The Official Butch Dyke Lesbian Picture Thread

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay

That's all I got. :heh:
i remember one time i found my dad's stash of porn when i was thirteen. i was so excited! all i had to do was wait for my parents to leave so i could turn out the lights and power on the vhs player. the first and only movie i watched was called something like "homemade dykes 3" or whatever and i guess it catered to a niche which at the time i still have a hard time believing exists: really old butch lesbians haviing really awkward sex.(but i guess my dad's really into it:zombie:). i promised myself never to touch my dad's stash again.

sorry i guess that's a bit off topic since i don't have any pics :goggly:
An ex-supervisor of mine is a butch dyke lesbo. She was legally married, I suppose she went to Vermont or one of those other liberal communes around the U.S. Though she was morbidly perverse, to her credit, she opened up my eyes and raised my tolerance level towards dykes through her kind heart and generosity. Faggots on the other hand, can go fuck themselves.

Speaking of having supervisors who carry a sexual chip on their shoulder. A current overseer of mine told me a story of a day long ago, in a land far away, where he owned and operated his own bookstore. Well across from the bookstore laid a Yum Yum donuts. Every day he would go in to that Yum Yum donuts and put his mac daddy skills to the test on the owner of the establishment. All of the owners had been of the "english as a second language" variety. Well over the course of 10 years there had been 5 owners. He fucked four in a row and then tried his hand at number five. After a vigorous day of playing basketball with baboons whose arms dangle like the vines from the left field wall at Wrigley. He entered the bakery to peruse the pastries on display. After picking out a "bakers dozen", he noticed that the Guatemalan mamacita was checking out his nether regions. Being the sexual deviant that he is, he pulled out his bookmark of flesh and let it dangle before her like a pubic mistletoe. He then proceeded to the register and paid for his jelly fills, all the while exposing his crispy critter to the guatemalan's delight. (Yet, she made no verbal acknowledgement of it)

24 hours pass, and this predator returns to the donut shop where he pumped many a woman's rising yeast with his lemon cream filling. Upon entry to his domain he asks the owner of the establishment, "So did you like what you seen yesterday". She replies, "Ofcourse I like, why you make me say I like, you know I like!" In a heavily accented Honduran yelp. He then proceeds to take her to the back of the shop and caramelize her flan in an act of afternoon kneeknocking flapsapping.

The End
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