't doing the same things. If you look at it at face value, civilian killings, then maybe, but that's misleading imo.

IS people embed themselves within their populace for protection, then when civilians get killed they blame it on those who bombed. I imagine there wasn't any intent from yesterday's killings to take out higher echelon people.

That's a fair distinction. However, our willingness to have such high civilian casualites, often with questionable or minimal intelligence to back up our actions, shows that our government/military does not value those civilians' lives. If I'm a youth in Syria or any of the countries we drone strike, I associate the US with the murder of innocent people, in many cases, including family members. What reason fo I have to not believe a terrorist organization who tells me the US is evil? All my experiences affirm that statement.

My point is, the more we get involved, the worse we make the situation. Our involvement in Afghanistan made things worse. The Iran-contra scandal made things worse. Our invasion in Iraq made things worse. Our toppeling of Libya's government made things worse. What sort of irrationality makes people think that Syria will be any different?
The alternative is to do nothing. To limit drone strikes to some sort of 99% chance of not killing civilian qualifier. I do not think that is the right answer.

The west can do nothing to "help" this situation. Protecting Israel makes Muslims in the middle east hate the West. Trying to kill "leaders" of radical groups will kill civilians due to the choices of their leaders. West's interest in Oil will make the lower populace blame their poverty on the West as their elite enjoy the spoils. It's a shit region filled with shit leadership. I hate hearing about it so much because it appears nothing good comes out of there. Destined to be shit.