The OFFICIAL: Unholy Alliance Roll Call thread

Bloodred Scythe said:
Dunno if this is the right topic to post this but I'll do it anyway.

On the Unholy Alliance European Tour Dates page on the COBHC site I see 20.11.2006 (NL) DEN BOSCH / Baroniehal, but that is supposed to be 20.10.2006 if I'm right.

You're right - that was a typo and it's now fixed.
BodomIsYourGod said:
The toronto show was great!
fuck Impissed for missing that.
I hear Alexi Fucked up the guitar spin :p oh well.
Shit, they wont be back for atleast a year now :(

I also hear Janne played a Battleheart riff between some songs :O :p
Hey, guys....I went to the Toronto show yesterday, and boy was it fucking great. Every band played well, Alexi played very proficiently, which is good. I've seen some videos where he was quite sloppy. Anyway, in that aspect, I'd say Lamb of God (who is reputable for such) played very tightly and coordinated, more so than the other bands.

The crowd was disappointing. Seriously dissapointing. Down where people were standing, before Lamb of God came out, there were about 5 people moshing at any given time and most of the people were sitting down in the seats.

Here's my reiview of the performance:

Thine Eyes Bleed
They were already playing when we got in the gates at about 5:15, but these guys are pretty good. I hadn't checked them out before and I wanted to judge from the concert. I was not disappointed. They played nice leads and solos and the singer was not hard on the ears either. I think I'll probably check them out.

Chldren of Bodom

Silent Night, Bodom Night
Needled 24/7
Living DeadBeat
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Hate Me

Alexi played very well, and his stage presence was awesome. I was very satisfied with the setlist and was surprised after seeing the initial tour setlist and was pretty disappointed. Alexi tried doing a guitar throw and almost dropped his guitar. The crowd was chanting "BODOM, BODOM!" after the first couple songs, which was the most lively the crowd was at that point.

Mastodon took the stage and started with Iron Tusk and people were starting to get into it. They played a couple songs off their new album, which was pretty cool. They played a good selection of songs, though it didn't seem the crowd was too into them.

Lamb of God
I got down into the floor and up close to see these guys. First one of the techs came out with a mask on and was probably stalling, talking about how they wanted weed (people were actually throwing joints onto the stage) and cocaine, beofe Lamb of God came out. They started out with Ruin and the whole fuckin' place blew up. They played a lot of crowd favorites like 11th Hour and Now You've Got Something To Die For and they also played their new song, Redneck. One thing I was surprised to see though, was Willie Adler was playing an ESP EC-400 since I thought he was endorsed by Framus Guitars.

I'll have to admit, I'm not a big Slayer fan. I don't own any of their records, and I didn't recogonize almost all of the songs. (I hear some people on these boards don't like that 'chugga-chugga' sound, but damn, they take that shit to the max) But the show was explosive. They crowd went crazy, they played very sound, I noticed a couple times where something sounded off, but was corrrected within a matter of seconds. at this point the whole floor in front of the stage was a pit and almost everyone was on their feet. It was a great show.

I was able to get some picutres and some video from my camera. The audio was shitty cause it was really loud, and pretty windy and most of them are from the seats and some are blurry since I was getting knocked around and was trying to take pictures. But, between the Mastodon and Lamb of God set, I was able to sneak down onto the floor and get some decent close-up shots of Lamb of god and get into the pit as well. :) But, I got sick from drinking a couple beers before going down there, so left the floor area, but it was still pretty awesome down there. Anyway....I don't have any slayer pictures though. One of the security guards caught me with my camera, and asked me to put it away. I got it out again later, and he told me he'd kick me out if he saw it out again. So, I wasn't going to get kicked out for a couple pictures.

Show Pictures

I'll have videos up later since they're uploading now.
Thanks for the review Hydra. I am 50/50 on going to see the show in Vancouver. Theres the issue of getting off work (I'm very recently about to get a new job, dunno if I can get time off straight away)

I've gotta try find the Lamb of God/Slayer setlists, Bodom's looks okay but its to damn short!
I saw CoB on June 30th. They were sweet... didn't like lamb of god or slayer and it brought a lot of way older people. It was too bad Bodom didn't get a longer set list!
The crowd in Cleveland went crazy for CoB - throwing beer bottles in the air and up on stage. Mosh pit was huge and there were a few at one time.

The tickets were also about $51 each with taxes. Expensive - but I'd pay just about anything to see CoB, and the experience was cool - besides, who knows when they'll be back?
For anyone who was at the detroit show on the 6th, what was Bodom's set list. I was there, and figured out the other 6 of 7 songs played, but the first song was a blur to me. From what ive read it seems like Silent Night, Bodom night, but i was thinking it was Follow The Reaper, just would like some clarification. fucking great show.
Tonight is the show! Fuckin kick ass. Been waiting for this day for 4 months. Anyone else going to the St.Paul show?