The Official "token Blackfriend" thread.

I don't have, because there are not so much black people in cologne. Of course there are some, but I won't go to them and ask on of them to be my friend just to show off in this thread. wtf!?!?!
i havent got any blackfriends...but i do have a quartercast friend and my toehr friend is like halfcast or something...i'll post a pic of the quartercast guy...he's actually my best friend :p
I know black dudes and they're fukken EPIC! The sit in the hallway of my school ALL DAY, pumpin' somme fitty cent and playing dice. They're are like 50, I was like "Omgod, Am I in the Bronx or something?''. But they are actually very nice, even thought they all look like they just got out of prison...
unfortunately Sunday i have to drive down through Virginia to get to north Carolina and i hate it. the last house on the border is a...dumpster with shutters and theres a confederate flag on a goddamn pole. DOWN with the ConfederesaaaaH!

heres my black friends, they're hardcore

:lol: theres a gang at my school called "black phantoms" and its full of all these black and muslim kids. its kinda retarded. but my friend tyler goes up to one of the members, leon, whos one of my good friends. and hes like, BLACK PHANTOMS!! and hes been yellin that like the past 2 days. and hes a total whitie, and he has a fuckin afro :lol: