The NOW PLAYING thread

I'm already back from the dentist. Of course there was nothing I had to worry about :) but I bought myself some chocolate as a reward anyway :D

Hehe Morg, Lutz and I didn't promise too much with that video, he?!
Sheit!!! I've actually learnt how to growl!!!!
I CAN GROWL!!!!!! *Proud as hell*

Yay! Now my throat hurts! But I can growl!

Now I need to practise, a lot, so I can start
growling in different ways, with melody.
Yum! This is great! :eek:)))

Headbangs to -->
Originally posted by The Nomad
There's a thread on the Arch Enemy on growling without pain. I haven't figured it out, but it may be helpful...

Mhm! Thankies The Nomad! :eek:)

I've thought about the same thing, this has to
have something to do with using my diaphragm.
I shouldn't use my voice so much.

And I notice it myself, when you growl it goes
so deep, it ends up not being 'vocals' anymore...
Nice :eek:)
Hey are you????
remember me???? I used to post here for a time :)
well I'm glad to see some of you are still here....
I post this here, since most of you read this thread....well the thing is that I wanted to apology for having left the way I did, but I had no time to took me too much time and I have been (still I am) extremely busy....that's what happens when a forums is so great, it gets crowded and then you don't have time to read it...and I just couldn't help....I hope this summer I'll have more time to write it's just too difficult since I have some things that take all my concentration.....yeah, my love, that's it ;)
So greets to everybody, I miss you, and someday I'LL BE BACK (always wanted to say that ;) )

fathervic (on his particular pink cloud)

NP: Dark Tranquillity - Insinity's Crescendo
...and Morgana :)

My good night song ... :p

By the way, I only have the Hammer Sample CD and there it is written Sirenia - Meridan... not sure if it should be called Meridian...

Could it be there are two bands with the name Sirenia?

EDIT: Hey FV we miss you here, hope to see ya soon again!