The Nordic winter and the depression


Reaching the infinity
Feb 8, 2003
Alpha Centauri
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Taking advantage of these weird threads that I have seen lately, I'll ask you, mr.V:

Do you consider yourself happy? I was reading about the good-old Scadinavia in my uncle's book, and I have read that in the nordic winter the people get more depressed and stuff(suicide) because o the lack of light... Do you feel that way too? Do you think that thesis is right?
I'm asking because you're kind of a liking-winter guy, right?... Are you different from most swedish in these kind of stuff?

The other guys(and girls) from the forum can answer that as well, if they want!
i personally like our climate here a lot, it's varying and enjoyable; when you're starting to get tired of the warmth in the summer; autumn returns with the colors and fresh atmosphere, and when you're tired of the rain and wind, then winter arrives with snow and frost, and then it starts all over again with spring. given that the seasons are "proper", (warm summer and cold winter) when the summers are rainy and the winter slushy; that's when it starts to get depressing.
I kinda agree with Spaffe though I find November and february and march pretty boring(not really depressive).

Anyway mr.V Do live pretty far in the north so he gets almost no sun in mid winter and in summer he gets sun all the night...
Having a cold and long winter just makes me treasure the Swedish summer even more. Besides, you can always catch a plane to where the sun is presently shining whenever blizzards are roaring. Just knowing that helps, in fact.
Isn´t the autum/winter just depressing because its so long until vaccation and so few holidays and so much work?? Thats what i think......
Well,here in Greece we have a quite varied climate... Of course you don't get very low temperatures during winter (unless you live on a mountain), but at least here in Athens you can very well get some beautiful 2C or 5C which are considered quite low in comparison to the 35-37 and over we have these days...
I hate summer,it's very annoying due to the heat,especially when you are in the i'm sort of looking quite forward to autumn,which is a beautiful season here and of course to winter which is my favourite season :)
Btw,many people don't like winter here,but so they say about the summer heat as well...

For the depression being associated to lack of light,i wouldn't say it applies here,since usually we have enough light even during the winter...
For a person who had never traveled to Scadinavia, I LOVE the nordic climate. Here where I live(Brazilian Northeast) IT'S SO FUCKING HOT!!!
Here in the litoral, it's so bizarre... In here we always get a rainy winter and a dry summer... But it's hot all the time... The minimum here is about 18-20ºC and the idiots start to put on their jackets and stuff... Bunch of dorks... Autumn and Spring here are just a bunch of names, cause it's a five-six month winter and the rest is summer... I haaaaaate summer...
I think it's psicological but I never feel like it's cold in here, even when the idiots think it is.
I think I was born to live in Sweden... hehehhehehehehe
Crenshaw said:
Its been friggin hot here all summer, and the fucking winter is coming. I hate the cold, dark winter in norway, its depressing. I hate it.

I agree.. only the summer isn´t hot ever in Iceland( only rarely in some specific areas) and the wind sux!

I dread the winter dårkness! it´s downright depressing!
Vintersägen said:
I have read that in the nordic winter the people get more depressed and stuff(suicide) because o the lack of light...

I don't know about Scandanavia, but I'm pretty sure that in the US, the University of Alaska has one of the highest suicide rates for this exact reason. A friend of mine didn't go there for this reason even though they had a great program in her field... she did have a tendancy to become suicidal on occasion.

Silentium -- Infinita Plango Vulnera -- Whatever the Pain
/* random quote */
"I wait and I wait and what I really hate
is the panic that stops me from breathing"
well...i think that most of the times it's exactly what we don't have that we want...
for me I think it would be very difficult to live without having sun most of the time...but for example,now that's been being so horribly hot here, i crave for clouds, rain and cold...
I would love snow to be falling every day for a month or so....
but once again, if (as some people in another thread said) had to dig out half a metre of snow from my frontdoor everymorning during winter, then I would bloody hate the horrible snow :p
I love winter
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your country covered with snow and ice.
I fucking hate the summer in sweden. :puke:
Fucking wasp's everywhere
The temperature where I live (North Sweden) varies quite a bit, from ca +30 degrees celsius the hottest summer days to -30 degrees the coldest winter days... Of course, more extreme temperatures in both directions are seen occasionally too.
I like the winter more than the summer. Unfortunatly(sp?) the winter here in western Norway is more rainy than snowy. But the first snow can come in October, and the last in the end of March. And I don't mind the darkness.
I'm such a fucking extremist. I'm only comfortable with scorching fucking summer heat OR a goddamn snowy ice-age. I'll tell you what makes me depressed or frustated though, and that's half cocked rainy gray days like this. Blah! I'm from Denmark originally though and we're not used to as much snow as our dearest brother folks haha. I have something to look forward to whenI move to Gothenburg this sunday. Cheers snowbeasts.
I lived in Northern Finland for a year and there was snow from october until may- I liked that and the winter darkness didn't make me depressive at all, I found it somehow inspiring. What was more difficult for me was the lack of (young) people in that little village, and the lack of things to do. But then I found new hobbies and ways to get along without having people around me and so I was happy most of the time, but it was a challenge. Coming from a big city like Berlin, it is a quite strange experience but I never regretted trying that. I could imagine to go back to Scandinavia and live there for a longer time but it would have to be a bigger town.