The OFFICIAL: Unholy Alliance Roll Call thread

I saw the Show In New Jersey at the Continetal Airlines Arena and what a kickass show. All the bands were playing top notch, and Seeing Bodom, Slayer, and Lamb of God together was a real treat.
Dyed Absinthe said:
This may help:

Oh, and yay Nile!

I was 7 or 8 rows back during Slayer, and it didn't seem too bad. The pit came close to me a few times, but I'm pretty sure you could've sat down on the floor in most of the arena during their set ... lol.

Damn ... can't say I remember you (or at least that description). =\ Sorry, I just wasn't paying too much attention I guess. Yeah, definitely with you on Bodom being better than Lamb of God. I know Bodom's been touring for what?9 years now? But, hell I want them to come back again soon! Maybe next time I can find a way to meet them, hah.

Yeah...there were so many people there that there's no way we could recognize eachother...and I wasn't paying attention to anyone around me, just the music.
I met them three times in Canada...when they were just headlining without Slayer and such. It was easy then...but now the security is upped. Ah, well. Three times is enough (no, it's not...). :)
I was at the Cincinnati show last night, it kicked ass. Bodom played 3rd, so they played 7 songs. I was outside/walking around for most of the Lamb of God set, ive allready seen them and didnt really want to again, but Slayer was really good and had a wonderful selection of songs. :kickass:
---DethBeNotProud said:
fuck yeah!
come on VancouveRRRRRrrra
see you there bud!

Sick!!! I'm travelling 5-6 hours to get to Vancouver to watch the show. Aslong as Children of Bodom play "Downfall", I'll be a happy man.

I haven't bought my ticket yet, I don't know where to buy 'em. Tickets seem a little pricey, since I'm not really there to see Mastodon/Thine Eyes Bleed/Lamb of God.
pahahenki said:
Yeah...there were so many people there that there's no way we could recognize eachother...and I wasn't paying attention to anyone around me, just the music.
I met them three times in Canada...when they were just headlining without Slayer and such. It was easy then...but now the security is upped. Ah, well. Three times is enough (no, it's not...). :)

Eh, yeah. I was definitely focused on the music. I'm usually memorable, just not when in comparison to Bodom of course! Lol ... and my jealousy seethes and surges, haha. What were your experiences like with them?
Dyed Absinthe said:
Eh, yeah. I was definitely focused on the music. I'm usually memorable, just not when in comparison to Bodom of course! Lol ... and my jealousy seethes and surges, haha. What were your experiences like with them?

hmmm...well, they all seem really cool, but I'm shy as fucking hell so didn't talk to them much. But yeah...all cool/friendly guys.
Roope is friend got him to start talking about the black death again...that was great.
pahahenki said:
hmmm...well, they all seem really cool, but I'm shy as fucking hell so didn't talk to them much. But yeah...all cool/friendly guys.
Roope is friend got him to start talking about the black death again...that was great.

Hm ... good to know they don't embrace the "asshole musician" stereotype. I'm not shy at all, hopefully that'd be a good thing if I ever end up getting the chance to meet them. Yeah ... my friends have the annoying habit of suggesting I offer up, uh, 'certain activities' in order to get to in their good graces. Ah, stupid humans, haha. The black death, eh? Haha, always a good topic. At the moment I'm considering whether or not I want to bake myself in the sun next month just to see Behemoth...
I was at the East Rutherford, NJ and Cincinnati shows and they played:

Silent Night, Bodom Night
Needled 24/7
In Your Face
Angels Don't Kill
Next In Line
Hate Me

Played same order both shows. Im going to Atlanta Tuesday for the show too.
What the fuck ?? They played Next in Line ?? I hope somebody throw a beer or something on Alexis Head for playing that song. It's the worst fuckin Bodom Song ever