Hell Awaits Us All
New Metal Member
now how the fuck can you judge her personality from one picture? that is unbelievably hypocritical behavior coming from somebody who pretends to be enlightened. Very disappointing of you.
I hate skinny girls.
now how the fuck can you judge her personality from one picture? that is unbelievably hypocritical behavior coming from somebody who pretends to be extremely enlightened.
So you don't ever judge anyone in their photographs of themselves? LOL!
Nice doesn't mean smart. Usually the nicest people are also the dumbest. FYI.
And No. This isn't "Hypocrisy at it's finest" Are you fucking retarded? It's called I'm judging her because she's got her ASS HANGING OUT AND LOOKING OVER HER SHOULDER COYLY AND POSTED THIS PICTURE OF HERSELF ALL OVER THE INTERNET FOR IDIOTS LIKE YOU TO JACK OFF TO BECAUSE SHE HAS NO SELF RESPECT. This is the kind of picture you save for your husband or lover....not whoever wants to give you some attention.
edit: Did I mention the porn star style make up? Oh I didn't? Well, there you go.
Susperia is an awful person. Anyway, I'd fucking bone the shit out of that chick that bigdave posted.
you live with your parents?
Oh hey look Susperia is being a condescending bitch for a change.