The Opeth Sound

yes, i like it too. you got some nice contrasts in it. this one acoustic part in the middle of the song, the one which is a bit faster, reminded me a lot of one of my own... but thats cool. And the song doesn't remind me too much of any other band, maybe here and there opeth, but that can be illusion, as I expected it to be like that when i saw it being posted in this forum.

whatever. cool song. :headbang:
cool song man! I don't mean to try and hijack the thread, but opeth were a big influence for my band, and I think we sound like them quite alot. Sorry if it looks like i'm spamming, I just want to know what other Opeth fans think of our music, while we're on this subject - - this is probably the band's favourite song, and probably most Opeth like. The rest of the songs are in my sig (if you have that kind of patience!)...but I think we all agree we're not too big on track 1, so thats a skipper ;)

it would be cool to hear your thoughts
Sounded fucking good man, keep it up!!! It does remind me a lot of Opeth, but that's never a truly bad thing unless all of your songs are like this.
Yeah, well you did a good job fooling some people it seems :). I have to give that to you, they're pretty organic sounding drum samples... the biggest downfall in that recording was doing alot of those hi-hat taps in sequence without varying the sample... that's the part that really gave it away.

The song is pretty cool too.
not too bad, my only problem with it was the lack of ingenuity, it sounded kinda like an arrangement of sounds from other bands.
Leads were pretty weak too and some parts seemed a tad out of place. The vocals and heavy riffs kept it afloat. I'm fond of that Zyklon/Vader sort of sound the mixture of the guitars and that vocalist can create. Fairly powerful.