The OFFICIAL: Unholy Alliance Roll Call thread

7/4 toronto, canada i will so be there...floor ticks are so mine and i so cant wait! cob fuckin rocks!
Foralltid your sig is so true ahahah, and guys come on! I'd do anything to see COB live! You guys are so spoilt I wish I'd have a chance like that .
^ It seems that a lot of people in the metal scene are fucked up in some way. Steve Smyth, Michael lepond and now Tom Araya have all been recently sick. Looks like the National Day of Slayer show (6/06/06) will not happen. :mad:
i hafta say im not a fan of slayer some of their songs are ok but thine eyes bleed and mastodon sucks but ill be there in winnipeg cauze even seeing cob for 30 mins is worth the 55$!!!!! btw on the tour dates it says winnipeg AL canada
however winnipeg is the capital of MANTOBA and not part of alberta just for the heads up
psycho88 said:
i'm seeing them at the tweeter center on 6/15. :D

I want to go to the June 15th or 16th show in New Jersey. :rock:
I only care for Children of Bodom :notworthy , will they be playing and how long will they play for. Becuase I've heard there was rotating slots so that means they might not play that day ???
If anybody knows anything about these shows it would help...
Long Live COB !!!
I might have already said this. But if I didn't then:

See you guys on 6/15 and 6/16

And by guys, I mean the Jersey posters ;)
Grimes said:
They're comin to fuckin st.paul!!! now i dont have to fuckin drive to wisconsin.

Yeah im going to the St.Paul show to. I live in Wisconsin but the St.Paul show is closer. This will be my first concert. Ive gotten jewed out of other shows. I was going to see ozzfest last year in Somerset but fuckin Ozzy cancelled. I was also going to see COB's last show but the dates conflicted with a hunting trip in Canada. So I cant wait to see Slayer and COB. LOG is ok and TEB are tollerable. I cant stand Mastodon though. My friend, cousin, and I all have tickets for GA on the floor. Cant wait.
I have mine for mesa AZ. At first I thought I was going to the cajun house, but I got imformation on some stupid sie that hasnt been updated since 2004. But I have the tickets and cant wait to see them!!!!