The Official PARADISE LOST: Thoughts, Predictions, and Review Thread

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<I have skipped over page 3 whilst reading this>

So PL is going to have a ton of forum lingo and pictures? That'd be quite an interesting listen.

Probably, but I HIGHLY doubt we'll get any "OMG the album rules, and so-and-so is SO hot!" type posts that unfortunately pollute forums everywhere.

Instead, we'll get "OMG the album rules, and the compression in the mix is SO right on!"
:lol: FTW!!!

I hope SymX writes a sad ballad mourning the loss of the hot girls thread. That thread was made of win and gold. Possibly could be titled "the ballad of Kenneth" and it would be all acoustic because the band sold their amps to buy some chick a ring :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I literally choked on my oatmeal because of this post, holy fuck that's funny! :lol:
Hahaha, so Ursut was right... J-Dub DOES have an itchy ban finger! :heh:

Take no prisoners, take no shit. Especially when it comes to certain people. Someone has to control the herd here....:lol:

Let me put it to you this way, would you rather have a board with moderation to keep SOME people in line, or would you rather not have a Sy-X forum at all? That's pretty much what you're looking at. There's not a lot of middle ground.....

Then again, waterboarding is a lot more fun for me than just banning someone.....:heh:

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