The official and most atmospheric Children of Joonas thread


Active Member
Jan 21, 2007
All of your posts about how COB should be, atmosphere, colors, trees and lakes and whatever you want should be now concentrate into only one thread. Feel free to write all of your problems down here and don't write them into 10 different threads. You can whine here as much as you want.

For all others: Please be so kind and try to answer on Joonas' postings just here.

Joonas, this topic is about COB writing a new album right?
When I click on it and there are new posts I'm hoping to read some news or something interesting. But Joonas, you barely deliver news, Sleeper mostly does (if not always does). All you write about isn't useful information, it's just your pointless opinion that everybody knows by now and obviously doesn't care about.
Why do you feel the need to keep on writing about the same stuff again and again? Because of you, I am really getting tired of this topic that doesn't go in the direction Sleeper intented to when he created it. IMO this is the place to talk about the news and not what you expect (ok maybe a little of that. A little Joonas, just a little), how Bodom used to be better etc etc.
Yes Joonas, this would mean less posts, but I'd rather have a less active topic with useful and interesting information than a topic with a hell lot of posts by one guy discussing nothing else than his personnal opinion over and over again.

This guy is right. It's really annoying - especially in the COB start writing new album thread - when you click on a thread to read some news, but all you can read is Joonas tralala and the bashing against him.
Arcane, you're a fucking genious. I lol'd hard as fuck when I first saw this. Finally a thread that will mostly stay on-topic. Shit thing though that at the moment I have nothing to contribute.

I think since Finland has many lakes, would be cool to name a lake after Joonas :lol:

Lake Joonas... who dares to go?
Brilliant, now I'm like an animal who gets caged into a new home and is presented with "look, here you can swim and here you can pee".

I suppose you want a full excursion of my past in regards to anything Bodom related and analyzis of every song. Or is it just so I can't mess other threads? I actually don't think I mess them, but it gets messy cos my posts create so much confusion...

I've actually been thinking about making an honest, colourful and cold-blooded review for each album, maybe I'd start with SW and proceed to the newest album. So it would contain all my thoughts in nutshell. My little vacation just started so I have some time.
Or is it just so I can't mess other threads? I actually don't think I mess them, but it gets messy cos my posts create so much confusion...


Only thing that creates confusion is your stupidity that goes far beyond human comprehension.
Elaborate my stupidity? Just because my opinion doesn't match yours doesn't mean it's stupid. I guess you mean it's stupid to not follow blind what everyone else says. Ever since I was in elementary school guys would rally against me on some opinion and I stood my ground and didn't change it. It doesn't mean I force my opinion on you. It's natural I get haters cos I'm the only member disapproving of Bodom's new direction... the last one that didn't leave.
Jeez, now you know that's just bollocks!
You just reword the same crap every single post and it annoys people who're waiting for news. That's the very tip of the iceburg but you have to understand that much at least?

Nothing ever changes around here, haha
It doesn't mean I force my opinion on you. It's natural I get haters cos I'm the only member disapproving of Bodom's new direction... the last one that didn't leave.


Open your eyes. There are lots of people in here who didn't like RRF as much as for example I or Arcane did. You're not the only one disapproving their new direction either. Majority of this boards users prefer older albums to new albums which completely destroys your "I'M THE ONLY ONE LEFT OF THE TREE/LAKE CLUB"-argument. You're trying too hard to be different and also the fact that you just thought it's only about opinions just confirms that you're plain retarded. Simple as that.
Wait wait, I never said that I didn't like RRF. Actually, it's my favorite Bodom album at the moment but just because it's the newest one and I'm tired of the old stuff. I'm not saying that I want the old stuff back because I like old AND new Bodom. Technically, the newer songs are definitely better, also the riffs are thousand times better. At least for me. But the solos were definitely better on the older albums and I miss epic songs like ETID. If somebody would ask me how COB should make their new album, then I would definitely say it should definitely include Alexis "new" voice, the technical aspect from AYDY>, the riffs from AYDY>, the guitar tone from Alexis guitar on RRF, the overall crystal clear mixing from HCDR and the solos from Sinergy. No key solos.
You're trying too hard to be different and also the fact that you just thought it's only about opinions just confirms that you're plain retarded. Simple as that.

You think anything you say will make me think different about myself, or to act different? I've found myself as a person and am very content with what I do in life; I've advanced in my sports hobbies, I study with good grades, I live healthy, I'm a conscious citizen, have many girlfriends. I just find your behaviour hilarious and you look like an angry kid in my eyes. I say first get to know a person before labeling him all those things.

Wait wait, I never said that I didn't like RRF. Actually, it's my favorite Bodom album at the moment but just because it's the newest one and I'm tired of the old stuff. I'm not saying that I want the old stuff back because I like old AND new Bodom. Technically, the newer songs are definitely better, also the riffs are thousand times better. At least for me. But the solos were definitely better on the older albums and I miss epic songs like ETID. If somebody would ask me how COB should make their new album, then I would definitely say it should definitely include Alexis "new" voice, the technical aspect from AYDY>, the riffs from AYDY>, the guitar tone from Alexis guitar on RRF, the overall crystal clear mixing from HCDR and the solos from Sinergy. No key solos.

Ok, cool. I don't care what they do technically so much, I just want the epic songs and atmosphere of the older albums back. Even if they were technically not so advanced, they still sounded incredibly geled as songs and carried the idea thru the whole song. They had numerous songs that alone would create a cult.

I think it's not dependant on the technical decision whether they compose an epic song. You can create a bad song with the tools they have for every album, just as you could create an epic song for any album. It's about creativity. Simple technicality can be used to create geniousity and seemingly divine songwriting. Maybe the rhythm riffing was easier on the older albums, but I don't see why it has to be more complex to add to the songs; for me it hasn't added anything.

For example the solo backgrounds, I just find the rhythm behind the RRF solos mostly quite boring. From the top of my head I can think of only one catchy solo background from the album, the guitar solo of SKO. On the older albums an interesting background could make an average solo sound good. Also I think the RRF solos themselves lack melodic ideas. This is why I personally feel RRF was made too much as work project instead of passion. Maybe there's supposed to be some rhythm ideas and melodic ideas in them but most of times it just doesn't affect me anyhow. Maybe it's just not my taste of metal. I only have to look back at the previous album where songs like Hellhounds, Lobodomy, One Day You Will Cry, Tie My Rope, Banned from Heaven each have more atmosphere than every song on RRF combined. Even tho some of the thrashy elements were frustrating as hell already on that album. So you can imagine this album wasn't exactly what I was hoping for.

I really hope the band returns to at least their Blooddrunk shape and changes their style away from the awful American melodic thrash. Where are the interesting songs teeming with darkness, mystical feel and epic songwriting? Don't get me wrong, RRF has some of that, but only about 1 or 2 minutes spread on some 37 minute album. This is just my opinion, nothing I'm trying to force on you or to label as fact... I'm a bit hopeful because Alexi stated they need a change.
(__Joonas__); Ok said:
work project[/I] instead of passion. Maybe there's supposed to be some rhythm ideas and melodic ideas in them but most of times it just doesn't affect me anyhow. Maybe it's just not my taste of metal. I only have to look back at the previous album where songs like Hellhounds, Lobodomy, One Day You Will Cry, Tie My Rope, Banned from Heaven each have more atmosphere than every song on RRF combined. So you can imagine this album wasn't exactly what I was hoping for.

I really hope the band returns to at least their Blooddrunk shape and changes their style away from the awful American melodic thrash. I'm a bit hopeful because Alexi stated they need a change.
You'Re the only person I know who cares about the rythm guitar behind solos..^^ I pretty much never listen to them because...well, there's a solo over it. But I also can't remind of any cool rythm guitar behind a solo on any older album. I also don't know your problems with melodic ideas. How can any solo be more melodic than the Ugly solo? And listen to the rythm guitar behind that solo. It's fucking epic. Even NMF solo is meldoic as fuck because there is no annoying pentatonic stuff in it.
I also never said that a song has to be tecnical to be epic. Most of the songs on HB or FTR aren't technical. But for me, the more technical a song is, the more interesting it is. And it makes much more fun to play them on guitar. Whenever I play some Bodom stuff, I only play songs from RRF or Sinergy. But Sinergy is partly too much guitar wanking for me. Even the easiest songs of Sinergy are propably more difficult than the hardest COB songs.

I meant that we both like RRF. I should've phrased that better.
Fine then :)
I think we hear music differently and look for different elements, therefore it's kinda pointless to even discuss it. I can spot there's melodic things going on in RRF solos too but for some reason they don't give me any kind of kicks, it's like trying to penetrate an iron armour with a wooden stick, whereas some solos on the older albums sink into my flesh and some even to the soul. I just can't feel the mood at which Alexi wrote this album.
I've actually been thinking about making an honest, colourful and cold-blooded review for each album, maybe I'd start with SW and proceed to the newest album. So it would contain all my thoughts in nutshell. My little vacation just started so I have some time.
Do it, here's a fan of your reviews.
Yeah, I'm a bit weird.