The Official HALO 3 Thread

I missed you guys, but I was busy dominating Team Melee (which is fucking retarded because of the constant lag)
Mathiäs;7484498 said:
I missed you guys, but I was busy dominating Team Melee (which is fucking retarded because of the constant lag)

It's fucking retarded regardless of lag.

I finally hit fucking Major. Commander is next on the list.

I'm awaiting my sig to update. I am also awaiting for to update me. wtf
My sig hasn't updated in weeks, don't know why. I only need like 15 points to get to Brigadier and it still has me on commander

god i love the ghost. i also got 4 splatters some how. they gave me 2 splatters after gunning em down. but whatever.

I have yet to get a perfection. I'll be online shortly, gotta polish my halo skillz back up, a friend is having a halo party on friday.
I haven't got a perfection in ranked, but I have like 5 social ones

I'll be on later, but I'm addicted to the new Soulcalibur game so I might be playing that instead
Sorry I lagged out, bad weather usually makes my halo connection shitty. I died and sat there for a few minutes waiting to respawn, wasnt happening so I just turned it off. Goddamn wi-fi.
I'll be on in a little bit. Just eating and waiting for GR's bald ass.

im not playing today. i have no energy what so ever. plus im watching the colbert report and raw is on after. and ill probably fall asleep during raw. cuz thats how beat i am.

fuck, that mountain kicked my ass
I hit Commander in Lone Wolves like 15-25 minutes ago. Woo hoo.

I was going to try to get to Colonel but I got stuck with a fucking level 41 General and two other level 40's and I got irritated. I still got third on that game though.

Hopefully there are some shitty people on tomorrow (well, this) morning.

BTW, I changed my gamertag to GirlDissectorHG