The Official UM Confessional

I've recently figured out that I like Rammstein. I don't know if I should be embarrassed by that.
Ive never heard of Elliot Smith.
Elliott (make sure you spell it correctly) Smith is great. I do find a lot of his material very dark, and he has many songs that are sufficiently dark to appeal to a lot of metal fans. I am surprised that so few people on metal forums are aware of him. It's great stuff. One problem is that some albums get way too bogged down in Beatles worship, but this is never too much of a problem. I think the s/t and X/O are probably the best, but all albums have some great songs and redeeming values. I would love to see a metal band cover Christian Brothers. My band might get around to it.

Elliott Smith is about one of a handful of non-metal artists I listen to regularly. Highly recommended.
I've recently figured out that I like Rammstein. I don't know if I should be embarrassed by that.

Want to buy/trade for my copy of Rosenrot? It comes with a bonus DVD.

Rammstein was the first band that I truly called my favorite, and it was a major benchmark on my path to metal.