The Official UM Confessional

I fuck little boys and livestock

seriously, though


I don't own ANY Iron Maiden records

to me, Venom and Motorhead are more important bands than Priest or Maiden

power metal usually sucks

I find the Human League and other androgynous new wave to be fun and extremely catchy

I don't listen to Cradle Of Filth or Dimmu Borgir

on the contrary, I actually like Bolt Thrower and find their detractors are missing out on their earlier grindcore oriented albums.

I find most punk-oriented music to be awesome, although I find oi to atrocious garbage.

I'd think of more but I'm drawing a blank


I don't like The Big Lebowski (its just not funny, sorry)

I hate Islam and other totalitarian religions (that includes Fundamentalist Christianity)

I find most women to be shallow and stupid

I don't own a car and probably never will

I have a thing for corny sitcoms

I enjoy reading about true crime and the supernatural, and I LOVE the History channel and MSNBC (except for Keith Olberman, he should keep his opinions to himself. damn liberal media!)
I really wish I had long black hair.
I hate tight pants.
I download 99% of my music because Im too cheap and impatient to order it online.
I was recently diagnosed with SPD.
Wow. Why aren't you allowed to drive? Do you have a disorder that prevents you from doing it or something? My friend has seizures here and there and he's not allowed to drive for 3 months after it happens.


I've stated numerous times that I have high-functioning autism.