The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Blackspirit
Hellstorm? No, what are they like?
Which song is their best?
Maybe I'll check them out >:eek:)
well, dont really know what to compere them with, but it is some kind of black/death/viking thing, without synth...
theyr old drummer(Vargon) plays in The Embraced now.
and well, one of theyr song sounds alot like Einherjer(Odin Owns Ye All period), and well the reason for it is, that Erik Elden, the bass player for Einherjer(only on Odin Owns Ye All), played in Hellstorm before he left for Einherjer, and well, he took some of the Hellstorm ideas with him to Einherjer...

they have only given out one album, Fucking Bleed... and a 7", Murder
they have the second album ready, but they have some problems with the record company... since he who owns it, robbed a bank.. and now, he is in jail...
they were actully talking with Century Media, for a while, but that did not go anyway...
i'm still listening to this song....
Ahaaa!!! I´m back!! I bet you missed me! I missed you all anyway...:) Feels like coming home when I put my computer on! Ahhh, my dear family! :D And look what you have done! You´ve all posted like maniacs, so that it will take me all of tomorow to read all of it (and I will...) :)

That´s it for today, the pub is waiting for me (stupid friends, they take every chance to sweep a pint...or two...or a dousin)!

Woaaa! It is good to be home! Eventhough the trip was great...:)

I´ll post like a maniac tomorow.

Ohhh, yeah I will!

-phyros (as happy as can be!)
WELCOME BACK PHYROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We've missed YOUUUU!!! >:eek:)) Or at least I have! :eek:)

"Thyrfing - Urkraft (in tribute to this thread and
blackspirit)" *mmmmmm* "Me likes!"

While you were away I was in Gothenburg! I was
standing on your doorstep crying cause noone opened
the door! >:eek:P Hehehe....

Originally posted by YMIR
Wonder how many people post this album in the NP-thread!

NP: Thyrfing - Home Again

Hehe...well, I have contributed to make that album one
of the most played ones on this thread! >:eek:P
Didn't set out to do it... I just....LOVE the band! >:eek:)

Originally posted by HellSpawn

well, dont really know what to compere them with, but it is some kind of black/death/viking thing, without synth...
theyr old drummer(Vargon) plays in The Embraced now.
and well, one of theyr song sounds alot like Einherjer(Odin Owns Ye All period), and well the reason for it is, that Erik Elden, the bass player for Einherjer(only on Odin Owns Ye All), played in Hellstorm before he left for Einherjer, and well, he took some of the Hellstorm ideas with him to Einherjer...

they have only given out one album, Fucking Bleed... and a 7", Murder
they have the second album ready, but they have some problems with the record company... since he who owns it, robbed a bank.. and now, he is in jail...
they were actully talking with Century Media, for a while, but that did not go anyway...

Well, there's certainly alot of history behind that so I
think I'll have to check the band out....! :eek:)
*Taking a note... "Hellstorm"*

hey Blue Rabbit!!! cool to know you had a great time :D

and btw,this goddamned new arcturus track :D is it starcrossed??? or crossed star??

my mp3 says Crossed-Star
the End records' page says Starcrossed....:confused:
anyway,it doens't matter....