The OFFICIAL: Unholy Alliance Roll Call thread

Poss said:
that mastodon guy is huge....

and the show was awesome! alexi was talking between two songs and then he said :"So the next song is called...." at that point my friend shouted :"THE NAIL!!!!" and alexi looked at him with a look of total surprise lol. but then he laughed and went on.

hehe...I can imagine the look on his face.
I've been out of town with no way to comment but the Dallas show was fucking awesome... I'm not a Mastodon fan and they had the stage forever compaired to Bodom. Everyone sat down or just stood there... we even did a Bodom chant but to no avail. :( That was far to short a set but they did awesome!!!
Vancouver, B.C.
In three words: best…show…ever.

In 1,070 words:
SLAAAYYUUHHHHH. So me and a couple of buddies go pick up some brewski and drive down to the skytrain station. When we get to the venue we find out that we still had a case of cold shots left so we stashed it in some construction junk and it was actually there when we came back afterwards! Hahaha hilarious. Anywhore, we had to go drink in some back alley cause they don’t allow you to around the skytrain so hanging with some bums was fun.
So we get in line to get into the 20,000 people venue and already the huge lineup is screaming “SLAAYEERRRRR” so loudly. Yummy. I cut in line with a buddy of mine and met up with the rest later on.
Thine Eyes Bleed: 1/10
We just stood there for Thine Eyes Bleed and considering I don’t care for them I couldn’t tell you how they were. Mediocre sound I suppose? Haha their tiny banner exposed a huge COB one behind it, twas humours. But yeah I was comparing them to Bobaflex from Gigantour 2005 and they were better (party because Tom’s brother was there and made for some good SLAYEERR screams).
Children of Bodom: 10/10
So after TEB were gone it was time for some finnish metal so we all got up to the front and enjoyed a thorough setlist from Bodom. The crowd was pretty good and I was right up there a few feet away from Alexi himself. They had a really good sound as each instrument could be heard crystal clear(last time I saw them it was a bit muddy cause of the venue) and the loudness was perfect. During the last song Alexi’s like:
“Give it up for Thine Eyes Bleed for opening this tour”
Crowd: barely any response
Alexi: “Make some noise for Mastodon!”
Crowd: slight response
Alexi :” How about Lamb of God”:
Crowd: strong response
Alexi: “And what was that other band? Hmmm…..” and in a high female voice he goes “Slayyaaaaahh?”
Hahaha, what a fucking pimp, Alexi Laiho is. But yeah, love this band to death and they put on a wicked-ass show as usual. Just weird how they’re before Mastodon, doesn’t make sense to me. Haha and at one point, a damsel in distress fell just in front of me while crowdsurfing and I took the liberty to grope her fruits of labour and lift her back up like a real man would .
Mastodon : N/A
So after COB me and my buddy got out of the floor area for some water( $4.50 CDN for a “large” Sprite!!!!!!!) and to get some much-needed rest after Bodom so we missed Mastodon entirely. Didn’t matter to me cause I can’t get into these guys for some reason. Meh, whatevs. Had a good rest.
Lamb of God: 8/10
Okay 8 is pretty damn good considering I only heard Ashes of the Wake from these guys but they impressed me. After a washroom break (Raining Piss!), I worked my way to the front and eventually got to the barricade. Efff that is the meaning of pain. I was there throughout the entire LOG set and got some in your face action from the guitarist. Apparently they made a huge-ass circle pit but I couldn’t see it cause I was at the barricade, oh well. They played really well and were a good co-headliner I thought. Haha afterwards the bass player motioned for some chick beside me to come backstage with him. Goddamn I wish I was in a band. So now I was in a good position, a little to the left of the barricade for SlayeRRRRrrrr.
Slayer: 666/10
They had a nice Dimebag tribute where they put him up on the screen and the house music played a few Pantera songs while the roadies were preparing Slayer’s stage and I thought it was a respectful gesture. So luckily I got some water from the nice security/bouncers in front so that kept me going. Two large upside down crosses were revealed with a huge screen and the side tarps had these glowing crosses all over them – it looked sweet! South of Heaven began and we all went ballistic. Haha Tom made us sing the opening verses and Jeff walks out with his Heineken guitar :lol:. From there on, it was just pure insanity. I was facing Jeff for most of it and he gave me some good angry looks while soloing. The video screen in the back looked awesome, with moving images of their albums and other stuff, it was unreal. Then the boys started to play one of my favorite songs – Silent Scream. Soooo fucking awesome! The lighting worked well and the crowd ate it up madly. And whomever said that Tom’s voice is dead and that Slayer are lazy loud was surely put in their place today cause Tom screamed like a madman during War Ensemble and The Antichrist, Dead Skin Mask, etc (maybe because they were filming us for the upcoming DVD :cool:). But holy fuck did they ever put on a show. And it was good because it wasn’t too short and it wasn’t too long cause if they had a 90 minute set, I’d be dead by the end of it. I really don’t know what else to say besides that it was amazing, intense, painful and orgasmic. During Mandatory Suicide they had some images from “the war on terror” it was pretty freaky. Kerry King was in full asshole mode as he came over to my side to give us the finger a few dozens times. Good ol’ Kery. And of course, who could not love the intro to DSM. Tom:”This next song is our love song. It’s about a man name Ed. Who used to sleep and dance with the…Dead. DEAD….skiinnnnn….Maskkk.” Fuckin’ Slayer. And once again, you had the boyfriends guarding their girlfriends from 20,000 drunk/horny/excited fans. Boyfriends who do that, you’re all morons. But yeah, it turns out we were being filmed for the upcoming DVD(hence the huge camera crane) and I caught not one, but two of Jeff’s picks!!!!! One after Dead Skin Mask and one after The Antichrist. Sooo awesome cause I never catch anything at shows worth keeping. Hope these guys come back real soon cause I’ll sure as fuck be there. SLAYERRRRRRR.
It’s fuckin Slayer!
Bodom was really nice foreplay before Slayer
Caught two picks!
Awesome crowd
Sweet stage
Best show everrrrrr!!!

Tom’s vocals were a bit hard to hear
Your required fan jackasses were ever present


Thine Eyes Bleed: who cares?
Children of Bodom:
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Needled 24/7
Living Dead Beat
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Hate Me!
Lamb of God: no clue
South of Heaven
Silent Scream
War Ensemble
Blood Red
Eyes of The Insane
Mandatory Suicide
Chemical Warfare
Seasons In The Abyss
Dead Skin Mask
Raining Blood
Hell Awaits
The Antichrist
Angel of Death

I’ll update it later if any other setlists arise.

Hell Awaits.
Just wanted to say how amazing Children Of Bodom was at the show last Sunday. I was right at the front dead center....and was amazed by COB the whole time. Wow they, and Lamb Of God, stole the show!!
---DethBeNotProud said:
Haha and at one point, a damsel in distress fell just in front of me while crowdsurfing and I took the liberty to grope her fruits of labour and lift her back up like a real man would .
you had the boyfriends guarding their girlfriends from 20,000 drunk/horny/excited fans. Boyfriends who do that, you’re all morons.

fucking pathetic
Last night at Long Beach arena was awesome. Pulled up into the parking lot and everyone was drinking and blasting Slayer or some other kind of metal out of their cars. I knew I was in my element. Drank a whole Arroganrt Bastard ale in a about a minute and took some Jager shots with friends before heading inside.
After buying a jack and coke, I realized the show was about to start in a few minutes. I found my seat and it was right front and center and I was suprised when Thine Eyes Bleed started playing on time. They were way better than I thought they'd be. Kinda had some Slayer like parts in their songs, but otherwise I probably wouldn't buy any of their albums.
Second was Mastodon and I thought they were incredibly boring. Their music is all over the place and I couldn't get into any of the songs.

Bodom went on third.....

Silent Night, Bodom Night
Needled 24/7
Hate Me
Living Dead Beat
In Your face

Truthfully, the show Bodom had really high energy and the crowd was into them, but that was it. It seemed like Bodom was totally not into it. They played their songs seemingly rushed and sloppy. Alexi half-assed a lot of the solos with his whammy bar shit. Otherwise, it was good to see them again despite their lousy performance.

Lamb of god was the fourth act to hit the stage. I don't know their songs, but I recognized some of them from seeing with Bodom a year or two ago. I'm convinced they have a really good rhythm section. They just need a good lead guitarist. I liked them.

Then of course, the band of the night was fucking Slayahhhh! the whole venue was packed by this time. When Slayer came on they had these holographic crosses that were turned right side up and then the intro to South of Heaven started and the crosses started to turn upside down. It was badass.

Slayer's setlist:

South of Heaven
Silent Scream
Chemical Warfare
Reign in Blood
Blood Red
Seasons in the Abyss
Hell Awaits
the Antichrist
Angel of Death

Slayer was fucking brutal. The imagery, lighting and holographs behind them as they were playing made it look they were in hell. They went into songs without warning and hardly any pause. They did this between the Antichrist and Angel of Death and by the time those songs were over, I felt like I was going to die from exaustion. The show ended just like that and there was no encore.

On the way out it was awesome. Everbody was drinking more and screaming slayer! Beer bottles were thrown, drunks were loud, people were lighting off those mortor rocket fireworks all over the parking lot, and the over all mood was chaotic outside. So after seeing five bands, drinking a disgusting amount of hard liquor and beer, and hanging out with metalheads all day, I felt very tired and Satisfied.
^ i was at the long beach show as well last night. and yes, i noticed cob was playing a bit sloppy and fast but i managed to have a good time in the pit during their set.

didn't catch much lamb of god cause i was out drinkin some brews and smokin herb but when slayer came on it was one of the greatest shows i've ever seen. the arena had a chill vibe to it everyone was cool even the cops and security so yea i had a great time :kickass:
i was there too

omfg slayer was sick

lamb of god had sweet pits going, but to me there isn't much to them besides screaming and basic riffs

bodom was kinda rushed, but there was lots of energy in the crowd, was awesome :D

i shed some tears when they played Walk with Dimebag's picture up on the screen :(
I saw the show on July 21 in Mesa. Man, COB were so fuckin awsome!!!!!! It was my first concert and I drove 6 hours just to see COB. When Thine Eyes Bleed were on, there was absolutely no one. There were three rows in the front and some people in the back. I had third row but there were too many tall guys in the way but i didn't mind cuz I don't like Thine Eyes Bleed at all. I saw the guitarist in good view though. Man, they suck. No one was even doing anything. THe sound was horrible. The lead singer's voice got caught up in the guitars and drumming. Also, some people were saying "bring out your brother" which was kinda funny. When they first came on, i was like "who the fuck is this?" I don't care for them. Then Mastodan came on and they sucked too. I hate their music and there were a little more people. At the time, some guy was trying to grab my ass so i moved.(i was only with my sister.) Finally, I saw Janne's keyboards getting set up and I was like "oh shit, COB is on next." I was so desperate to get to the front so I pushed between a whole lot of people to get to the front in the middle. I saw Alexi peek through the little backstage door and he was so cute. I also saw Henka walk by. Then they came on and the crowd was fuckin wild! The mosh pits and crowd surfing finally started. I went fuckin crazy my earings fell off and my hair came apart. I had a perfect view of them and the setlist went really fast. Everyone was chanting "bodom" in the beginning and the end. I missed out on the last two songs though cuz i needed water very badly. I was singing along to a lot of their songs too. Sixpounder was the best. The sound was very good. Everything could be heard cleary. Our stage was small so COB had nothing on stage. After them, I took a break. A lot of people asked me if i smoked or had a lighter and since i don't smoke, i had to say no. Then Lamb of God came on and the place was totally full. The pits were crazy. There were two of them. This time I was in the front way in the left. I had an ok view of them. This one chick crowd surfing, got to hug the guitarist when security wasn't looking. The lights were amazing. And the things Randy were saying was funny:
Randy: Damn, you guys drink and smoke a lot here in Mesa
*everyone lifts up their lighters*
Randy: I got some whisky too. There's a lot of hot chicks here but too bad none of them are into metal. On the count of three, i want to see some tits. One, two, three! * no chicks lift there shirts up except some guys*
Randy: *looks at guy* Ah, sick...put your shirt back down. Your's is all hairy and has a lot of moles on it.
After that, Slayer came on and they were fuckin awsome. They did an encore too. The stage show was amazing cuz of all the lights and effects and stuff. They were throwing coins at eveyone too. I didn't get anything though. That was about it and i'll re-live that night every day! During Slayer, I was way in the back. I couldn't even see them except the guitarist.
This is the setlist for lamb of god(not in order): laid to rest, omerta, redneck, as the palaces burn, purified, ruin, black label, now you've got something to die for, vigil, and two other songs. I can't remember what they were.
eggo said:
i was there too

omfg slayer was sick

lamb of god had sweet pits going, but to me there isn't much to them besides screaming and basic riffs

bodom was kinda rushed, but there was lots of energy in the crowd, was awesome :D

i shed some tears when they played Walk with Dimebag's picture up on the screen :(
hey guys im from the nevermore board but i saw that you guys had a thread on the unholy alliance tour so i thought i would visit it. i went to the Long Beach show and i thought it was amzing.

i was also gettn a bit emotional when they played some pantera and showed dime on the screen. that was very nice of them to do that. i was sitting up seats at section 101 and took some awesome pictures. it was one of the best concerts i have been to.

the only two complaints i had about LoG was that they only played black label off of new american gospel and that it seems LoG played the song purified in every other show except LB. i was hoping for them to play that song. other than that it was awesome
The toronto show was amazing it was funny when mastodon came on it was like the bathroom break. In between bands before slayer I think they started playing walk by pantera. They then put a picture of dimebag on the screen people started goin nuts for the song and pic it got more attention then the entire mastodon set. Just thought I would share that
Audun_Of_Bodom said:
The toronto show was amazing it was funny when mastodon came on it was like the bathroom break. In between bands before slayer I think they started playing walk by pantera. They then put a picture of dimebag on the screen people started goin nuts for the song and pic it got more attention then the entire mastodon set. Just thought I would share that
they did that at the long beach CA show too