The News Thread

Biden has snubbed the progs so many times that I can't imagine he'll put many of them in his cabinet. The progs are just as fake and confused as the right-wing pops anyways. They'll make some noise about M4A and whatever but the second a black man ODs in police custody they get flashbacks to their junior high civil rights history lessons and go into selfless white savior mode. Also explains why polls tend to show Trump's support a

That's the ostensible reason Kamala Harris was picked for VP, after all (though the real reason is almost certainly her deep connections with the Silicon Valley cabal).

What policy do think Biden wants to pass to allow more riots? That makes no sense. He'll crack protester's skulls, just like Obama did.

Gun regulations... sure, if you're opposed to those it's a good thing. You're obviously to the right of me, so I get it. That said, I don't think it's good for our legislative branch to continue down this path of doing nothing. It would be better if they actually did their job, and if people were unsatisfied with the result, they voted to replace them. Instead what we have is a bunch of game playing piled upon decades of inaction from congress. It's toxic to our democracy.

You misread me. I'm saying that Trump is tolerating riots to a degree Obama never did. Obama tried to pass gun regulations but the Republican Senate and NRA cockblocked him every step; no one stopped Trump's bumpstock ban, nor has Trump pushed back on the ATF unilaterally declaring pistol grips on semi-auto rifles illegal. With Biden in the WH the Senate Reps will almost certainly go back on the offense and reel in that big blue-presidency gun-money again.

I agree on a fundamental level, Congress is absolutely busted by design. The powers Congress currently has over states far exceeds anything intended under the Constitution as written which means that today the sub-10% approval rating is perfectly understandable when ones' elected leaders only possess a tiny fraction of the power needed to exact beneficial changes. Only a true Realignment(tm) can change things, an 1816/1861/1933/1964 moment that destroys one side and allows something new, totally not this pussy-ass 2016 "Republican populism" hoax of flipping a few blue states red by 100k votes.

I realize being an adult child leaves you rather blind to how many people have lost their jobs/businesses from the pandemic, but for at least the next two years most sane people would prioritize un-gridlocking pandemic relief in Congress over keeping in check "radical excesses" that are relatively minuscule in scale/severity. Which, by the way, would actually cut down on rioting since there'd be fewer unemployed people.

Maybe you haven't realized the trillions already spent by a bi-partisan consensus this year over a meme virus. If there's one thing Congress can get together on, it's spending shittons of money, particularly on things that inflate the kinds of assets that the rich and powerful hold. Trump might go native through his seeming-lameduck remainder, but once he's out of the way and perhaps stocks are allowed to crash for one more big consolidation buy-up, it will be QE as usual, just as it was through Obama's entire presidency (in which Republicans held the Senate 6 out of 8 years).

Rioting is almost entirely committed by subversives and felons though as a branch of the Democratic anarcho-tyranny enforcement branch, bailing out Boeing and the airlines for the third(?) time this year and saving a few janitorial jobs won't do anything to calm them. Unemployment is still falling pretty quickly in most non-retarded states afaik.
You misread me. I'm saying that Trump is tolerating riots to a degree Obama never did.

Oh and apparently the governor of Oregon is only just now calling the National Guard. lmao, anyone that thought the riots would be more tolerated under Biden is a retard. Anarcho-tyranny is by definition state-supported and with no more need to keep the TRUMP IS A FASCIST narrative going, it's time to clamp down and ensure Biden/Harris have a silky smooth day 1. Expect BLM to drop off the face of the earth again as well until mid 2023.

EDIT: Unrelated but funny

usb 1604559610340.jpg

The woman who won as a result of this is also a former CIA officer and a former USPS inspections officer. Apparently backing up ballots on USB is official practice in Virginia and it seems reasonable that a Dem would win reelection in an increasingly-blue district, but still, lmao. Our system is such a shitshow.
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Maybe you haven't realized the trillions already spent by a bi-partisan consensus this year over a meme virus. If there's one thing Congress can get together on, it's spending shittons of money, particularly on things that inflate the kinds of assets that the rich and powerful hold. Trump might go native through his seeming-lameduck remainder, but once he's out of the way and perhaps stocks are allowed to crash for one more big consolidation buy-up, it will be QE as usual, just as it was through Obama's entire presidency (in which Republicans held the Senate 6 out of 8 years).
So why are estimated federal outlays for 2020 up less than 8% versus last year? It's obviously been a weak-ass fiscal response for such an enormous crisis. CARES Act direct payments to households basically covered half a month of expenses for the entire year, and there are still 11 million people who've been out of work at least five months because of this. You can bitch about QE if you want, but Fed money doesn't go directly to households -- that's Congress's job. And of all the years for Congress to be blowing money as usual, this is one year in a generation when it actually matters.

Rioting is almost entirely committed by subversives and felons though as a branch of the Democratic anarcho-tyranny enforcement branch, bailing out Boeing and the airlines for the third(?) time this year and saving a few janitorial jobs won't do anything to calm them. Unemployment is still falling pretty quickly in most non-retarded states afaik.
I was really making a side point about rioting, but the obviousness of the correlation to employment is only confirmed by your going on an irrelevant tangent about "Democratic anarcho-tyranny". And again, 11 million people still out of work, unnecessarily suffering because partisans gonna partisan. If you don't give a fuck about them (which you obviously don't) just say it upfront, don't pretend you have some thoughtful justification for minimizing the issue.
I mean, 8% isn't nothing when we're talking about the entire federal budget, and Trump has been gradually ramping up spending year-on-year regardless. The crisis is overblown and while checks and telling people to shelter in place made sense in April, it doesn't make sense today when we know that wuflu is much less deadly than the regular flu. Unemployment is a problem but it's because of 1) retarded governors keeping everything locked down or 2) tourism-dependent states like Hawaii and Nevada. See here:

Most of the people arrested for rioting have long-standing criminal records and/or neon-colored hair. The correlation between violence and economic hardship is pretty fucking weak anyways; just look at the Great Depression which saw a massive decline in crime relative to violent Roaring 20s, or the 2008 recession which had the actually-mostly-peaceful Occupy protests.

The solution to the unemployment problem is pretty simple. Reopen the economy, create some temporary public sector jobs to manufacture wuflu-related goods and keep people solvent, and give free protections/delivery services for retirement-aged people at risk of being harmed by the virus.
As long as the senate and supreme court block all the dumbass things the dems try to do, especially on increasing taxes and welcoming illegals/refugees, I can live with it
As long as the senate and supreme court block all the dumbass things the dems try to do, especially on increasing taxes and welcoming illegals/refugees, I can live with it

Right on. Pretty much where i stand. Make jumblin joe a 1 term pres
Centrist Democrats talk leadership changes after negative election results.
Stung by their party’s dispiriting showing at the polls Tuesday, two moderate House Democrats say they and other centrists are privately discussing a plan that was unthinkable just 24 hours earlier: throwing their support behind a challenger to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“Pelosi needed to hammer Trump but instead she chose to let him slide,” said one former senior Democratic aide. “Last night should have been a bloodbath for Republicans.”

With frustrations bubbling up, Pelosi has become an early target for moderates representing suburban districts worried that their leadership's strategy hurt such members heading into the polls.

“It’s time for Democrats to elevate a new generation of leadership in both the House and the Senate,” one of the Democrats told The Hill. “Americans are clearly afraid of ‘socialism,’ want safe streets and neighborhoods and to vote for people who they believe will help put more money in their pockets.

"While Democratic policies can adequately address those issues," the lawmaker added, "our messaging mechanism clearly cannot.”
I hear Hakeem Jeffries, who is fucking garbage. Absolutely hates progressives and is to the right of Pelosi.

And these centrists are fucking idiots. The reason they lose isn’t because of AOC and Bernie Sanders and blaming them for THEIR loses is just stupid. It’s because they run as Republican Lite and trap them selves in between two poles and end up standing for nothing.
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Wasn't aware Pelosi had any platform at all beyond 'fuck Trump' tbh

I'm digging the direction of this election.

Trump shitting all over the election to the point that cable news won't air it is amazing. This is what his four years were supposed to be made of. Even though I think it's likely (or at least very plausible) that Biden has a legitimate majority in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc, our election system is broken as fuck and even if it is legitimate on the inside, it offers nothing to console voters. No election for POTUS should ever be decided because "Whoops, we found an extra 40k ballots in a closet somewhere, our bad". If Trump shakes the foundations enough he just might inspire a change analogous to how post-Watergate there was sudden reform in the intel agencies and the beginning of freedom-of-information requests, which alone would make Trump's presidency valuable beyond my own selfish love for his court-filling.
What's the actual truth on this? I'm seeing it repeated a lot by right-wingers.

The closet thing was just a euphemism, but finding massive caches of ballots after election day is extremely normal here, not just for 2020. We just have such a low-tech non-standardized system no one really knows how many ballots have been cast until some days in the future. Scroll up and see the Virginia news report that 15k votes were found on a forgotten USB drive, which helped a losing candidate get the edge and win. It gets pushed by right-wingers because the mystery ballots usually appear in Dem counties, specifically frequently in the ghetto where nothing functions properly. The left's equivalent is when they cry racism when black ballots are rejected at three times the rate of white ones, when the discrepancy is easily explained by a literacy/competency gap (e.g. people writing their birth date wrong, or an illegible signature that does not match the signature on record, etc).
Georgia's political profile.
Georgia has long been a Republican stronghold. Voters there haven’t swung for a Democratic presidential candidate since Bill Clinton in 1992.

Trump beat Hillary Clinton there by 5 percentage points in 2016. And the state’s government is dominated by the GOP (Grand Old Party).

But the party’s grip has loosened. As older, white, Republican-leaning voters die, they are being replaced by a younger and more racially diverse cast of people, many of whom moved to the booming Atlanta area from other states – and brought their politics with them.

Overall, demographic trends show that the state’s electorate is becoming younger and more diverse each year. Like other metro areas, Atlanta’s suburbs have also moved away from Republicans.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton flipped both Cobb and Gwinnett counties, where Biden is currently leading.

In 2018, Democrat Stacey Abrams galvanised Black voters in her bid to become the country’s first African American woman to lead a state, a campaign she narrowly lost.

Many political analysts say it's not a question of if, but rather when Georgia becomes a swing state.
Steve Bannon banned by Twitter for calling for Fauci beheading
“Second term kicks off with firing Wray, firing Fauci … no I actually want to go a step farther but the president is a kind-hearted man and a good man,” Bannon said.

“I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England. I’d put their heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats, you either get with the programme or you’re gone.”

But muh violent Democrats.
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Yeah Trump looks pretty fucked. GA and PA will probably both trigger recounts, so his only hope is that he actually uncovers some fraud (which is extremely unlikely considering his administration's inability to uncover and prosecute fraud in "Obamagate", emailgate, etc). I've also heard some rumblings about many military ballots not being counted but haven't seen much to substantiate that.

Georgia was only 50% non-Hispanic white in 2010, and is known to have a large illegal immigrant population. In another decade or two it will be irreversibly blue just like California.

I think the word you’re looking for is “pathetic.”

Not mutually exclusive.