The News Thread

The alternative is to do nothing. To limit drone strikes to some sort of 99% chance of not killing civilian qualifier. I do not think that is the right answer.

The west can do nothing to "help" this situation. Protecting Israel makes Muslims in the middle east hate the West. Trying to kill "leaders" of radical groups will kill civilians due to the choices of their leaders. West's interest in Oil will make the lower populace blame their poverty on the West as their elite enjoy the spoils. It's a shit region filled with shit leadership. I hate hearing about it so much because it appears nothing good comes out of there. Destined to be shit.

Best answer is to not get militarily involved. Build up a strong defense and homeland security and stop meddling in the affairs of soverign nations. (And that includes not supporting the the borderline apartheid state of Israel). Yes, it is a bad situation, but every single time we get involved, it gets worse. Doing nothing leaves the situation bad. Getting involved exasperates the situation. It's lesser of two shitty choices.
Doing nothing is going to make it worse long term too though. Leave their shitty countries to their own devices and the extremists are going to take more control of said countries. Then they'll force extremism onto their population, and grow their armies. They'll bide their time and get more organized. That cannot end well for us or their people. Not bombing now would turn into an all out war later.

It's probably going to turn into an all out war either way, though. Might as well keep the upper hand by staying on the offensive. Keep them contained as much as possible.
Diagree. It's less likely to become a war if we give them less fodder. First of all, these countries will never have the military strength to directly attack a military super power. Second of all, if we didn't get involved than leaders who I'll grant are fucked up tyrants, but were not religious terrorist fanaitics, like Husain and Gaddafi would still be in power. What's our objective in attacking Syria? Knock out Asaad and put in a puppet president who will be knocked out the second we end occupation? We've seen how that movie ends already. What exactly is the plan for how to make Syria more peaceful by invading? Please explain to me how it works, because I'm not seeing any reason to buy into this course of action.

And who in that political fuckpot are we trying to support? There is no real moderate party with any weight in Syria. We tried to fabricate one and it failed miserably. When we bombed ISIS, they retaliated against the Free Syrian Army, weakening it even more than it was before. Their soliders are defecting and the FSA is quickly becoming the third horse in a two horse race. It's a hopeless strategy and a waste of our tax dollars. So what are we supposed to do, side with Asaad, who we've claimed as an enemy all along? It's a no win situation and we have no viable ally, so the best solution is to stay the fuck out.
This is probably the one time cf and I agree. There are no remotely valid military options outside of "surgical strikes", and US/NATO intelligence/drone/specops programs have shown the surgical dexterity of a blind man with a bazooka and a chainsaw.

Furthermore, there's no legitimate foreign policy available - there are no "moderates" to support, and even if you could find them, there's no guarantee the arms stay with them.

But: generally speaking, Muslims are either current or highly probable (I didn't say certainly) future extremists. Doesn't take much to switch your interpretation of the Qu'ran. You can't kick out every Muslim in a given country, but you can refuse more. However, even this isn't a viable long term plan because of trends in birth rate differentials. If things stalemated geopolitically, just give it enough time and there would be nothing but Muslims left anyway. Cultures can die by change and/or through lack of biological replenishment, and western cultures have been headed in that direction for some decades now.
News over here is currently focusing on the one Australian girl that got shot and lived. Never mind all the people who actually died. Everyone is now changing their profile pic on FB to the colours of the French flag to 'show their support'. Ugh.

Other people like Angela Jolie are trying to appear more enlightened about the goings on in the world and asking why no-one is talking about the Beirut bombings, when the obvious answer is that Lebanon is not a western country and it's full of Muslims, isn't it? Not young people going to a rock gig. Why the hell would we care?

In all honesty the only thing I'm worried about is a slowly growing trend of indigenous Australians converting to Islam.

Is that even a thing? Why is that all you're worried about?

But: generally speaking, Muslims are either current or highly probable (I didn't say certainly) future extremists.

I don't think that's true at all, but the 'extremist minority' has definitely been exaggerated by the left. I think a lot of the hard left will be regretting the open arms approach with these Muslim migrants.
i think i hate people who do annoying shit like that on fb more than i hate islamic extremists, i should probably sort out my priorities

btw 147 students got shot in a kenyan university today, in case anyone cared
p.s. i have quite a few muslim friends from my time working for a pakistan-based magazine, and they're all more ethical and productive than any of you cunts
Second of all, if we didn't get involved than leaders who I'll grant are fucked up tyrants, but were not religious terrorist fanatics, like Husain and Gaddafi would still be in power.

What? I mean sure, but they sponsored religious terrorist fanatics so really what's the difference?

News over here is currently focusing on the one Australian girl that got shot and lived. Never mind all the people who actually died. Everyone is now changing their profile pic on FB to the colours of the French flag to 'show their support'. Ugh.

Other people like Angela Jolie are trying to appear more enlightened about the goings on in the world and asking why no-one is talking about the Beirut bombings, when the obvious answer is that Lebanon is not a western country and it's full of Muslims, isn't it? Not young people going to a rock gig. Why the hell would we care?

I personally care because of what France represents, they represent the freedom of the west, I care about all victims of terrorism and I keep up on world news, all the people saying "but what about the brown countries" are to me just spewing guilt over being ignorant, throwing France under the bus because they feel bad about not keeping up-to-date on world events.

I'm seeing a lot of it on my fb and it's cringe worthy, first they do the whole French flag/I stand with France thing then a few hours later they're moaning about media bias against non-western countries and then they're making edgy statements about France etc.

Morally bankrupt garbage tbh.

Is that even a thing? Why is that all you're worried about?

I care because I have first hand knowledge to just how easily indigenous youth could be radicalised, they already generally dislike whites and so I see the indigenous urban culture as a potential seedbed for this stuff.
p.s. i have quite a few muslim friends from my time working for a pakistan-based magazine, and they're all more ethical and productive than any of you cunts

Wrong, you cunt.

I have no shed tears for France or really Europe in a way. However, even a shithole like France is better than a shithole like Syria. Or wherever else Islam germinates.
I personally care because of what France represents, they represent the freedom of the west, I care about all victims of terrorism and I keep up on world news, all the people saying "but what about the brown countries" are to me just spewing guilt over being ignorant, throwing France under the bus because they feel bad about not keeping up-to-date on world events.

I'm seeing a lot of it on my fb and it's cringe worthy, first they do the whole French flag/I stand with France thing then a few hours later they're moaning about media bias against non-western countries and then they're making edgy statements about France etc.

Morally bankrupt garbage tbh.

Agreed. I'm having this exact argument with one of my hard leftie mates on there right now. If you were so outraged by all the other shit going on in the world recently, why are you only mentioning it now? Oh that's right, it's because you saw some jpeg today and decided to get on your moral high horse. Heaping guilt onto your mates can just fuck right off.

I care because I have first hand knowledge to just how easily indigenous youth could be radicalised, they already generally dislike whites and so I see the indigenous urban culture as a potential seedbed for this stuff.

Sure, but something that might happen seems like an odd thing to be all that you're worried about.
Shouldn't the focus be on minimizing the gigantic population in the Middle East before one worries about <1% populations in non-Asian countries? I mean, you said it yourself that they are a population of "highly probable" extremists to be.
Agreed. I'm having this exact argument with one of my hard leftie mates on there right now. If you were so outraged by all the other shit going on in the world recently, why are you only mentioning it now? Oh that's right, it's because you saw some jpeg today and decided to get on your moral high horse. Heaping guilt onto your mates can just fuck right off.

It really is ironic that it takes a massive attack on France for these people to say they care about Lebanon and Yemen.

Sure, but something that might happen seems like an odd thing to be all that you're worried about.

Well no, I think worrying about what hasn't happened yet is a fine thing to do, the reason it's the only thing I'm worried about is because everything else that has happened has been very far away from me, so it doesn't worry me in any immediate sense I guess.
The fact that in such a short period of time, Muslims now make up around 1% of the indigenous Australian population and we also have a spike in teens being radicalised in Australia and then leaving to join IS is not a mixture I like.

And I guess I especially worry because it's becoming a corruption of everything I personally understand about my own culture, indigenous Australians are already falling apart culturally as it is.

p.s. i have quite a few muslim friends from my time working for a pakistan-based magazine, and they're all more ethical and productive than any of you cunts


Going out of your way to drop the I know ethical Muslims comment really makes them all look good.
one of the perps was confirmed to be a french citizen born in france ...then i saw his name... and he's a fucking arab lol

and at least 2 others were syrians that came through greece. surprise surprise

Going out of your way to drop the I know ethical Muslims comment really makes them all look good.

uh i'm really not the one acting like all muslims are a certain way. twas a perfectly reasonable counter-argument to the absurd generalisations being spouted here. obviously, like anyone with a modicum of intelligence or decency, i have no opinion on muslims as a whole due to that religion encompassing a diverse range of human beings, some of whom are far more deserving of compassion than others.
What? I mean sure, but they sponsored religious terrorist fanatics so really what's the difference?

For the most part, they kept terrorist organizations out of power. Dictators don't like rebel groups. That's a threat to their power. Granted, it's likely Hussein supported rebels in neighboring countries as a means of weakening emenies. However, nothing he did compares to the firestorm of terrorism that the US created when they made a power vacuum in Iraq. This really isn't difficult to evaluate, if you look at it objectively. Interference in the Middle East increases terrorist power and activity every single time.