The one and only scale bender!

My first thought was that the writing was slightly incoherent, with lack of flow. It's trying to be too artsy.

My second thought was curiosity of what kind of experiment this is supposed to yield.
Wow. I can't believe you all fail so horribly. Regardless or not it being for you, the point was for you to IMAGINE it as real. I don't care what cloud you think I'm on, this will determine to me whether or not you would go with the anti-christ, or with christ. THAT is the focus of this, and for better or worse, you ALL seem to prove to me that you are not worth saving even if being saved was real.

Fuck...I can't believe I'm actually fighting for nothings like you in this world.

EDIT: If death comes upon you, like it has for me because it's something I reject, will you hate yourself for it, or continue to love it?
Oh, I'm sorry, does my wordspeak offend you? Eye for an eye, Liverslapper, eye for an eye.

As much as I would like to realize this is so, I know it's just a face. I know that if I ever asked anyone this question in real life, they would have answered. But the question IS a scale bender, and it doesn't take much to realize that. I just wished people would actually pay attention to some srsbiznazz for a minute.
The story you had begin the question you really wanted to ask was terribly unintelligent and completely unrelated. If you wanted people to answer a question you feel passionately about, you should have just came straight out with it, rather than give us a horribly written second person story.
Wow. I can't believe you all fail so horribly. Regardless or not it being for you, the point was for you to IMAGINE it as real. I don't care what cloud you think I'm on, this will determine to me whether or not you would go with the anti-christ, or with christ. THAT is the focus of this, and for better or worse, you ALL seem to prove to me that you are not worth saving even if being saved was real.

Fuck...I can't believe I'm actually fighting for nothings like you in this world.

EDIT: If death comes upon you, like it has for me because it's something I reject, will you hate yourself for it, or continue to love it?

Not a single sentence of this makes any sense at all.

What are you high?
Simple man, probably the one who will save you all, enigmatic, religious (Gnostic, as if there was any other), firm believer in unity. "Fight the devil where he may roam; For one day he will be free."

God, computers, video games, science, Heavy Metal
He got an Ig Nobel for astrophysics, how sweet of them to notice him.

Van Impe, not the uh, Resonator guy.
Shpongled said:
Simple man, probably the one who will save you all, enigmatic, religious (Gnostic, as if there was any other), firm believer in unity. "Fight the devil where he may roam; For one day he will be free."

God, computers, video games, science, Heavy Metal

Turn offs:
Floods, locusts, smokers
I want to respond really negatively right now but I feel I can piss you off, since that's all YOU are good at by the looks of things, by being nice. And since it's a lack of explanation that makes you not WANT to understand, I'll roll out the red carpet because of the handicap you bring upon yourselves for no reason.

Yeah, it's true I may be erratic but I go by what I experience in life. You could say I'm crazy, and a long time ago I would have agreed with you. But 'tis the workings of nature that I come by my newfound understanding of life, and personally I like where she's taking me. I understand things alot more and I see alot of people in this thread hiding behind the niceties of humor. I share the humor, I really do but none of you have experienced what I've experienced.

It started when I read a book by Marvin Meyer and Willis Barnstone called "The Gnostic Bible", a book that is really just a collection of transliterated documents found in the Nag Hammadi library. The Gnostics believed themselves to have a spiritual connection with God, but that's all I've ever really known about them besides being massively divided over the (As of 2000 years ago) known world. Without doing too much research into the subject I decided to read the book in it's entirety, though I'm still working on finishing it.

The book itself has really only brought certain truths about the faith, what they believe in, etc. It's not a bible, per se, but it's origin could have very well been a bible at some point. The funny thing about this book is that, if I were to go by a definition of crazy I would have used say, 3 years ago, I would say the book itself makes one go crazy because that is the effect it has had on me. You begin to hear voices in your head, not really voices but pure intuition talking. You wonder if maybe you are just taking it too seriously but as you begin to delve into it, you eventually (After a year of digging to the core of the problem in my head) discover that the psychosis is temporary. So yes, that being said I've many a time discovered that all the things I THOUGHT I channeled were actually "Purposeful bullshit", if I may. What I channeled wasn't real, but then that's the lesson in itself! You will NEVER, when this is possible for all people on Earth, be able to count on it being true because there is ALWAYS the possibility that someone you trust is misleading you.

So during this period of digging, the story grows. You begin to imagine all the creatures from the book just suddenly want to up and talk to you! Oh what an amazing feeling it was, to just know I'm right and you're wrong...I'm just happy I lived the life I did before then, because I probably wouldn't have made it through the disappointment that was the self-actualization of those thoughts. When I realized it was purely me because I wasn't really channeling, but doing something else entirely. As if to say, if I may quote the books directly, "There was a large commotion, and something came from it,".

So that being said, I've learned that humanity is capable of any obstacle. We can walk on coals, we can lift cars to save our children, we can think we're pregnant and still feel and look like we're pregnant even if we're not, and now we can overcome mental disease by pure logical thought process. Paranoia, schizophrenia, delusion...It's all based on what you aren't looking at, the things that are eluding you that you purposefully ignore. Bah, that's not why. Bah, it's something else. Bah, I'm a fucking sheep. Oh yes, we are sheep indeed if I may rant a bit hysterically.

But to further elate you on MY purpose, WHY I have overcome this, and shown you the scale bender, it's because there are certain truths once learning the lessons at hand, when you start interacting with these things on purpose, rather than let it come to you, you can still trust that it is illusion but you eventually learn how to sift through it because there's always that certain catch to the illusion that makes you go "Ah, so it's BS, fuck the BS let's look harder," and then you begin to FEEL things. Like literally feel someone tap you on the leg, or the shoulder, or vibrate the eardrum slightly, or even on the right buttock.


Yes, it's true. These are the things that guide me, and this I've learned that the touches seem to always show you what you need to hear. Whether it's wisdom or a lesson, there are different touches like this. They vary in strength because of how they operate. Inside me, there are 2 things which exist that I cannot really explain because I do not know their origin, only that they have been given to me and to many. The first is the sacred heart, and it beats when I should show love to something (This I only realize upon full analysis, right here and now as I type this). It resides in my left calf. The second is what I only know as the Guardian Angel. It becomes agitated as wisdom comes forth, the true wisdom, or something I should know is present that I can sense.

Other than that, it's a long journey. But it's a very personal one, very individual to the individual I might say. But one thing is universal, and that's the following things:

1) As chaos continues in it's constant motion, it is operated by rules such as linear flow, magnetic polarity, and the like. Likewise, chaos is bendable to your will. This is undeniable fact, and those who have never experienced the effects of bending chaos will say otherwise.

2) Wisdom is the light that fills you. No matter WHAT KIND, wisdom is wisdom. And as you fill yourself of EVERY kind, you step closer to rising above what you hate the most.

I don't know what else to say. Bend chaos at will...If you can ;)