The one and only scale bender!

No, I'm sober. But truth be told I was high when I wrote the original post in this thread, so forgive me for it being badly written. I was motivated by a need to prove a point, and in truth it really serves no purpose to what this thread is now other than it is what it is.
The arrogance and ignorance in referring to people as "saved" or "damned" is exactly what is wrong with religion.
The arrogance and ignorance in referring to people as "saved" or "damned" is exactly what is wrong with religion.

I'm not trying to judge you. I'm trying to let you know that you're stronger than any judgment someone real or otherwise can deliver. You can't seem to overcome the judgment at hand, in any case, so maybe you don't deserve my sympathy. I could attack you in many ways if I knew as many things about you as you do about religion. I could isolate every weakness you have and make you feel pathetic.

Would that make you feel better? Would it make you feel better if you can see the truth about it, if it's byproduct only stands before you telling you to rise?
speaking of gorgonzola, my parents took me to some restaurant that they took me to the last time I was in town, about 8 months ago, and the daily special was the same daily special I had then. (salmon with spinach and gorgonzola). Come on now restaurant, be more original with your daily specials. I got it anyway because the ingredients are what won me over last time, but it was disappointing because I make the same thing only so much better. It sucks making food so good myself that most normal ol' restaurants can not thrill me. THE CURSE I MUST BEAR
Yeah, it's an american chain restaurant fail thing. I've been trying to eat at local places because even if the food isn't that great, it has its own unique touch.
2) Wisdom is the light that fills you. No matter WHAT KIND, wisdom is wisdom. And as you fill yourself of EVERY kind, you step closer to rising above what you hate the most.
You could have made this your entire post and most people here would have understood you and agreed with you. There's more than one way to reach enlightenment.

Aside from that, your over usage of large words and unnecessary blabbering do nothing but get in the way of what you're trying to say and confuse me. I understand you've got a lot of experiences you want to relate to people and you're trying your best to explain it... but it's like trying to watch a pay-per-view event on TV without buying it. You can just barely tell what's going through all the "akjhkdghsadbvdnsabghiourehguiowahsdnviwuoehgwbbb" static shit.
*large wall of text*

You seem like the type of person that believes that every individual lives in their own separate reality and believes life is an illusion. You need to realize we do live in a reality in which we can determine what is real and establish objective truths in how we understand things, not through subjective life experiences. Posts like this prove my point. You also pose these hypothetical questions that are, let's admit, kinda out there and silly.

Yeah, its great you found self-understanding through your experiences, but please don't think that there is no definite truths and that anything is possible.
You could have made this your entire post and most people here would have understood you and agreed with you. There's more than one way to reach enlightenment.

That's not the only point I'm trying to reach here, though it is a good point to have reached. Living the recent years I have, I can't really say I disagree on the variety of ways to reach enlightenment but limiting yourself within a box where NONE of the bible is explainable, when in fact Gnostic text backs up the Old and New Testaments scientifically speaking, particularly in the following books:

On the Origin of the World
The Three Forms of First Thought

While symbolic in writing, I've found (Well, I can't say much for the second because truth be told I read it and haven't gone back to it) that science as I know it only re-inforces the first book, and vice versa if that's how you want it. What is accepted as scientific standard is only as much as people are willing to accept, and any "Anti-religion" doctrine ruins your chances of full enlightenment.

I don't claim to be fully enlightened but I'm sure the method of never refusing evidence of something existing works out just fine in scientific research, especially when that first book can explain literally everything you want to know by understanding the flow of chaos itself. How it propagates, why we are the way we are today. We can't possibly find out what's missing in the chests of mankind unless you have a specimen of a human that has what is said we lack. Up to that point, it's just a matter of faith. Everything else as far as I can see is logical truth. Keep in mind these books were discovered at a time when science refuses to accept faith based texts as ANY form of truth.

Yeah, its great you found self-understanding through your experiences, but please don't think that there is no definite truths and that anything is possible.

I only lack the ability to make physical things bend physical rules. Everything else I've pretty much got down pat, so while perhaps the former is not real the rest damn well is.

Think of our world as a formula that flows with chaos. Interactions manipulate the formula to make it different each time, and the cycle continues. So perhaps we only lack the know-how to make those instances of things we thought were impossible to become real, and maybe it's possible because of our innate ability to have faith. The formula's that float throughout chaos are magnetically charged, and it seems in my quest to make things better for people I find myself magnetized to certain situations. Maybe it's a subconscious radar I've learned to activate, who knows. I'm not a biologist not a chaos theorist but I do know what I see and experience as real.

In the case of self enlightenment, if you haven't found what you're looking for it's because your true focus is not there. Enlightenment is not your mission like it is mine, my passion. People wanted Hitler to lose, he stopped attacking Britain one day to hit Russia and killed any chance he had of winning.

What a crazy random happenstance!

So the bottom line is: If there's a need, the opposite (The fulfillment of that need) will come with the flow of time. Who is to say the stage isn't about to be set for that to happen? Science? You? Me? I see things as an inevitability because of the dynamic nature of chaos, and that because motion proves time, time will prove motion (In time).
I can't really say I disagree on the variety of ways to reach enlightenment but limiting yourself within a box where NONE of the bible is explainable, when in fact Gnostic text backs up the Old and New Testaments scientifically speaking


that science as I know it only re-inforces the first book, and vice versa if that's how you want it. What is accepted as scientific standard is only as much as people are willing to accept, and any "Anti-religion" doctrine ruins your chances of full enlightenment.

Seriously, shut up. The Bible is full of logical and scientific fallacies. You believe the earth is flat? How about balanced on four pillars? The skies, are they water above us too? Explanation for gravity? Haha, I could go on forever but that would be aside the point. The Old Testament are clearly the writings of man, not God, and written before the age of reason and modern science. It was literally like a Dark Age of reason for over a thousand years.

I don't claim to be fully enlightened but I'm sure the method of never refusing evidence of something existing works out just fine in scientific research, especially when that first book can explain literally everything you want to know by understanding the flow of chaos itself. How it propagates, why we are the way we are today. We can't possibly find out what's missing in the chests of mankind unless you have a specimen of a human that has what is said we lack. Up to that point, it's just a matter of faith. Everything else as far as I can see is logical truth. Keep in mind these books were discovered at a time when science refuses to accept faith based texts as ANY form of truth.

Ok, again you are asserting your own *subjective* view of enlightenment/understanding/morality. Morality is not derived from ancient fables written by man in the vein of a god-like deity, and does not need to be. Define enlightenment, go ahead :lol:

Scientists don't accept evidence based on faith either :lol: I don't understand why you imply that they do...

I only lack the ability to make physical things bend physical rules. Everything else I've pretty much got down pat, so while perhaps the former is not real the rest damn well is.

What? Again, you lack the ability to grasp the difference between what is possible and what is hypothetical.

Think of our world as a formula that flows with chaos. Interactions manipulate the formula to make it different each time, and the cycle continues.


So perhaps we only lack the know-how to make those instances of things we thought were impossible to become real, and maybe it's possible because of our innate ability to have faith.


In the case of self enlightenment, if you haven't found what you're looking for it's because your true focus is not there. Enlightenment is not your mission like it is mine, my passion. People wanted Hitler to lose, he stopped attacking Britain one day to hit Russia and killed any chance he had of winning.

Jesus Christ dude :lol: Words like enlightment, morality, and virtue are words and ideas that are "fluid", open to definition. Your subjective goal of enlightment may to be to understand how God works, mine may be to understand quantum physics and "enlighten" myself in that area.

Who is to say the stage isn't about to be set for that to happen? Science? You? Me? I see things as an inevitability because of the dynamic nature of chaos, and that because motion proves time, time will prove motion (In time).

Altitudes gets a big fucking cookie.


Holy fucker of fuck that's a big cookie.

Resonator, everything you say makes it much harder to believe that you're actually intelligent. Not only are your posts utter nonsense (scientifically backing the Bible is simply impossible, as inconsistent as it is), you're making whatever you believe look stupider by embarrassing it in such a thorough fashion, so if you really want to convert people just shut up before you make your beliefs any more laughable.
