The Official PARADISE LOST: Thoughts, Predictions, and Review Thread

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At first, Romeo did say that there will be no epic. That idea was changed in an update, or an interview, where he'd said that there is going to be a "BIG "song.

I am hoping for a double-disc album here, folks... quite possible with the rumoured amount of songs on the album. I have a large feeling that PL will be the epitome of SymX for a long time to come. THE album that will be recommended first to any new-comer :rock:
Or even better, to get our hopes up only to have them crushed like rice krispies under a boulder;
What if the first disc is all regular songs n stuff, and the second disc is a friggin' Paradise Lost Suite. :notworthy:

But that would mean that Jax has been lying to us. And Jax is the Forum Goddess, and the Forum Goddess never lies.... right?
I'm still waiting for the inevitable album preview MP3 they put up for download on their site like they did with King of Terrors. I remember asking Jax if Romeo was gonna do that again and he said that he'd like to.

Infernal Hailz!
I'm still waiting for the inevitable album preview MP3 they put up for download on their site like they did with King of Terrors. I remember asking Jax if Romeo was gonna do that again and he said that he'd like to.

Infernal Hailz!

Hopefully soon, and then everyone will actually have something to discuss, and opinions will most definately fly...
according to the new cd will be released in shit, look it up..............i'm not sure it will be that soon.
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