The News Thread



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I just heard that the neighbours of the Muslim man who, with his wife, shot a bunch of people were suspicious of his activity before the incident and were going to call the police but were scared of being called racists.
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I don't think it's a bad idea as an alternative. That works out to about $10,000 a year, which certainly isn't much to live on (assuming Finland has a high cost of living; I'd imagine it does). I wonder what public programs they'll really end though. Surely housing as still subsidized for those on welfare, for example.
Basic Income definitely makes more sense than patchworking the programs for a number of reasons. I don't think BI is wonderful, but it's the least worst welfare option.
In like 20 years, there will be no labor jobs at all, so I'd think that the US is gonna have to adopt something similar to that.
I'm curious to hear more from those of you in the US, on how this Obamacare stuff has affected you/your family coverage, the specifics of your coverage (vs. prior to OC), and $$ increase.

My wife and I have always had separate coverage since our deductibles were never too crazy being individual vs. family plan. Our jobs paid for a good portion of our health plan so it made sense to run separate and take advantage of that. Having the kids on either of our plans was negligible. Now you have to think way more about all this. For me to get on my wife's plan, it would run me $2200 a year vs. keeping with my work which covers my fee. Why would I want to consider doing that vs. stay the course? Because individual deductibles have gone up drastically. It essentially forces me to make a choice - play it safe and get on my wife's plan ($2200/year) so the individual/family deductibles make more sense - or stay on my work and hope nothing major happens to me that would kill me with a crazy deductible.

Our rates have gone up anywhere from 30-45% (and climbing) - and the coverage is worse. The way a lot of these healthcare companies are even further sticking it to us, is a lot of them include up front deductibles now. Everything that happens to you all gets paid toward the overall individual deductible first, before they start to kick in with their co-pays. Complete sham.

So you pay more, the coverage is worse, deductibles are higher... woohoo!

Another thing I got surprised with this year is the doc I have used for forever now, is no longer "in network". I also found that all those CVS minute clinics re no longer in network, joy.

Anyways - this is tip of the iceberg stuff. I like the idea behind the OC (helping those in need get coverage) but the damage it is doing to hard working middle class folks is a devastation still to be realized, my opinion. Hell, I know some people who are now paying another $750/month - that's rent and possibly a mortgage payment depending on where you live. Outrageous.
The only way we afforded any insurance was due to the GI Bill covering the student policy mandated by the state for college students. As I'm out of school at the moment I have no insurance and am waiting until the last minute to get any because the cost is absurd for basically no real coverage - and I'm very healthy anyway. Obamacare is pure rentseeking. Great American Trainrobbery.
It has been extremely beneficial for me being able to stay on my parent's plan. I might have died a couple different times if I hadn't had insurance.