The Official GMD - Get to know your fellow forumers survery!

1) What is your name? Tim.

2) Where do you live? Ontario, California; the junction point of about three major cities (Chino, Ontario, and Riverside).

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc. I originally joined through the Children of Bodom forum, but I eventually became an active member of the GMD and never looked back.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
1. Blind Guardian
2. Death
3. Gorgoroth
4. Immortal
5. Obituary

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
1. Between the Buried and Me - The Silent Circus
2. Death - The Sound of Perseverance
3. Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
4. Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera
5. Lamb of God - As the Palaces Burn

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself? I love RUNNING. FOR FUN.
(Summer 06)

(Spring 07)

1) What is your name?


2) Where do you live?

Portsmouth, England

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.

I got bored one day and joined up

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?

Savatage, Def Leppard, Ratt, Poison, Overkill

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?

Def Leppard - Hysteria, Ratt - Out Of The Cellar, Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil, Extreme - Extreme, Ozzy - The Ultimate Sin

That'll do.

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?

I love a good shag, and a good party.
(Summer 06)

(Spring 07)

1) What is your name?


2) Where do you live?

Portsmouth, England

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.

I got bored one day and joined up

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?

Savatage, Def Leppard, Ratt, Poison, Overkill

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?

Def Leppard - Hysteria, Ratt - Out Of The Cellar, Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil, Extreme - Extreme, Ozzy - The Ultimate Sin

That'll do.

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?

I love a good shag, and a good party.

sweet hearts


1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?
Sydney, Australia

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.
Don't frequent it much anymore, although I was never really addicted, but I used to check daily. I came here as a result of joining the paladin.sublevels DC++ hub on a friends rec.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
The ones I'm listening to most (not my favs):
Hammers of Misfortune
Solitude Aeternus

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Pungent Stench - Dirty Rhymes and Psychotic Beats
Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
Funniest movie of all time is Hercules Returns, and if you haven't seen it you suck balls.


That's my staff pic. Goran edited it, so ignore the TRITSIO background ....
I saw this in the SymX forum and thought it would be cool here, as this forum has been rather dead lately. Post a pic of yourself (just one) and answer the following questions. This is a good way to get to know people on here. So here are teh questions -

1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?

Try to keep answers short and sweet.

1. My name is Nolan or Colan depending on whether you want to be a douchebag or not.

2. I live in Montvale, New Jersey aka Jew headquarter of America.

3. I have no idea why I'm on the forum. When I first came on I was a joke just trying to piss people off (aka troll)

4. At the moment:
Pagan Altar

5. I'm the coolest person on the face of the earth. Fuck the haters!
1) What is your name?

2) Where do you live?

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.
I was bored.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Psychotic Waltz
Dead Can Dance
Metal Church
King Crimson

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
King Crimson -- In the Court of the Crimson King
Psychotic Waltz -- Into the Everflow
Joy Division -- Substance
Ulver -- Bergtatt
Bad Religion -- Against the Grain

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
I rule.

1) What is your name?


2) Where do you live?


3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.

A friend of mine in Finland told me to join the Children of Bodom forum, but people there are idiots so we made the Battleheart board.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?

Anaal Nathrakh, Finntroll, Gorgoroth, Windir and Vital Remains.

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?

Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Finntroll - Midnattens Widunder
Gorgoroth - Incipit Satan
Windir - 1184
Vitar Remains - Dechristianize

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?

I rule.

1) What is your name?


2) Where do you live?


3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc.

A friend of mine in Finland told me to join the Children of Bodom forum, but people there are idiots so we made the Battleheart board.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?

Anaal Nathrakh, Finntroll, Gorgoroth, Windir and Vital Remains.

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?

Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Finntroll - Midnattens Widunder
Gorgoroth - Incipit Satan
Windir - 1184
Vitar Remains - Dechristianize

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?

I rule.


1) What is your name? Nikki

2) Where do you live? Upper Darby, PA. Tis outside of Philadelphia

3) Why are you on this forum? What brought you here, etc. To be honest, I don't even remember.

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?1.In Flames 2.Children of Bodom 3.Into Eternity 4.Alice in Chains 5.Melechesh

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
1.Metallica-Kill 'Em All, 2.Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion, 3.Alice in Chains-Dirt, 4.Finntroll-Nattfodd, 5.Children of Bodom-Hatebreeder

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself? What else is there to know?
1) What is your name?
I'm withholding that information... you sick stalking bastard. :mad:

2) Where do you live?

3) Why are you on this forum?
Why not?

4) Top five favorite bands at the moment?
Napalm Death
Black Sabbath
King Diamond

5) Five albums that had a great impact on you?
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Megadeth - Killing Is My Business...
Napalm Death - The Code is Red...
Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Finntroll - Nattfodd

6) Anything else you'd like to mention about yourself?
Rust in Peace kicks teh ass.