The Official Roope Latvala Thread

Everytime i Die

Shred Master
Jul 26, 2006
Roope kicks ass and no one every talks about him so im makin a thread for him! Roope is a kick ass guitar player and Stone is fukin deadly!
I prefer Alexi's writing style. I can always tell who's who when listening to Sinergy and I usually like Alexi's solo more.
<-Warheart-> said:
I prefer Alexi's writing style. I can always tell who's who when listening to Sinergy and I usually like Alexi's solo more.

I can tell who's who on Sinergy cause alexi seems to have this, I don't know....familiar sound or feel. What roope plays seems fresh, but maybe that's just me
<-Warheart-> said:
"I am the Black Death" :lol:
haha, hell yeah, hes even funnier when he is drunk.

i would like to see what bodom would become if Roope wrote some full songs for the next album and even played solos on it
Authentic Metalhead said:
I'd very much like to see that. I think Alexi has just about worn out his creative gene.

Yeah I see what you're sayign..I think he has something there with some of groove he's putting into his recent solos though, Like the Living Dead Beat solo and the first solo in If You Want Peace.