The OFFICIAL "ŵG I'M SO FUCKING ARTSY!" - The Artsy Photo Thread

FallingDownInRuins said:
haha yeah but i dont think that i t has the class to be sold,
any how i still learn, and i would find it great respect if they would want this art cover, think about it my name would spread intently world wide and damn faster than many of now days pro artists....

If I had that skill, I would be selling them, think about it, you would never need to work a days work ever. Just sit at home, paint, get pissed at night, wake up, paint get pissed. What a cool life :p
Turbo said:
If I had that skill, I would be selling them, think about it, you would never need to work a days work ever. Just sit at home, paint, get pissed at night, wake up, paint get pissed. What a cool life :p

Drawing is not that easy, dude! If you have no ideas what to draw it makes you desperate and it sucks than
theres a mstake on the right arm, and the schyte holding hand.

fuck that dood those are awesome! right on


yehaw snow