The Official "token Blackfriend" thread.


that would be "Token Dan." Hes very shitfaced in that picture (he was kicked out of the bar, hence him being on the other side of the fence) and was previously mumbling something about "the five fingers of the pudding"

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that would be "Token Dan." Hes very shitfaced in that picture (he was kicked out of the bar, hence him being on the other side of the fence) and was previously mumbling something about "the five fingers of the pudding"

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Dude, we are like brothers, seriously. You wouldn't even imagine the shit we call each other. Stuff not to be mentioned on an online forum :lol:
Yeah my one of my best friends is black lol. But he's Torres Straight Islander not African. He's mad, loves his video games and is into basically the same metal as me.
Yeh some people don't know the difference which is stupid, so I know what you mean. There are clearly way different features.
And I was born in Canada but my parents are from the Carribbean, but I also have Spanish, Venezualian and East Indian roots.