The one and only scale bender!

You all just got mindfucked by one (Yet again) uninformed opinion. You can't possibly understand that, while you're all calling me stupid for a reason I can plainly is logical enough for you, I find myself wondering at your own intelligence and reading comprehension.

I suggest you let go of the guns before you shoot yourselves in the foot (Yet again).
Man it must be nice all by yourself over there on the other side of the fence, where every single thing makes absolutely perfect sense.
Kev, are you high?

*Flame on*

Anyway, Reasonbater, get a clue. I read your jumbled "wall of text" and it sounds like you stole it straight out of one of those born again christian stories they hand out when your leaving some big event somewhere. Nobody wants to be saved by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. Your ideals are lost to the people here because they're smarter than you. Just get a grip, take your "chaos, death, jesus, bullshit" somewhere else. Its funny, because I really don't care what people believe in, just as long as they don't try to push it on others.

so, blah blah blah, foot in my mouth, generic bullshit comment.... blah blah blah... go fuck yerself.
there. Said.

Can I get a chitty chitty bang bang up in here? Heh...

Just for the record, it would have made perfect sense if you took the time to analyze just what is said. No I'm not a Christian because a Christian instill fear. It instills neglect of sinners, and yet the avatar of their faith sits with sinners for brunch!

Allow me to instill something upon you, sir. No matter how hard you try, you can never make your hatred a mask. You fail to realize that because of the nature of how that works, you haven't tried at all. You make that hatred a part of yourself and you disgust me because you do it willingly. You officially shit in cornflakes for a living, congratulations, business must be fuckin' good out here in cyberspace!

But I suppose, truth be told, I should just glad the known data is in your favor.
How about you take your ridiculous beliefs and illogical statements to somewhere where people might actually think you're as smart as you think you are.

The fact that you can come here and tell us all that we're morons and that you are, "actually fighting for nothings like [us] in this world" is not a smart thing to do to atheists, agnostics and just plain ol' people with common sense.
Let's change the subject. Where are you from? How old are you? What other bands do you like? For the record, it's cool that you have your own beliefs and convictions, just don't expect most people to agree with them or generally respect them.
It's hard to respect someone's opinion and belief system when they try to push it.
I lurked moar

....A DEMON!

So whats up you guys? I'm Matt, kinda new here, just found out about the site really following a link from Nevermore's website (Jeff Loomis you are a fucking god!) so I figured I'd join up as a fellow metal fan :headbang:

So a little about myself, I guess...Well, I'm about your normal height for a 21 year old, I got short brown hair, and I just noticed this awesome emoticon:


Aside from the stoner jokes, though, I run a small project with a buddy of mine called Shadow Soldiers of Sound which is a collaboration effort for anyone who's interested. Granted, the project just started, but so far we've already got 2 bands who are willing to start producing some fresh material and record it.

Click here to go to our site. Not much there now, but once we're done recording you'll be able to download our tracks (Though we feel obligated to ask that you order the albums and support the cause :) )

If you're in the Barrie, Ontario area anytime, feel free to drop me a line if you want. I'm always looking for newcomers to join up, or just have a plain old Canadian at the bar.

PS: Merch to come soon! :heh:
Don't know how much it helps, but I suppose I could fill in on myself.

I'm from Canada, if you couldn't tell. And yes, I do say "Eh" alot. I'm 22 years old, and my taste of music, while eclectic at nature, mostly seeks out Metal. I joined the band mentioned earlier because I thought I could do something for metal itself. This is one mans view but metal is dying. It needs a kick in the pants. That's my general mission as a guitar player for the band.

Favourite bands are Nevermore, Dream Theater, Iced Earth (To a point, the earlier bits aren't my thing), Pantera, Opeth, Murderdolls, Mushroomhead, Slipknot...The list goes on (And includes The Beatles and Hendrix). What I look for in metal is just awesomely put together stuff, but above all FRESH stuff. Not recycled garbage. Unfortunately, that is why I have to decline Iron Maiden, while they achieve the talent I look for, from my list.

But yeah, just for the sake of rattling some cages in here:


Anvil: I don't push shit. But even just to TRY and sort through religion can enlighten you the same way it does for me. I suppose I should mention that I wasn't ignoring the fact you guys were making the case that MY enlightenment was subjective because it is, but it's only because of what I read and was made to understand as truth that I would even come out here at all.