The NOW PLAYING thread

FV: it's good to see you're still kicking. And nice new avatar. It's pretty snazzy...

Today was a fucking AWESOME day! First I got my raise and promotion. Both were expected, but seeing the amount of my new salary was quite nice... :) Then there was the performance review with my boss, which was OK. nothing special. But at the end he told me of an opportunity. The last time he told me of an opportunity, it was pretty crappy, but I was able to turn it down. I don't think I'll have to turn this one down, as it's a monthlong assignment in Brimsdown.... just outside of London. Only downside is that I might have to postpone my trip to visit Pam by 2 months. whichi would be a real bummer. So I'm trying my damndest to see if I can get the start date of the assignment pushed back.

And then I get home and I get the 3 packages I mentioned in the napalm store thread. 1 book, 4 DVDs, and 7 CDs.

It's all good!
Originally posted by Melancholia
(Users Browsing this Forum: FatherVic, astarte, Melancholia)

like the good old times :cry:

i've considered to stop posting since i'm not useful anymore, there's a lot of people i don't know, too many things have happened that i don't know of and i don't have as much time as i'd want...

i'm not whining :p

edited 'cause i'm st00pid ;)
you can´t stop posting! what´d happen to us? we would miss you to death... :cry:

you can keep up with us? can you not?

-phyros ( who likes astarte, and wishes she would be more active...:) )

edit: np .... :p
checkout skyfire if you like CoB type death metal with heavy keyboards and great melodies. Than get ure ass to the forum here on good ol UM because we are sad and lonely over there :cry:
NO, DON'T stop posting, astarte!!! We'll miss you so much..... :cry: Your posts are NOT unuseful; they are really nice!It's better to check in here avery once in a while than never! You CANNOT just leave us!!

FatherVic: So long since I've seen any of you in here! Good to hear that you're fine - or even better! :)

Mel: You're not seen here too often either... :cry: Hope you'll have more time soon!

.....I'm so sentimental today......
Astarte? You're in here? I remember you used to post in another forum. How ya been? Sounds like you're leaving. Bummer. You know how it's nice to see someone you know when you're in a place you really don't...know. Your posts always seemed like you were an easy person to get along with. So, you're leaving UM, huh? :rolleyes: Of course.

This is the first time I actually checked out this forum. I never have time to do things I want to online. My connection blows. In the spirit of Vintersorg, I will play...mmm, I love this one...and I can play it at work without getting the hairy eyeball! :err:
You've got Melancholia here too! So, this is where all the mellower nice people went, huh? ;)'re leaving too, right?
Originally posted by Opet
You've got Melancholia here too! So, this is where all the mellower nice people went, huh? ;)'re leaving too, right?

You see, this is the perfect place, that's why
Misanthrope won't leave me alone about this
forum when I'm posting on the Opeth one.
Whatever I say he'll respond with, "But the
Vintersorg forum is so much better", lol >;oP
Ya know, about that guy, Blackspirit...he's only like that in that forum. Some live role play if you will. I'd say, the best thing to do with him, is ignore. Completely and utterly.

Thank, Morgana. Btw, your avatar is creepy as all a good way of course. ;)