The one and only scale bender!

Who want's a free lesson in what the hell I'm actually talking about so that you can actually make some kind of real impression of your true characters on me?
Hehe, thought you might say that. So I decided I'm going to anyway because I feel you won't come out of your shell of ignorance anytime soon without some prodding.

Alright, so let's disassemble the book in question, piece by piece:

Seeing that everybody, gods of the world and mankind, says that nothing existed prior to chaos, I, in distinction to them, shall demonstrate that they are all mistaken, because they are not acquainted with the origin of chaos, nor with its root. Here is the demonstration.

How well it suits all men, on the subject of chaos, to say that it is a kind of darkness! But in fact it comes from a shadow, which has been called by the name 'darkness'. And the shadow comes from a product that has existed since the beginning. It is, moreover, clear that it existed before chaos came into being, and that the latter is posterior to the first product. Let us therefore concern ourselves with the facts of the matter; and furthermore, with the first product, from which chaos was projected. And in this way the truth will be clearly demonstrated.

Basically this statement illustrates how darkness and shadow are 2 separate things. Darkness is what exists when there is no light (Obviously) but the shadow is made to look like an actual physical object. And from the source, which was the shadow, chaos is sprung forth. It's important enough for the writer to note that the shadow is something that has existed since the beginning, so when this "Thing" comes into existence, so has the shadow in turn. More on this later.

After the natural structure of the immortal beings had completely developed out of the infinite, a likeness then emanated from Pistis (Faith); it is called Sophia (Wisdom). It exercised volition and became a product resembling the primeval light. And immediately her will manifested itself as a likeness of heaven, having an unimaginable magnitude; it was between the immortal beings and those things that came into being after them, like [...]: she (Sophia) functioned as a veil dividing mankind from the things above.

So here we have a small description of what existed prior to the shadow, among a basic description of the order in heaven.

Before I continue it's important to note that other books have a better description of this order, but for the sake of understanding the similarities between heaven and shadow there is always a flow. So from the source, there is a pathway to all things that exist below the source. Because the flow is similar to our own form of chaos, you can think of these things more as streams of consciousness which flow into each other. Without what existed prior to it, the stream of consciousness wouldn't be able to exist because the stream is a subtext of it's predecessor.

In the case of Source, Pistis and Sophia, you cannot have the source without faith, and you cannot have faith without wisdom because in this manner they are all connected by the light. They can only be, as energy, the type of energy that their environment consists of. So in wisdom of knowing what is right, you can have faith in your wisdom. And by having faith, you can reach the source. And all metaphysical forms that exist within that form of thought are privy to this stream of consciousness. There are many other flows, but to my recollection there are only the 3 stages in general.

So now this VEIL thing! What is that? Well, because things flow through each other in the manner I describe above, the source sent something to Sophia to make her "exercise volition" (Energy to accomplish something must come from somewhere, another mockery in our world that exists here). This, in these realms is called "Foreknowledge" because as these streams, you know your own nature. So when you commit action, you know what will happen through and through because of it. The veil in itself is what is created, and the shadow is what is cast into the darkness on the other side of the veil.

So whatever flowed through Sophia created the shadow and the veil at the same time, I suppose it's fair to say.

Now the eternal realm (aeon) of truth has no shadow outside it, for the limitless light is everywhere within it. But its exterior is shadow, which has been called by the name 'darkness'. From it, there appeared a force, presiding over the darkness. And the forces that came into being subsequent to them called the shadow 'the limitless chaos'. From it, every kind of divinity sprouted up [...] together with the entire place, so that also, shadow is posterior to the first product. It was <in> the abyss that it (shadow) appeared, deriving from the aforementioned Pistis.

This paragraph kinda re-iterates the points it made, at least to the quick look. But it now draws another aspect of the beginning, and that's "The power that presides over the darkness". Notice how they mention that he does not preside over the shadow, but the darkness. This is, to my best guess, the First Ruler, or the demiurge. And the "Forces" are described as forces because this is how they exist. They themselves are a mockery of the real flow above, and existing in "The limitless chaos" makes them rulers over it because of what they are.

And thus, this describes the start of the flow of time. The first ruler doesn't understand yet that he is the shadow, and it's because Sophia created the veil that he exists, thus making him the shadow. More below

Then shadow perceived there was something mightier than it, and felt envy; and when it had become pregnant of its own accord, suddenly it engendered jealousy. Since that day, the principle of jealousy amongst all the eternal realms and their worlds has been apparent. Now as for that jealousy, it was found to be an abortion without any spirit in it. Like a shadow, it came into existence in a vast watery substance. Then the bile that had come into being out of the shadow was thrown into a part of chaos. Since that day, a watery substance has been apparent. And what sank within it flowed away, being visible in chaos: as with a woman giving birth to a child - all her superfluities flow out; just so, matter came into being out of shadow, and was projected apart. And it did not depart from chaos; rather, matter was in chaos, being in a part of it.

Ah, the first instance of chaos! Now we have a better description of the chaos, that it is essentially made of a watery substance (As if a rock could flow...:loco:). So Jealousy is something that flows with the waters, which is chaos, which is our general perception of time. From this we can establish a growing system, establishing that because it existed first, unless you can exist without it you will succumb to it. It is without spirit, meaning it was probably generated out of mindlessness and not a truly created object existing in the waters. But not only does it exist in the waters, it is the first component of the waters, the keystone of the entire system one might say.

We now have our first metaphysical object brought into existence :)

But one thing strikes me as peculiar. Chaos is unleashed from the shadow through jealousy, but inside the chaos there is matter. It came just as the flow of chaos came about, as if matter is a necessary component for the waters to exist. I don't know the full meaning of this, but any insight is helpful to figure it out. It could very well be that it gives structure for the flow to exist across, as if to create a physical Cartesian plane but in 3D.

And when these things had come to pass, then Pistis came and appeared over the matter of chaos, which had been expelled like an aborted fetus - since there was no spirit in it. For all of it (chaos) was limitless darkness and bottomless water. Now when Pistis saw what had resulted from her defect, she became disturbed. And the disturbance appeared, as a fearful product; it rushed to her in the chaos. She turned to it and blew into its face in the abyss, which is below all the heavens.

So Pistis comes forth to the darkness to see chaos in motion. Here is another instance of their kind of interactions, when she becomes disturbed by the lack of spirit in the chaos. She forces it out into the nothing that is the Abyss, the true darkness. Whether or not it is just a big gaping "nothing" or not remains to be seen. But now it established that the Abyss exists underneath all the heavens. This to my best guess signifies that a system only has a certain amount of Entropy (I think that's the appropriate term) and has to be contained within empty space. In other books, the heaven where the source exists is limitless in it's energy, but it could just be that the energy itself never dies out and recycles itself.

8 is a perfect number to establish this fact, the cycle of natural energy back and forth, back and forth. Ironically, "Running With The Devil" is causing one of those "twitches" I mentioned earlier in the thread, in my left thigh and calf, right now.

And when Pistis Sophia desired to cause the thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and to rule over matter and over all her forces, there appeared for the first time a ruler, out of the waters, lion-like in appearance, androgynous, having great authority within him, and ignorant of whence he had come into being. Now when Pistis Sophia saw him moving about in the depth of the waters, she said to him, "Child, pass through to here," whose equivalent is 'yalda baoth'.

So the next instance of chaos becomes the true first ruler. This is the conscious effort of bringing light into chaos to give it spirit, and while the first thing that is spiritless still exists (Jealousy), you could very well say that it's "water under the bridge". This one is the child of Jealousy and Spirit mingled together, and probably because of the mingling that prevents him from being jealous temporarily. Because only he exists (To his ignorant knowledge) he is not jealous, but he is made of jealousy.

This also illuminates that his name is Yaldabaoth simply because she said it to him. He technically should have a name, so the first thing he heard would have been what he would have adopted. His ignorance to anything else existing probably gave him the idea, since he is in fact a child. More on this below:

Since that day, there appeared the principle of verbal expression, which reached the gods and the angels and mankind. And what came into being as a result of verbal expression, the gods and the angels and mankind finished. Now as for the ruler Yaltabaoth, he is ignorant of the force of Pistis: he did not see her face, rather he saw in the water the likeness that spoke with him. And because of that voice, he called himself 'Yaldabaoth'. But 'Ariael' is what the perfect call him, for he was like a lion. Now when he had come to have authority over matter, Pistis Sophia withdrew up to her light.

This basically says that because she told him to "pass through here" he came across physical matter. In his ignorance, he did not know it existed. He doesn't even know his own mother existed, but saw her likeness in the waters as a reflection, as well as her voice, which is what draws him into the physical world. It doesn't directly say it, but I feel like he was drawn to it because of his magnetism, opposites attract. It's just that natural feeling of desire that pulled him towards it.

The first part basically talks about the end of time, that the possible entropy that could exist in (Or for, if the meaning I'm using the term for is correct) the system of verbal expression would be "finished", or have reached a point where it cannot possibly expand any further.

Next, the ruler had a thought - consistent with his nature - and by means of verbal expression he created an androgyne. He opened his mouth and cooed to him. When his eyes had been opened, he looked at his father, and he said to him, "Eee!" Then his father called him Eee-a-o ('Yao'). Next he created the second son. He cooed to him. And he opened his eyes and said to his father, "Eh!" His father called him 'Eloai'. Next, he created the third son. He cooed to him. And he opened his eyes and said to his father, "Asss!" His father called him 'Astaphaios'. These are the three sons of their father.

Consistent with his nature (Being "spiritish" and all), he had a thought because he had a mind. Being androgynous he was able to create something limited to his own likeness, that being androgynous, and created a son. Randomness being a natural part of chaos, the son responds randomly, and because of how Yaldabaoth was named, he names his son accordingly. He is naturally bound by the rules of chaos in this manner, as are all things created. When he creates his next 2 sons, he knows naturally that they are not the same unit of existence so he changes it up a bit, giving them different names for reasons noted below.

If I may, I think it's evident throughout this text that, though it may not be said, we can see things operating on a logical flow. For things to have different nature, they must be created out of the chaos. When they're created they contain the nature of their father, and will naturally grow off of it.

Seven appeared in chaos, androgynous. They have their masculine names and their feminine names. The feminine name is Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, which is 'week'.
And his son is called Yao: his feminine name is Lordship.
Sabaoth: his feminine name is Deity.
Adonaios: his feminine name is Kingship.
Elaios: his feminine name is Jealousy.
Oraios: his feminine name is Wealth.
And Astaphaios: his feminine name is Sophia (Wisdom).

These are the seven forces of the seven heavens of chaos. And they were born androgynous, consistent with the immortal pattern that existed before them, according to the wish of Pistis: so that the likeness of what had existed since the beginning might reign to the end. You will find the effect of these names and the force of the male entities in the Archangelic (Book) of the Prophet Moses, and the names of the female entities in the first Book of Noraia.

Remember how I was saying as a stream you know your own nature? Well, this is the grand result of her forethought, as she knew he would do these things because of his nature and the nature of chaos.

Female and Male cohesiveness is important in relation to being able to exist as a unified being. As I have never read the Archangelic book of the Prophet Moses, nor the first Book of Noraia, I'm at a loss. Perhaps it is purely for the act of creation, and that symbolizes being androgynous. As in the holy heaven, things produce androgynously because they consider themselves as one unit. Perhaps envisioning, as they are streams existing in the waters, a double helix might help in understanding that nature.

Actually, I'm beginning to wonder about the word length maximum on these forums so for now, I think that should appease whatever interest you had for now, if only to spark more. I'll stop if this was too incomprehensible for you.
You're even more gullible than I thought. Why do you insist on wasting your time trying to convince us you're not crazy?
I'll stop if this was too incomprehensible for you.
You probably should. Your thoughts are so much more advanced and better put together than the rest of us, there's no way our little tiny pea brains can even comprehend the logic you're trying to enlighten us too.

Good effort though, at least you tried. We've obviously got a long ways to go and lots of learning and understanding to do before we figure everything out like you have in your long 22 years of life.
Pff. You ignorant cockblock, Anvil. You didn't even read the shit, so shut your fool mouth.
Hmm. Perhaps my anger misleads me. But say you're not lying, what do you really have to say? That it doesn't make sense, or that you don't believe it?

By the way, long time ago I could have had you killed for saying the Earth isn't flat. Funny how the truth just kinda meshes into reality like that over time. So on the same principle, perhaps I am being killed in the process?
I'm not going away, my friend. I don't give up on people, and maybe one day you'll understand that as a good thing, not just because it's for me but because doing so for yourself is worthwhile.
Nobody understands your bullshit. You're only irritating yourself and trolling us at this point. Why can't you leave us alone and let us think for ourselves?
Because you don't seem (Ironically) to want to. And that bothers me because the commandment is Rise. Nothing else.
Well that fuckin sucks for you then man. You can't force us to listen to your garbage, even if you think it's the opposite of that.

besides, most of us already HAVE thought about this crap already. Seriously man, you're only 22 and most of the people you're talking to here are a lot older and have (believe it or not) experienced much more than you.

Just hang out man and talk about the randomness this forum delivers. You're really getting under everyone's skin with this far-fetched horseshit that none of us care about. That's the way it is, you need to learn how to deal with that.

Unless you enjoy arguing... if that's the case, carry on. But be prepared more of what's already happening. You talking, us telling you to shut the fuck up already.