The OFFICIAL Conspiracy thread

What do you think of the 9/11 Conspiracy theory?

I think people have too much free time on their hands.
What do you think of the 9/11 Conspiracy theory?

I think people have too much free time on their hands.

I firmly believe the events of 9/11 were part of an ongoing and elaborate effort to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to bring about a common enemy of terrorists in the global community and to allow the ones who are in control of our government to achieve even greater power over American citizens.

My belief of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists is that corrupt all powerful sectors of our government orchestrated this event in conjunction with the Bush administration and people in positions of influence that took part in this event.

A simple search on the net and youtube will yield a huge amount of info detailing the 9/11 events and why their is overwhelming reasons to believe this was a government conspiracy. This is best demonstrated in the movie Zeitgeist.

To address another conspiracy which has not been addressed.

Was Saddam Hussein really executed?

Why would the US Gov under the Bush administration go through all of the trouble to capture Saddam only to release him into the hands of Iraqi officials in some sort of low budget execution. If you think about it, the US Gov took alot of slack for going through with the execution. The US Govt had much more to gain by keeping Saddam in custody, interrogating and learning from him. I believe Saddam Hussein is currently under US custody in some military base.

To further my argument: why is there only a low budget cell phone recording of this historic international event. The video footage is low quality and unreliable. How exactly did these videos surface? I believe they were produced by US govt and circulated to the media. Here we have a video of several masked men, probably US military, who are supposedly Iraqi executioners, standing next to Saddam. The video cuts off right before he is executed. The next video shows a man who appears to be Saddam, being hung. Of course the video was cell phone quality and very unreliable. We are supposed to believe that one of the witnesses took a video on their cellphone, and was later fired...

I believe Saddam Hussein was taken from the hands of Iraqi govt by US military officials and the execution video was produced using a Saddam Hussein look a like and Saddam Hussein is most likely still alive to this day.
Eh. sounds like a load of shit to be honest.

I agree with the idea that the Bush Administration wanted to create a massive fear of terrorism and the 'common enemy', as you were saying, but I don't believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy.

So tell me your views on the Holocaust then!
So tell me your views on the Holocaust then!

I won't post anything about a Holocaust conspiracy, however there is definitely room for a full investigation of the Holocaust. This is something that has been used as a political tool and has had a great impact on world affairs. Especially concerning the Isreal/Palestine situation.

I will address one of the lesser known conspiracies relating to World War II.

Did Hitler really commit suicide or did he escape to South America in the same fashion as several top Nazi officials.

Here is a link with some information:
Another link including a supposed picture of Hitler post-WWII:
What do you think of the 9/11 Conspiracy theory?

I think people have too much free time on their hands.

i believe that someone in control of George Bush Jr's schedule knew the atacks were going to happen ahead of time, that's why Bush was in Florida at the moment it happened, on any other randomly given day, he's not even awake that early in the morning
These two I found interesting, makes you think about it.
hehehhehehe. You decide if you believe

Alien Reptiles are dominating the World.
According to BBC Reporter David Icke, reptilian humanoids are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy directed at manipulation and control of humanity. He contends that most of the world's leaders, from William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and George W. Bush to members of the British royal family, are in fact related to the 7-foot (2.1 m) tall, blood-drinking reptilians from the star system Alpha Draconis.

According to an interview with David Icke, Christine Fitzgerald, a confidante of the late Diana, Princess of Wales, claims that Diana told her that the Royal Family were reptilian aliens, and that they could shapeshift. David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and his family are part of this same bloodline.

Icke claims, based on his exploration of genealogical connections to European royalty, that many presidents of the United States have been and are reptilian humanoids. In his view, United States foreign policy after September 11 is the product of a reptilian conspiracy to enslave humanity, with George W. Bush as a servant of the reptilians. He also theorizes that the reptilians came to Earth from the constellation Draco.

Paul McCartney is dead. The current is just a lookalike.
The supposed death of Paul McCartney, a member of the Beatles, was the subject of a rumour that began circulating in October 1969. Proponents of the theory, which is commonly referred to as the Paul is dead hoax, claim that McCartney died in a car crash in late 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike before the recording of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The supposed "clues" are given throughout the post-1966 Beatles material in the form of peculiar album covers, possible symbolism in strange lyrics, and backmasking. The rumour started when radio DJ Russ Gibb received a call from a listener who claimed that McCartney had died and the Beatles (namely John Lennon) had sprinkled clues throughout the Beatles' albums for fans to pick up on. The rumour quickly died down in 1970 after McCartney revealed himself to be alive on the cover of Newsweek magazine. However, some theorists still maintain that Paul is dead and the Paul McCartney who played with Wings and in the Super Bowl is the same lookalike who played with the Beatles after Revolver.
I firmly believe the events of 9/11 were part of an ongoing and elaborate effort to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to bring about a common enemy of terrorists in the global community and to allow the ones who are in control of our government to achieve even greater power over American citizens.

My belief of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists is that corrupt all powerful sectors of our government orchestrated this event in conjunction with the Bush administration and people in positions of influence that took part in this event.

A simple search on the net and youtube will yield a huge amount of info detailing the 9/11 events and why their is overwhelming reasons to believe this was a government conspiracy. This is best demonstrated in the movie Zeitgeist.


Even with his trademark style, Maddox does a pretty good job of rendering 9/11 conspiracies obsolete without getting into the physics and science of the attacks.

Did we land on the moon? Was Shakespeare a real person?
The main concern one should have with conspiracy of any sort is this-
we are willing participants in them.

You can drop out at any time.

You just have to stop consuming.

As for 9/11 - nothing makes sense about that day. There was obviously serious groups of professionals involved.
The official story does not hold.
Ever watched Loose Change? Sure the movie isn't perfect and all but there are some very fishy things about the buildings collapsing. For one they collapsed symmetrically and there was a test with a replica of the foundation to try and prove that fire alone could make that happen. However the results were not released.
These two I found interesting, makes you think about it.
hehehhehehe. You decide if you believe

Alien Reptiles are dominating the World.
According to BBC Reporter David Icke, reptilian humanoids are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy directed at manipulation and control of humanity. He contends that most of the world's leaders, from William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and George W. Bush to members of the British royal family, are in fact related to the 7-foot (2.1 m) tall, blood-drinking reptilians from the star system Alpha Draconis.

According to an interview with David Icke, Christine Fitzgerald, a confidante of the late Diana, Princess of Wales, claims that Diana told her that the Royal Family were reptilian aliens, and that they could shapeshift. David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and his family are part of this same bloodline.

Icke claims, based on his exploration of genealogical connections to European royalty, that many presidents of the United States have been and are reptilian humanoids. In his view, United States foreign policy after September 11 is the product of a reptilian conspiracy to enslave humanity, with George W. Bush as a servant of the reptilians. He also theorizes that the reptilians came to Earth from the constellation Draco.

Paul McCartney is dead. The current is just a lookalike.
The supposed death of Paul McCartney, a member of the Beatles, was the subject of a rumour that began circulating in October 1969. Proponents of the theory, which is commonly referred to as the Paul is dead hoax, claim that McCartney died in a car crash in late 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike before the recording of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The supposed "clues" are given throughout the post-1966 Beatles material in the form of peculiar album covers, possible symbolism in strange lyrics, and backmasking. The rumour started when radio DJ Russ Gibb received a call from a listener who claimed that McCartney had died and the Beatles (namely John Lennon) had sprinkled clues throughout the Beatles' albums for fans to pick up on. The rumour quickly died down in 1970 after McCartney revealed himself to be alive on the cover of Newsweek magazine. However, some theorists still maintain that Paul is dead and the Paul McCartney who played with Wings and in the Super Bowl is the same lookalike who played with the Beatles after Revolver.

one of my cousins (when she was 4 years old) started telling everybody that "the president is not human" (this was back when Bush Senior was president) when asked how she knew this, she said she was "visited" by "friendly" extraterrestrials that were "warning" her that president Bush wanted to have the United States "conquer" the rest of the world
o_O OMFG!!!!!!!!!!

I have the "movie" loose change, and it's quite different to Fahrenheit 11/9
and I always say about the twin towers were break down by the same american government you can see that when the towers are falling down tha explosions, I was very shocked when I watched.

I'm sure 9/11 was terrorists.
How about CHEMTRAILS???? And that grotesque disease the chemicals apparently lead too. Morgellons.
It's kind of a failure if the aim was population control, Morgellons is hardly fatal. :p Any believers?
Trade towers were too tall. They affected the balance of the world. If we hadn't bringed them down we woulda fallen into the sun in about 3 months.
I firmly believe the events of 9/11 were part of an ongoing and elaborate effort to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to bring about a common enemy of terrorists in the global community and to allow the ones who are in control of our government to achieve even greater power over American citizens.

My belief of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists is that corrupt all powerful sectors of our government orchestrated this event in conjunction with the Bush administration and people in positions of influence that took part in this event.

A simple search on the net and youtube will yield a huge amount of info detailing the 9/11 events and why their is overwhelming reasons to believe this was a government conspiracy. This is best demonstrated in the movie Zeitgeist.

I completely agree. My mate Paul's into alot of this sort of thing, and burnt me 6 dvds of 9/11 theories, then i saw Zeitgeist as well, and was convinced. im not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but the sheer amount of evidence for 9/11 cannot be ignored. its not just circumstansial either, there is alot of factual evidence that just cant be explained by a terrorist attack. look at how the 3rd building fell. Zeitgeist II goes on to explain why this was done, and other factors related.

More people need to watch these, at least to see the evidence before making up their minds.