The OFFICIAL Conspiracy thread

So, there is evidence it was a govermnent conspiracy to galvanise the world against the Far East?
I thought about this theory and can think of many motives for the American government to do this. It would justify many attacks against Iraq and Iran etc. The third buildings fall did look somewhat manipulated.
Yet I'm still not convinced because of the abundance of Muslim extremists that would also have desired to perform the attacks.
yeah you got it. theres plenty of motives as you said, first and foremost is oil. its not just worth millions & millions, its absolutle billions. saddam was also put in power by america but refused to sell to them cheap in return, which they didnt like. hes still absolute evil IMO, but he was put there by america.

3rd building's fall is near concrete fact that it was bombs, not a plane. in a courtroom, id be far convinced beyond resonable doubt.

totally agree there are people who have the desire to do this, but america does - if not more so - think of the money.
So, there is evidence it was a govermnent conspiracy to galvanise the world against the Far East?
I thought about this theory and can think of many motives for the American government to do this. It would justify many attacks against Iraq and Iran etc. The third buildings fall did look somewhat manipulated.
Yet I'm still not convinced because of the abundance of Muslim extremists that would also have desired to perform the attacks.

If you watch the movie Zeitgeist, it explains how most of the 'terrorist' attacks on the US and some in the UK have been orchestrated by our own country. Most of the propaganda about terrorism is probably a lie, just like how most of the guantanamo bay detainees are probably innocent. I think if terrorists were 'hell bent' on attacking the US they would be having a field day. They just haven't bothered to attack us. I think they are more worried about keeping the US out of their countries than launching attacks on US soil.
I firmly believe the events of 9/11 were part of an ongoing and elaborate effort to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to bring about a common enemy of terrorists in the global community and to allow the ones who are in control of our government to achieve even greater power over American citizens.

My belief of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists is that corrupt all powerful sectors of our government orchestrated this event in conjunction with the Bush administration and people in positions of influence that took part in this event.

A simple search on the net and youtube will yield a huge amount of info detailing the 9/11 events and why their is overwhelming reasons to believe this was a government conspiracy. This is best demonstrated in the movie Zeitgeist.

To address another conspiracy which has not been addressed.

Was Saddam Hussein really executed?

Why would the US Gov under the Bush administration go through all of the trouble to capture Saddam only to release him into the hands of Iraqi officials in some sort of low budget execution. If you think about it, the US Gov took alot of slack for going through with the execution. The US Govt had much more to gain by keeping Saddam in custody, interrogating and learning from him. I believe Saddam Hussein is currently under US custody in some military base.

To further my argument: why is there only a low budget cell phone recording of this historic international event. The video footage is low quality and unreliable. How exactly did these videos surface? I believe they were produced by US govt and circulated to the media. Here we have a video of several masked men, probably US military, who are supposedly Iraqi executioners, standing next to Saddam. The video cuts off right before he is executed. The next video shows a man who appears to be Saddam, being hung. Of course the video was cell phone quality and very unreliable. We are supposed to believe that one of the witnesses took a video on their cellphone, and was later fired...

I believe Saddam Hussein was taken from the hands of Iraqi govt by US military officials and the execution video was produced using a Saddam Hussein look a like and Saddam Hussein is most likely still alive to this day.

As far as 9-11 goes I have read a lot into it. To me it seems that the buildings were brought down via Controlled Demolition. If you do the equation of it via Controlled Demolition the Weight of the buildings and times it by how long it would take to hit the ground then it fits a perfect controlled demolition scenario.
There have been countless physicists who have supported this.

If you look into the Northwood documents (Operation Northwood) which outlined plans back in the 1960's for joints of staff in the military planning to rig terrorist attacks to be blamed on cuba. These plans were designed to gain public and international support for an invasion of cuba to remove fidel castro. James Bamford (a former washington investigative producer for world news tonight on ABC) came across the Northwoods Operation documents while researching the NSA. These revealed plans to blow up an American Ship and blame it on Cuba. This would show a really high list of casualties in US newspapers which would cause a support for any measures to be taken towards the enemy.

This alone makes me believe it to be possible for the government to of staged an attack on its people to thus justify propaganda and a war towards an enemy.
iv never heard of the Northwood documents, il have to check those out. its exactly the sort of thing that happens though, if they can't corrupt a leader they want to do as they say for money, they attempt to stage a coup or revolution, or assassinate said leader. saddam was attempted to be killed on several occcasions but his bodyguards were loyal to him, not the US/UK and security was tight. he should not have been in power, but he knew how to keep it.

so comes the 3rd step. military invasion. same thing in cuba, but they got beat there.

likely to be the only time that'll ever happen.

Even with his trademark style, Maddox does a pretty good job of rendering 9/11 conspiracies obsolete without getting into the physics and science of the attacks.

I refuse to watch any video called "911 morons", this guy obviously has an agenda to convince people that 911 was legitimate so he can go to sleep at night.

Did we land on the moon? Was Shakespeare a real person?

Of course Shakespeare was a real person, but was Jesus a real person?
i wonder if u guys still blame arabs for everything!america goes to their country kills thousands of them stills their oil and other resources and calls them terrorist for suicide bombing!you'd do the same thing too if u had no power to fight ur enemy!will imperialism ever end?