The Official "token Blackfriend" thread.

I want to be friends with more black people. I'm at a disadvantage cause the town I live in is the most annoying whitebread city. Its basically South Park but without the mountains...and we dont even have Chef!

come 90 miles northwest.

my great-aunt, and my sister and I
hell yas. i love norfolk actually...

better than the 'mond
You really think so? I hate it here. Nothing but Abercrombie Models everywhere. The only thing keeping me here is my band.

i like hampton roads actually; something about all the open water. i like the water. and the smell of salt air. and the fact that it's just "dirty".
how about "nikki's boobs are downright brobdinagian in scope"
I don't have "blackfriends". i just have friends regardless to what race they are.
is Lady Laiho black or asian or something?

I cant post Goatse in this forum? What the hell kind of forum is this?
I know, what a crock of shit... I hear ya dude!
The one where a few members fuckerized it so that you couldn't post certain things
Yeh, there used to be this Nikotiinigirl, who made a thread about dead blakc people and mocked them... the mod shit himself and then deleted the forum lol1! now there all new gay rules!