The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Opet
Ya know, about that guy, Blackspirit...he's only like that in that forum. Some live role play if you will. I'd say, the best thing to do with him, is ignore. Completely and utterly.

Thank, Morgana. Btw, your avatar is creepy as all a good way of course. ;)

It's cool though, I chat with him now and then
on icq, he's only teasing me, to see if he can
get me going, I guess. That reminds me it's
been a while since me and him was chattin.
Have to send him a couple of words :eek:)
were at a big concert last night, with 18 local bands :D it was actually really good. lasted all night
it was really cool to se the two bands I have been playing for myself :) but Exitium had som problems, or rather, they were lazy haha, they did not have any gear with them :D so they had to borrow everything, and the singer/bass-player was REALLY drunk, but it was really fun :) and have to say, theyre new drummer is far from as good as me :lol: :D

@Blackspirit, finally saw Klompfot now :) it was about time, since this was the 3rd concert i have been at where they play... and well, it was cool, but the music was a little too predicable(?).. very In Flamsish :)
First time I actually hear this band actively (I've heard it somewhere before , but it was during a party so...well...whatever), I think I'll have to buy a few cd's now :)
I dont want to now because that will give me bad memories of Slipknot :mad:

This song was un FUCKIN Beliveable at the In Flames/Iced Earth show on monday......a ton of people singing in unison "He was watching over me, oh i know.....oh i know....." its a very amazing moment......
Well, it doesn't sound anything like Slipknot... Good thing too, I hate that band, and I don't see any of the people that think they know what metal is wearing anything besides Slipknot. My friend, I make him listen to all the bands I like. Although, he listens to Slipknot. :mad:

"...My heart was filled with hate... I got down on my knees and cried. Is this really... My fate?"